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January 31, 2024 (41) A special meeting of the Village Board was held January 31, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Pasquarell called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Brown, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Kelly were present. Don Rhodes, Laberge Group, gave a presentation detailing the Village’s efforts to move Village Hall to a more suitable location and presented options that had been and are currently being considered. Mr. Rhodes pointed out no funds have yet been obligated, a letter of intent has been signed, no purchase agreement has been signed. Any purchase agreement would contain numerous contingencies regarding financing, appraisals, and inspections. The current Village Hall was donated to the Village in 2008 and minimal upgrades were made; the Village began exploring other options in 2019. The full presentation is available on the Village website. Rehabilitation of the current building is needed to gain ADA-compliant access to the basement record storage and second-floor offices as well as public access to handicap parking. Currently the building has a shared driveway and no handicap parking. The current building has no room for features mandated by NYS. A building feasibility study undertaken by Laberge Group in 2019 has evaluated rehabilitating the existing building, rehabilitating the former police building, constructing a new building, sharing a building with the Town of Corinth, and acquisition of a building to serve as Village Hall. Rehabilitating the former police department was determined to be infeasible because of the high cost and remote location. Building a new building was determined to be infeasible because of the high cost of acquiring property and new construction. A shared building with the Town was determined to be infeasible as the Town was planning an independent building. Acquiring 97 Main Street, formerly TD Bank, is being considered as it provides enough space for the Village Hall while offering accessibility by being one story. The drive-thru could be utilized and there is handicap parking. The building is also adjacent to current Village owned property of the sewer pump station and parking lot as well as the Beach. Revenue from the Post Office lease would help offset the debt payments and become a revenue stream. Estimated cost of the three main options available at this time are as follows: Renovate current Village Hall at an estimated cost of $1,500,000 with a projected annual debt payment of $117,000. Build a new Village Hall at an estimated cost of $2,430,000 with a projected annual debt payment of $190,000. Acquire and retrofit 97 Main Street at an estimated cost of $1,600,000 with a projected annual debt payment of $125,000 which may be reduced by an annual $48,000 post office lease. If the Board chooses an option and pursues bond financing the bonding would be subject to permissive referendum under NYS law. Atty Buettner outlined the legal steps to purchasing the building including a sale agreement with contingencies for due diligence of appraisals, inspections, etc. Municipal financing of the project would include a bond authorization with a resolution setting a length of time and maximum amount to be borrowed subject to permissive referendum. Residents wishing to send the matter to vote would need to file a petition with signatures of 20% of registered Village voters within 30 days from the date of the resolution. There is also an additional 20-day estoppel period to challenge the resolution as unconstitutional. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Members of the public that voiced opinions and asked questions regarding the project were: Toni Hall The following questions were asked by the public with answers provided by the Board, Don Rhodes, Clerk-Treas Colson and Atty Buettner. Q: What
about 97 Main Street structural engineering, environmental inspections, heat
source and flood zone status Q: Is
there a deadline for ADA compliance of the current Village Hall and how
extensive are the problems at the current building? Q: Are there grants available? What is the financial plan? Q: What is the Village’s current debt? Q: Why is 97 Main Street being considered
instead of used for retail space? Will
the Post Office still be on site? Q: Have the former Stewart’s building on the
corner of Main & River St, the dentist office on Palmer Ave, the Main
Street School or the downtown vacant properties on the corner of Main St &
Sherman been considered? Q: Can the Firehouse property be used for the
Village Hall as well? Has there been a
feasibility study to relocate the Firehouse? Q: If 97 Main Street is purchased how would
renovations be handled? Could local
contractors be hired? Q: What is
the difference in assessed value of the two buildings? Trustee Halliday addressed the public to state that the Board did not disclose the potential purchase of 97 Main Street until a price had been set to avoid any increases due to it being a municipal sale. The Board has planned to solicit public input from the very beginning of the process which is why the Letter of Intent sent to the property owner included numerous conditions and specifically included public participation. Motion by
Trustee Brown, seconded by Trustee Kelly, that Board adjourn, 7:58 PM. Nicole M.
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