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Village Board Minutes November 15, 2023 (29) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held November 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Pasquarell called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Brown, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Kelly were present. Motion by Trustee
Bedell, seconded by Trustee Brown, approved minutes of regular meeting November
1, 2023 as typed. CORRESPONDENCE NYS Homes & Community Renewal informed the Mayor of the Village’s selection for a $50,000 award through the Community Development Block Grant program for a Water/Sewer Capital Improvement Planning Study. Daniel Woroby, 426 Palmer Ave, wrote requesting installation of cement between his fence line and the new sidewalk. Supt Lozier stated the issue has been resolved. The Board discussed the letters requesting reduction of water charges. Trustee Halliday requested someone go over the data log reports with him, Supt Lozier will ask someone from the meter company, Ti-Sales, to address the questions. The Board tabled further discussion. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS (AGENDA ITEMS ONLY) John Tangora, 16 Wall Street, requested the Board review costs of quarterly water/sewer billing and consider moving all costs of Clerk’s office staff to the General Fund. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK-TREASURER – Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 11/15/2023 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Brown,
seconded by Trustee Bedell, approved abstract #12 in the amount of:Payroll $35,937.43 (#0475); General $67,766.20 (#0476-0513; 0517;
0519-0520); Water $4,359.18 (#0512; 0514; 0519-0520); Sewer $6,385.09 (#0496;
0512-0513; 0515-0517; 0519-0520); Capital Projects $35,067.83 (#0518); and HUD Housing $11,601.60 (CK#1426). Resolution #34 approved, budget transfers. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present. Resolution #34 approved, confirm Aaron Denton as a member of the Corinth Volunteer Fire Department. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for October 2023 read & filed. Supt Lozier stated that Palmer Ave would be paved over the next two days. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner was present, report for 11/15/2023 read & filed. Insp Hepner stated that the generator on Pine St should cease running this evening. OLD BUSINESS Atty Buettner informed the Board of the Vehicle & Traffic Code of Great Neck which authorizes installation of all necessary traffic control devices by resolution of the Board. Schedules are not part of the Code but maintained by the DPW Superintendent. The Board discussed and decided to pursue a full redrafting of the Vehicle & Traffic Code similar to that of Great Neck. Atty Buettner will prepare a draft for their review. Motion by Trustee Brown,
seconded by Trustee Kelly, rescinded the publication of public hearing to be
held December 6, 2023 regarding changes to the Village Code Chapter 467:
Vehicles and Traffic. NEW BUSINESS Casella Waste notified the Board they intend to move weekly garbage collection to Tuesday beginning Dec 12 instead of the previous Tuesday/Wednesday schedule. Motion by Trustee Kelly,
seconded by Trustee Bedell, approved change to Casella trash & recycling
contract to reflect one Village collection day on Tuesday each week beginning
December 12, 2023. PUBLIC COMMENT, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Eric Butler, Town of Corinth Supervisor, addressed the Board regarding the 2024 Fire Protection Contract stating his Board would refuse to sign it at the $600,515 amount. Supervisor Butler asked the Village Board to consider using an assessment-based model where Town and Village residents pay the same per thousand of assessment. Supervisor Butler also stated the Town Board would consider contracting with the Town of Greenfield Fire District instead of the Village if the amount of the contract was not lowered. Supervisor Butler also encouraged the Village to consider creating a Fire District. Mike Woodcock, Pine St., thanked Insp Hepner for resolving the generator issue on Pine St. Mr. Woodcock also encouraged the Village Board to consider creating a Fire District to make the expense of the Fire Department equal for both communities. Josh Halliday, Town Councilman, echoed Supervisor Butler’s comments and encouraged the Village Board to lower the Fire Contract amount. Andy Kelley, Hummel Road, also requested the Village create a Fire District to serve the Town and Village. John Davis, Greenfield Fire District Chief, gave his opinion that creation of a District was fairer to taxpayers and stated the Greenfield Department will cover the Town of Corinth if necessary. Atty Buettner clarified for those present that the Village has no authority under the law to create a Fire District and that the Town could create a Fire District for the Town outside the Village if they chose to. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Halliday stated he would consider lowering the contract amount if there was a multi-year agreement in place with an annual escalator. Trustee Halliday also spoke of his opposition to Fire Districts because the Commissioners are not held to any governmental oversight by the involved municipalities to protect taxpayers. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Pasquarell requested an executive session to discuss potential real estate purchase. Motion by Trustee Brown,
seconded by Trustee Kelly, that Board adjourn to executive session as requested
by Mayor Pasquarell above, 7:08 PM. At 7:35 PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Kelly,
seconded by Trustee Brown, that Board adjourn, 7:36 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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