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Village Board Minutes

April 29, 2024 (64)

A special meeting of the Village Board was held April 29, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave.

Mayor Miller called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Clark, Trustee Kirchhoff & Trustee Stollery were present.

Clerk-Treas Colson outlined the mayor’s proposed changes to the tentative 2024/2025 budget.  These changes include  a reduction to Fire Dept budget line items of $60,008; a decreased Fire Equipment Reserve contribution of $100,000; a reduction to the Mayor’s Wage of $672; and increase to the Trustee Wage of $4,064; an increase to Crossing Guard Wages of $6,000; an increase to the Building Inspectors salary of $1,600; an increase to Youth Expenses of $5,000; a decrease of $140,099 in Bond Interest; and a decrease in WWTP Chemicals of $10,000.  On the revenue side a decrease of $47,394 in Real Property Rent and a projected fund balance expenditure of $193,338.

Proposed General Fund budget is $3,440,663 with a $5.93 per thousand tax rate.  Water Fund budget of $796,416 with a Minimum Value Charge (MVC) of $222 per year.  Sewer Fund budget of $873,843 with a MVC of $377 per year.


Jim Murray, Center St, asked if Center St rehab was still included in the budget; it is.

Jean Claude, Dunn Ave, and Maureen Kelly, Walnut St, questioned the decrease to mileage reimbursement.


Resolution #87 approved, adoption of the 2024/2025 proposed budget with changes as presented.


Louise Kirkpatrick, Dunn Ave, cited numerous properties in the Village with dumping or Code violations and asked the Board to make the Code stricter.  Mayor Miller stated Insp Hepner is working on numerous areas.

Jennifer Kietzman, Pine St, spoke about Planning Board authority to approve projects vs. Special Use Permits being granted by the Board of Trustees.

Jim Murray, Center St, spoke of need for Sheriff to enforce Village Codes under the Special Protection contract.

David Diehl, Oak St, questioned if the railway behind the former Baptist Church is still a railway; it is.

Dera Diehl, Oak St, stated if every Saratoga County municipality had a Special Protection contract with the Sheriff Dept there would be a need for more Deputies.

Mayor Miller stated the current Special Protection contract expires in May and he is speaking with the Sheriff.

Jason Petrovich, Pine St, stated he has seen progress with clean up of properties on Pine St and he appreciates the efforts.


Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Stollery, that Board adjourn, 6:56 PM.
Carried – 4 – 0

Nicole M. Colson