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Village Board Minutes March 20, 2024 (53) A public hearing & regular meeting of the Village Board was held March 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Pasquarell announced the resignation of Trustee Brown and appointed Tim Halliday as Deputy Mayor for the remainder of his term. Mayor Pasquarell called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Kelly were present. A public hearing as published in The Post Star on March 12, 2024 was held at 6:00 PM regarding proposed Local Law 1 of 2024 amending the Sewer Code to allow users to request adjustment of sewer rents and granting the Village Board the authority to make adjustments to the sewer billing. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Bob Hudak, Ash St, requested a change to the wording. Atty Matt McAuliffe stated it is grammatically correct as written. Terry Miller, Lemont Ave, asked if the resident can request a data read and if the intent of the law was to make it easier for the resident to contest bills. The Board responded that the Village Water Department can pull a 90-day data log upon request and that the law gives the Board the capability to adjust sewer charges billed for good cause. Previously the Sewer Code did not allow the Board to adjust rents as billed. With no further public input, Mayor Pasquarell closed the public hearing at 6:15 PM. Nicole M.
Colson A regular meeting of the Village Board was held March 20, 2024 at 6:15 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved minutes of the March 6,
2024 regular meeting. CORRESPONDENCE The Corinth Little League sent the Board members an invitation to their April 27th parade and flag raising ceremony. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS (AGENDA ITEMS ONLY) Jim Murray, Center St, and Bob Hudak, Ash St, had questions regarding the decanter arm purchase. Trustee Bedell & Don Rhodes explained the arm is in the sediment tank of the WWTP and the bearing burnt out when the sediment tank recently froze. The part was beyond its one-year warranty. Terry Miller, Lemont Ave, requested the Board table all New Business items on the agenda until the newly elected Board takes office. Mr. Miller’s request was supported by Mary Beth McCue, Dunn Ave, and John Tangora, Wall St. Dennis Morreale, Center St, Mary Ann Morreale, Center St, Jennifer Michelle, Locust Ridge, and Mike McKelligott, Oak St, all expressed support for the Board to conduct the business before them. Zachary Marcell, Hamilton Ave, asked if the items on the agenda were all ordinary business items & was told they are. Atty McAuliffe stated the current Board has authority to conduct all business on the agenda. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK-TREASURER – Clerk – Treas Colson was present, report for 3/20/2024 read & filed. Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved payment of abstract #20
in the amount of:Payroll $ 38,994.70
(#0929); General $ 62,300.69 (#0930-0964; 0978-0982); Water $6,180.85
(#0965-0970; 0978-0980); Sewer $2,963.60 (#0938-0939; 0971-0975; 0978-0980);
and Capital Projects $26,054.56 (#0976-0977). Clerk-Treas Colson read the results of the 2024 General Election as follows: James Clark & Deborah Towers-Stollery elected for four-year term trustee; Michael T. Bedell elected as two-year term Trustee; Terry Miller elected as Mayor. Proposition #1 for Serial Bonding up to $1.7 million: 62 Yes votes & 327 No votes. Supt Lozier has received a high bid of $16,700 through Auctions International for the Prinoth Sidewalk Plow. Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Kelly, authorized acceptance of Auction
International bid of $16,700 for 2015 Prinoth Snow Tractor with plow, snowblower
& sander. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner was present, report for 3/20/2024 read & filed. OLD BUSINESS – none. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #60 approved, negative declaration under SEQRA and adoption of Local Law 1 of 2024 amending Chapter 400, Sewers, of the Village Code to clarify billing processes with respect to adjustments. Clerk-Treas Colson presented the 2024-2025 Tentative Budget to the Board. The proposed tax rate is $5.93 per thousand, a $0.21 increase over last year; proposed water rents are $222 per year, a $16 decrease from last year; and proposed sewer rents are $381 per year, a $3 decrease from last year. The proposed Fire Protection Contract amount is $513,000, the same as last year. Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Bedell, approved publication of notice of
public hearing on the 2024/2025 Budget to be held April 3, 2024 at 6:00 PM in
the Firehouse. The proposed purchase of a John Deere loader from reserves received no petition for referendum. Resolution #61 approved, purchase of John Deere loader from United Construction & Forestry for $134,652 with the funds to be expended from DPW Equipment Reserves. Laberge Proposal for grant services was tabled. The Board considered a proposal from G&G Municipal Consulting for a Village-wide income survey. Don Rhodes, Laberge Group, spoke of the increased Median Household Income (MHI) reported by the 2021 American Community Survey as most likely being inaccurate. An accurate MHI greatly increases the chance of grant funding for infrastructure projects, including the current Palmer Ave project. He encouraged the Board to contract for the income survey to preserve future grant opportunities as well as increase chances of an expanded NYWIIA award for Palmer. Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved mayoral signature on
contract with G&G Municipal Consulting to provide a Village income survey
for $22,990 plus postage. Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved mayoral signature on
contract with Santore Fireworks/Night Sky Productions for Independence Day
& Hometown Christmas firework displays for $8,500 and $3,250 respectively. The Board tabled discussion of the Audit Engagement letter with CHS Wealth Management. Supt Lozier has received three quotes for the WWTP decanter arm bearing: Troy Belting $11,157.60; Troy Belting $5,900 for a rebuilt bearing; Nook Industries $7,385.30. Motion by
Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved purchase of decanter arm
bearing from Nook Industries for $7,385.30. The Board tabled discussion of the proposal from Laberge Group for sewer line installation at HRCCU Operations Center and the agreement with Hudson River Community Credit Union to reimburse the Village for associated costs and dedicate the line to the Village. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Terry Miller, Lemont Ave, questioned why the agenda listed no dollar amount for Laberge Group grant proposal. The proposal has a list of different fees for different grants for the Board’s consideration. Bob Hudak, Ash St, questioned why Clerk-Treas Colson did not provide him with a list of Village-only voters when he requested the list. Clerk-Treas Colson provided Mr. Hudak the list the County provided in 2022 which covered Districts 1-4, the County stated they could not provide it for Village-only voters. Louise Kirkpatrick, Dunn Ave, questioned the number of water/sewer units in the Rise building being only 60 units and stated it should be 61 to cover the office. Insp Hepner has not determined the number of water/sewer units at this time, 60 units were used for budgetary purposes. John Tangora, Wall St, questioned the hours worked by Clerk’s office full-time staff which is 34 hours per week. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Kelly thanked the Mayor for inviting her back to the Board for the past eight months and expressed appreciation for Trustees Bedell and Halliday. Trustee Kelly also thanked the staff at Village Hall and all Village Departments. Trustee Halliday expressed his appreciation for the hard work and difficult job done by the current Board and also Mayor Morreale. He stated how difficult dealing with the water & sewer issues has been, but replacing the infrastructure that in some cases was over 100 years old was the right thing to do for the community. Trustee Halliday also commented on his combined total of 27 years serving the community, starting with the School Board and his past 12 years with the Village, and thanked his wife Kate Halliday for her support through it all. Mayor Pasquarell stated he has enjoyed his 6 years with the Board and commended the Fire Department ,Village Hall, and DPW. The mayor also congratulated the new Board members and wished them luck. Mayor Pasquarell presented Trustee Halliday with a plaque of appreciation for his 12 years on the Village Board as Trustee and Deputy Mayor. ADJOURNMENT Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Halliday, that Board adjourn, 7:08 PM. Nicole M.
Colson |
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