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Village Board Minutes

September 16, 2024 (24)

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held September 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave.

Mayor Miller called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Clark, Trustee Kirchhoff & Trustee Stollery were present.




CLERK-TREASURER – Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 9/16/2024 read & filed.

Motion by Trustee Kirchhoff, seconded by Trustee Bedell, approved payment of abstract #7 in the amount of: Payroll $46,901.50 (#0270); General $74,535.60 (#0271-0300; 0305-0309); Water $6,528.55 (#0300-0306; 0308-0309); and Sewer $1,036.02 (#0300; 0305-0306; 0308-0309).
Carried – 4 – 0

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present.

Chief Kelley reported on the Fire Department’s participation int the Spier Falls Dam fire, the Department spent 7 hours on scene and pumped over one million gallons assisting the effort.  Chief Kelley expressed appreciation for the assistance of the Hadley-Luzerne, Porter Corners, Greenfield and Maple Avenue Fire Departments at a three-car vehicle accident on Rte. 9N.

Chief Kelley also thanked the DPW for blacktopping the loading zone at the Firehouse.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present.

The representative from the DEC toured the Reservoir Property to assess storm clean-up and was satisfied with the actions taken by the DPW crew and the chipping of the downed trees into the forest.

Supt Lozier updated the Board on the curbing & sidewalk schedule for Palmer Ave, Gobel Ave and Center St.  Mayor Miller asked Don Rhodes to get a price from Kubricky on temporary blacktopping the Main St intersection.  Mr. Rhodes will get a quote but also suggested requiring Kubricky to fill the section every day.

Mayor Miller asked the status of the winter plan for the WWTP reed beds.  Mr. Rhodes stated the beds will not be planted this year and recommended they be kept watered until temperatures drop and dried out in the spring for planting.

BUILDING DEPARTMENT – Insp Hepner was excused, report for 9/16/2024 filed.

Mayor Miller will request Insp Hepner investigate overgrown weeds and a deteriorating building at 205 Pine St.



The Board discussed a special event application for the Image Committee to hold a Fall Festival at Jessup’s Landing Community Park October 12, 2024 with a rain date of October 13, 2024.

Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, declined to provide DPW staffing for the Fall Festival and approved other items in the Image Committee request as follows:

·        Use of Jessup’s Landing Park on October 12, 2024 (October 13 rain date)

·        Bathrooms will be open for use

·        Power will be accessible

·        Fire Siren will be deactivated 11 AM – 5PM

·        Vendor license fees and applications are required & must be submitted to the Village Hall no later than 5PM Thursday October 3rdfees for nonprofits may be waived at the mayor’s discretion.

A hold-harmless agreement will be signed by the Image Committee and an insurance certificate will be required.  A few garbage containers will be provided by the Village; a dumpster will be provided at Village expense with Image Committee members and vendorsresponsible for collecting trash and depositing it in the dumpster.
Carried – 4 – 0

Resolution #28 approved, rescinded Resolution #27 hiring Nichole Harney as Crossing Guard, job declined.

The Board tabled the proposed Sheriff contract to negotiate pricing.

The Board discussed a proposal from Laberge Group for a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and required easements for the Hill St and Hill Avenue Improvement Project.The initial design proposal did not include a full SWPPP.  It has since been determined the full SWPPP will be necessary because the total area of disturbance will exceed the one-acre threshold set by DEC.  Easements are necessary to correct existing issues with sidewalks and stormwater piping on private property.  Atty Buettner stated drafting and filing the executed agreements can be completed under the current retainer agreement.

Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Kirchhoff, approved mayoral signature on Laberge proposal for a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and required easements for the Hill St and Hill Avenue Improvement Project at the cost of $11,500 plus expenses.
Carried – 4 – 0

The Board discussedplanning required for a future joint Town and Village NYS grant application for Downtown Revitalization.  Board consensus was for the Village to take the lead by issuing an RFP (Request for Proposals) to select a firm to assist with a strategic plan for the Village.  The Board also stated they will continue to send Village representatives to joint Town/Village/School meeting to discuss potential grant opportunities.

The Corinth Youth Commission has expressed interest in having a youth educational program regarding the Hudson River at the Village Beach on September 28, 2024.

Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Clark, approved use of the Village Beach and access to the bathrooms for the proposed educational presentation by the Youth Commission on September 28, 2024 upon receipt of a special event application, certificate of insurance, and signed hold-harmless agreement.
Carried – 4 – 0


Jennifer Kietzman, Pine St, stated the ADK Gateway 8 Challenge has begun, details can be found at and fliers will be available at the Fall Festival.  Ms. Kietzman also stated the registration booth for the Reservoir Property is ready to be picked up by the DPW.  DPW will add a registration book.  Ms. Kietzman asked about the Saratoga County Trails grant & Mayor Miller stated he was told the Village’s request was awarded.  No award letter has been received at this time.

Jim Murray, Center St, stated the lighted signs at the Main St/Eggleston St three-way stop appear to be working well.

Jennifer Michelle, Locust Ridge, stated the new sign marking the pollinator garden at the Beach appears to be sparking interest and stated she will perform necessary clean-up of the garden this spring.


Trustee Stollery inquired if the fire siren decibels can be reduced; it cannot.

Mayor Miller stated the Palmer Ave detour is causing traffic congestion at the Main St/ Walnut St intersection and he will speak with the Sheriff about providing traffic control.  Mayor Miller also stated recent information received from the Sheriff Department showed August 4 PM – midnight shift incidents and arrests are down 46% from 2023, arrests are down 16%, new warrants up 42% and traffic violations are down 18%.


Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, that Board adjourn, 7:48 PM.
Carried – 4 – 0

Nicole M. Colson