Village of Corinth

Update from the Mayor
Fire Dept
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Zoning Board
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Village Minutes & Reports
Budget 2024-2025
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Forms and Applications
Grant Opportunities
American Disability Act Information
Policies & Proposals
Annual Water Report




Village Residents,

The long winter is finally over and we are sure everyone will agree that an equally long summer is in order. As you have probably already heard, the Hudson River Community Credit Union is purchasing part of the IP property and will be building a 2.8 million dollar operations center. We are fortunate that HRCCU has decided to build this expansion in our Village which will bring some jobs and much needed investment to our community. We applaud the HRCCU Board of Directors and CEO Sue Commanda for their decision to expand their operations here and look forward to more good news as IP readies the rest of their property for marketing and potential development.

Last fall, the Joint Village & Town Shared Services and Dissolution Study Committee issued a report on their findings after more than a year of study and analysis of Village and Town Government. Their recommendation was that the Village not dissolve, but that the Village and Town continue to explore and expand their efforts to share services with the Town of Corinth and other neighboring municipalities. The Village Board has been studying the report in detail and will soon decide whether to accept the committee’s recommendations as written or to consider putting the issue up for a referendum vote at a future date to be determined.  You can view the report in its entirety on our website along with the committee’s letters to the Village Board at

We are happy to report that the Village was approved for another $300,000 round of funding for the HOME Grant which gives our lower income residents the opportunity to apply for up to $25,000 for repairs and updating of their homes. This is a great program and this is our third award since 2007.  We will be applying for another round of funding as demand from our residents has been strong. We have been able to repair and update 31 of our residents’ homes with this important grant and thank Senator Farley and Assemblywoman Theresa Sayward for their crucial support which has made this possible.

The new water filtration plant that has been mandated by NYS Dept of Health is still waiting on their final approvals of our submitted engineered plans. It is anticipated that construction will begin sometime later this year.

We have applied to the Environmental Funding Corporation to be granted hardship status for low interest funding which, if successful, will allow the Village to rebuild more of our water and sewer infrastructure, streets and sidewalks within our Village. Right now we are approved by the USDA for a loan at 2.665% interest, but are hoping to be determined eligible for 0% funding. At the top of our list would be total rebuilding of Walnut Street and portions of Oak Street. We will let you know as soon as we receive official notification.

We are happy to report that, thanks to the hard work and fiscal responsibility of our Village Department Heads in the Corinth Fire Department, Department of Public Works and Clerk-Treasurer office, we are for the second year in a row able to offer another reduction in Village Tax Rates. This is a great accomplishment as we struggle with rising health insurance costs and unfunded state mandates.

Our board wishes all of you a great summer!

Brad Winslow, Mayor