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Village Board Minutes January 6, 2025 (40) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held January 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Clark, Trustee Kirchhoff & Trustee Stollery were present. Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Clark, approved minutes of December 16,
2024 regular meeting as typed. CORRESPONDENCE Richard Carpenter, 6 Liberty St, submitted additional documentation regarding his water leak proving the leak was under the home & did not enter the sewer system. Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Kirchhoff, approved forgiveness of $853.15
in sewer overages on the third quarter billing for Richard Carpenter, 6 Liberty
St. The Board acknowledged a letter from John Coltrain, 10 West Walnut St, requesting sewer overage charges be waived on his fourth quarter bill. On the advice of the Attorney the board will consider the request after the fourth quarter billing is issued. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS (AGENDA ITEMS ONLY) Josh Lytle, Main St, suggested the Board consider setting more than one polling place for the upcoming Special Election. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK-TREASURER Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 1/6/2025 read & filed. Motion by
Trustee Kirchhoff, seconded by Trustee Bedell, approved payment of abstract #14
in the amount of: Payroll $45,611.69 (#0614-0616); General $74,996.02
(#0617-0666; 0670; 0680-0686), Water $5,254.34 (#0667-0670; 0677; 0681; 0683;
0685-0686); Sewer $56,680.23 (#0671-0677; 0680-0681; 0683; 0685-0686); and
Capital Projects$39,672.11 (#0678-0679). Resolution #39 approved, budget transfer. FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Kelley was present, report for December 2024 read & filed. Chief Kelley stated the Department answered 309 calls in 2024; usual volume is 220 -240 per year. DPW/WATER/WWTP Supt Lozier was present, report for December 2024 read & filed. Supt Lozier stated that a business owner on Palmer Ave has been blowing salt & sand off the sidewalks in front of his business after the DPW applies it, potentiallycreating a dangerous condition. Supt Lozier informed the Board that the charcoal in the odor control unit at WWTP has reached the end of its lifecycle. Supt Lozier & Head Operator Holmes are getting information on replacement, but the system is currently bypassed. The Board agreed to revisit the issue if necessary. BUILDING INSPECTOR Insp Hepner was excused, report for 1/6/2025 filed. OLD BUSINESS none. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #40 approved, setting Village Hall, 244 Main Street, as polling place for March 18,2025 Special Election with polls open 12:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Resolution #41 approved, authorize mayoral signature on Kubricky Change Order #6 for the Palmer Ave Project decrease of $200,411.98 for a total project cost of $8,319,939.88. Resolution #42 approved, rescinding Resolution #38 hiring Mark LaPoint as Crossing Guard. WWTP Head Operator Gary Holmes requested three quotes to replace forklift batteries and received two: Tri-Lift Inc $7,965.00 and Thompson & Johnson $7,100.00. Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Kirchhoff, approved purchase of forklift
batteries from Thompson & Johnson for $7,100. The Board discussed a written agreement to allow DPW to complete pickups from South Glens Falls on behalf of the Food Pantry. The agreement requires the Food Pantry adding the Village as additional insured on their insurance as the pickups would not be a municipal function. The Board decided to forward the agreement to the Food Pantry for their approval before authorizing mayoral signature. The Board discussed Local Law 1 of 2025 Handicap Parking on Oak St and asked Supt Lozier & Village Atty to make changes to include two parking spots. The Board reviewed a bid packet for gear lockers for the Fire Department. Chief Kelley requested time for more measurements to finalize the specifications. Chief Kelley received the following quotes for equipment dryers for the Firehouse: Garrison $22,330; Heiman Fire Equipment $12,180.73; and Darley $9,950. The following quotes were received for a washer/extractor: Garrison $7,730; Fire Penny $7,649.95; and Darley $6,600. Trustee Clark recused himself from the equipment discussion as a member of the Fire Department. Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Kirchhoff, approved purchase of a
washer/extractor from Darley for $6,600. Mayor Miller recused himself from the discussion of hiring Dennis LaBrake as a Crossing Guard because Mr. LaBrake is his son-in-law. Resolution #43 approved, hiring Dennis LaBrake as a part-time Crossing Guard at $18 per hour. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS John Tangora, Wall St, spoke to the Board regarding changing water/sewer billing structure, reading meters more frequently, enforcing the Nuisance Property law, making Code Enforcement a full-time position, cutting taxes without lessening public safety spending, creating a Fire District, refusing to allow non-profits in the Village unless they pay taxes or provide jobs, requiring the Rise apartments to pay part of the Special Protection contract with the Sheriff Department, extending water service in the Town, and limiting salary and benefit increases for employees. Mr. Tangora also encouraged the Board to do more to control taxes, cut expenses, ensure Village monies are properly invested and gain more returns, and to bring in an outside company to monitor finances aside from the current yearly independent single audit. Jason Petrovitch, Pine St, asked about progress on the website update; Trustee Bedell is waiting for another quote. Mr. Petrovitch also asked if there was a solution to the Rise building entrance issues; Supt Lozier stated striping the road this spring should help. Mr. Petrovitch inquired about a prospective buyer for International Paper property and requested the Board review the Zoning laws to protect residents. Jennifer Kietzman, Pine St, asked if Trustee Kirchhoff is running for his current seat this March& was told he plans to. Ms. Kietzman asked about junk car enforcement, spoke of the Town of Moreau zoning revisions and asked the Board to look into possible revisions to Village Zoning. Ms. Kietzman also asked if Main Street reconstruction would begin in 2025, the mayor stated Heath St & Hill Ave will be addressed in 2026 and then Main St, if funded, would follow. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Stollery thanked Hudson River Credit Union for sponsoring Santa Claus visit for Hometown Christmas. Mayor Miller stated the Grant Project Steering Committee will be meeting January 7; he has spoken with the Sheriff about providing current reports; and thanked the DPW for the maintenance of the streets and sidewalks this winter. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee
Stollery, that Board adjourn, 7:36 PM. Nicole M. Colson
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