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Message from the Mayor



On Wednesday December 7th, a meeting between officials from the Town, Village, Corinth Central Schools & Philmet was held at the offices of the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation in Saratoga Springs.  The Village of Corinth was represented by Mayor Brad Winslow, Trustee Melanie Denno, and Treasurer William Fuller. The Town of Corinth was represented by Supervisor Richard Lucia and Councilman Charles Brown. Corinth Central Schools was represented by Superintendent Matthew Breitenbach, and Business Administrator Margaret Foote. Ken Green, Jack Kelley, and Shelby Schneidre from SEDC were present, along with Arnie Will from the NYS Economic Development Corporation. Samuel Meth, Murry Heustein, and Jacob Deutsch of Philmet and their attorney Ed Burnbaum were present. A summary of the discussion is as follows:


  1. Philmet wants to create an industrial park with multiple tenants.
  2. No decisions have been made as to what companies would comprise the industrial park.
  3. Philmet wants to work with the community leaders to determine what types of industry would be acceptable in Corinth.
  4. An energy component in the industrial park is a priority, and Philmet has had discussions with prospective companies, but no decisions have been made nor have governmental permits been applied for. 
  5. It is costing Philmet about $150,000 a month in expenses to keep this property idle. Philmet wants to develop the property, but could remarket the property if development proves not to be viable.
  6. We suggested to Philmet that a citizens advisory board as well as input from community leaders might be useful in helping  Philmet create a successful industrial park.
  7. Philmet is not working with nor do they have any connections with American-Ref Fuels.


No decisions were made at this meeting. I found Philmet’s representatives to be very forthcoming and appeared sincere in their desire to have a good relationship with us. Philmet representatives at this meeting sought our advice and promised to work closely with the Town,Village and Schools to make this project work and said there will be no surprises. We will continue our dialogue with Philmet to achieve desirable development in our community.


Sincerely yours,

Brad Winslow, Mayor