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Village Board Minutes

May 15, 2024 (68)

A special meeting of the Village Board was held May 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave.

Mayor Miller called the meeting to order &led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Clark & Trustee Stollery were present.  Trustee Bedell arrived at 6:14 PM.  Trustee Kirchhoff was excused.
Also Present: Supt Lozier


Don Rhodes & Chris Wren, Laberge Group, addressed the Board regarding infrastructure needs in the Village.  A study currently underway has identified Main St, Sherman Ave, Heath St and Hill Ave as high priority infrastructure projects.  Heath St has an old sewer with brick manholes which might be able to be lined without replacement.  Hill Ave has a sewer of close to the same age as HeathSt and significant water issues.  Hill St has a dead end water line and one copper service shared by all residents.  Remediation would include installing a new water line to create a loop.  Both streets are currently in violation of the Ten NYS Standards.

Main St has a water quality issue from the traffic light south.  There is currently an 8-inch water main north of the traffic signal which could be put into service to alleviate the water issues of the 4-inch service connections.  The 4-inch water main also currently runs under private property.  Sewer issues could possibly be alleviated by relining the current pipes. 

At 6:14 PM Trustee Bedell arrived.

Mr. Rhodes also discussed issues with the Sherman Ave water loop and the 4-inch water main that would be alleviated by running new piping on Sherman Ave to restore the loop without the main running under private property.

Supt Lozier informed the Board that the projects identified were, in his opinion, high priority and delaying projects always results in increased construction costs.  Once Heath St and Hill Ave are completed the entire east side of the Village will have newer water & sewer lines.  Replacement of lead sewer lines will be mandated by the State and if there are lead service connections on Main St we would be attaching to old mains.

Mr. Rhodes explained multiple avenues of financing the projects including scenarios for combining EFC Revolving Loan Funding, potential NYWIIA grant funds, CDBG co-funding and standard financing.  Mr. Rhodes also briefly discussed possible rate structures that will be further explored in the final report.

Resolution #93 approved, authorize mayor to execute and file an application with the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation for a Water Infrastructure Improvement Act (WIIA) grant for Heath St, Hill Ave, Main St, and Sherman Ave.

The Board also directed bond counsel to prepare a bond resolution for the project.


John Tangora, Wall St, thanked Supt Lozier for his work and stated he felt it was best not to delay the infrastructure projects and to move forward.  Mr. Tangora also asked about the Palmer Ave alley.  Supt Lozier stated Kubricky will repave a portion of the alley at their own cost.


Trustee Clark asked Mr. Rhodes for an update on Palmer Ave Project including why the IP railroad tracks across Palmer Ave were removed.  Mr. Rhodes stated that the project was definitely on schedule.  Mr. Rhodes also explained that IP had determined the tracks on Palmer Ave would need full replacement if they were to be used, in the current condition they would not support a train load.  IP agreed to have the tracks removed saving the Village restoration costs, there is an easement in place that IP or another owner can replace the tracks at their own cost.


Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, that Board adjourn, 7:47 PM.
Carried – 3 – 0

Nicole M. Colson