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Village Board Minutes

June 3, 2024 (1)

A public hearing & regular meeting of the Village Board was held June 3, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave.

Mayor Miller called the meeting to order &led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Clark & Trustee Stollery were present.  Trustee Kirchhoff was excused.

A public hearing as published in The Post Star on May 25, 2024 was held at 6:30 PM regarding proposed Local Law 2 of 2024 amending Chapter 467 “Vehicles and Traffic” Article VII “Schedules”, “Section 467-49 Schedule XIII: No Parking Any Time” to prohibit parking on the north side of Mallery Street from the intersection with Main St heading west 585 feet.


Louise Kirkpatrick, Dunn Ave, asked why parking on the street is a problem.  The Board explained it reduces the traffic lane to one car width which causes a hazard and could reduce emergency vehicle access.  There is adequate off-street parking for all residences on the street.

With no further comment from the public, Mayor Miller closed the public hearing at 6:34 PM.

Nicole M. Colson

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held June 3, 2024 at 6:34 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave.

Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, approved minutes of special meeting May 15, 2024 and regular meeting May 20, 2024 as typed.
Carried – 3 – 0


Jennifer Kietzman addressed the Board regarding the ADK Gateway 8 Challenge.  The challenge is expected to kick off July 6, 2024 and includes 10 hikes, 4 bike rides and 4 kayak paddles throughout Saratoga and Warren Counties including a hike at the Reservoir Property.  Ms. Kietzman has purchased a hiking registry booth with grant funds received from the County for the hiking challenge.  Ms. Kietzman reiterated requests for a volunteer trail clean-up crew, formal discontinuance of the DEC Cooperative agreement, and additional trail markers.  The Board instructed DPW to install the registry upon its arrival and stated they will look into volunteers and the DEC agreement.  Atty Buettner provided the Board with documentation.  Ms. Kietzman will send Clerk-Treas Colson any sign and trail marker quotes she receives.  There will be a registration table for the challenge at the Image Committee’s Summer Festival on the football field.


Mayor Miller thanked Maureen Bogle & Barbara Telasky for their donation to the Village flower planting in memory of their mother, Betty Bogle.



CLERK-TREASURER – Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 6/3/2024 read & filed.

National Grid has issued an incentive check for the LED lighting replacement in the amount of $16,010.

Motion by Trustee Clark, seconded by Trustee Stollery, approved payment of abstract #25 in the amount of: Payroll $51,020.74 (#1138-1139); General $69,288.20 (#1140-1167; 1175-1179); Water $8,081.17 (#1168-1169; 1176-1177; 1179); Sewer $8,606.36 (#1166-1167; 1170-1173; 1175-1179); and Capital Projects $398,781.49 (#1174).
Carried – 3 – 0

Resolution #1 approved, budget transfers for the 2023/2024 budget.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was excused.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for May 2024 read & filed.

DPW has begun weekly mowing and trimming, leaf & brush are picked up daily, and storm sewers cleared.  DPW also inspected the reservoir trails four times in the month of May.Palmer Avenue & Gobel Ave sewer lines have been installed, water lines on Gobel Ave are currently being disinfected.  Kubricky is currently ahead of their original construction schedule.  At the water plant the SCADA back-up will be installed and the flow meters have been calibrated.  Waste Water Plant reed beds growing and doing well.

Mayor Miller thanked Supt Lozier for a great job maintaining the Beach, Pagenstecher and Pitkin Parks and asked him to commend the crew for their work.

BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner was present, report for 6/3/2024 read & filed.

Mayor Miller read the Sheriff’s report for the month of May which included 64 calls for Troopers and the Sheriff between 4 PM – midnight, down from 76 in 2023.  There were 7 traffic violations and 118 calls during all shifts.  The mayor stated that he is working on a new Special Protection contract.



The Board considered Local Law 2 of 2024,declared little or small impact under SEQR and issued a Negative Declaration.

Resolution #2 approved, adoption of Local Law 2 of 2024 amending “Vehicles and Traffic” to prohibit parking on the north side of Mallery St from the intersection with Main St for 585 feet heading west.

The Board discussed the provision of water to a new subdivision in the Town of Corinth Water District.  The Board consensus was to reduce the service connection fee since the developer ran the water lines to all 38 lots, DPW is still responsible for meter installation and inspection.  The Board directed Atty Buettner as to what information will be needed in the resolution and tabled the matter for a special meeting to be held Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse.

Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Clark, approved the Corinth High School Graduation Parade in the Village immediately following the graduation ceremony at 6:30 PM, June 26, 2024 with rain dates of June 25 and June 27.
Carried – 3 – 0

Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, authorized mayoral signature on 2025 Fire Protection Contract with the Town for $513,000.
Carried – 3 – 0

SEQRA Resolution and Water/Sewer Bond resolutions for Heath St, Hill Ave, Main St, and Sherman Ave Reconstruction were tabled for the June 13, 2024 special Board meeting to comply with SEQR timelines.

Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, authorized mayoral signature on contract addendum with Laberge to prepare Grant applications, SRLF applications and complete an environmental review record for the proposed Heath St, Hill Ave, Main St & Sherman Ave infrastructure project; $20,500 plus expenses.
Carried – 3 – 0

Resolution #3 approved, authorize mayoral signature on 2024/2025 tax warrant: $1,956,313.74.

The Board discussed a possible application to the Saratoga County Trails Grant Program for trail markers and signage.  Ms. Kietzman will be providing the Village with the quotes she receives and the Board will consider an application at the June 17 meeting.  Application deadline is June 28, 2024.


Kendra Schieber, Overlook Dr, asked if the proposed infrastructure project for Heath St and Hill Ave would include Overlook Dr.  It will not, Supt Lozier indicated Overlook Dr would be a project the DPW could complete.  Ms. Schieber also requested the Board consider adding a boardwalk to the Reservoir Property near the footbridges.

Jim Murray, Center St, requested the Board prioritize making the Upper Reservoir handicap accessible.  Mr. Murray also spoke regarding the NYS Property Maintenance Code.

Jason Petrovitch, Pine St, asked about the status of website updates.

Bill Fuller, Oak St, commented that the water/sewer charges and taxes were reasonable for the services provided and stated Village residents are fortunate.  Mr. Fuller commended Village employees, especially Supt Lozier for the well-maintained streets & sidewalks and leaf & brush pick-up.  Mr. Fuller also spoke of the value of the Fire Department and the garbage pick-up.

Louise Kirkpatrick, Dunn Ave, thanked Insp Hepner for the clean-up on Oak St properties, but stated more fines should be levied to hold landlords responsible for their properties.

Jason Petrovitch, Pine St, questioned the points structure for fines.  The full schedule isavailable in the Village Code online.

Jennifer Kietzman, Pine St, and Louise Kirkpatrick, Dunn Ave, questioned the timeline of demolition of the condemned house on Pine St.

Mike McKelligott, Oak St, questioned the status of a camper trailer parked on Plamer Ave.  Insp Hepner will address the issue.



Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, that Board adjourn, 8:32 PM.
Carried – 3 – 0

Nicole M. Colson