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Village Board Minutes October 4, 2023 (21) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held October 4, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Pasquarell called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Brown, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Kelly were present. Motion by Trustee Bedell,
seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved minutes of regular meeting September 6,
2023 as typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Jennifer Kietzman addressed the Board regarding the “ADK Gateway 8 Hiking Challenge”. The event is scheduled for spring of 2024 and will focus on trails in Corinth and the surrounding Saratoga County and Warren County area. Participants completing all 8 hikes will receive a patch and decal. Ms. Kietzman has several local vendors offering assistance in setting up a website dedicated to the hike as well as supplying t-shirts and other items. Funding has been applied for through the Economic Development Grant and a small registration fee will be in place. Board members expressed their support of the event and DPW will work to prepare the trails for the event. CORRESPONDENCE Melissa Geary, Lincoln Mt Rd, invited Mayor Pasquarell to an Eagle Scout Ceremony for John Patrick Geary. Mayor Pasquarell was not able to attend but did call to offer his congratulations. Leo Demers, Wiley Way, wrote Mayor Pasquarell regarding areas needing attention on the Corinth Reservoir Property; the DPW will be evaluating the area. The Board tabled all letters requesting reductions in water/sewer bills until the authority of the Board and criteria for waiving fees could be evaluated under the Village Code. The letters will be discussed at the next meeting and no late fees will be charged on outstanding amounts on these accounts while the Board is evaluating the requests. PUBLIC QUESTIONS, COMMENTS & CONCERNS (AGENDA ITEMS ONLY) Mike McKelligott, Oak St, shared input on the amendments to the Garbage, Refuse & Recycling law. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 10/4/2023 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Halliday,
seconded by Trustee Brown, approved payment of abstract #8 in the amount of: Payroll
$34,466.85 (#0302); General $51,901.59
(#0303-0331; 0339); Water $7,139.44 (#0329-0330; 0332; 0339); and Sewer $335,172.45
(#0325; 0329-0331; 0333-0339). Motion by Trustee Bedell,
seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved payment of abstract #9 in the amount of:
Payroll $35,073.79 (#0340-0341); General $41,334.13 (#0342-0381; 0387-0389); Water
$2,100.06 (#0379-0382; 0388); Sewer $ 5,771.19 (#0378-0381; 0383-0385;
0387-0388); Capital Projects $18,620.00 (#00386);
and HUD Housing $46,880.00 (CK #1423). Resolution #27 approved, budget transfer. Clerk-Treas Colson pointed out that since access to the Firehouse for reserved events is now granted through key fob there is no justification for payments to the Firemen’s Association for their presence. The Board agreed to discontinue the payments. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for September 2023 read & filed. Chief Kelley stated 10 Corinth firefighters were participants in the recent search for Charlotte Sena. The Board expressed their appreciation for their efforts and their gratitude that the child was found. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for September 2023 read & filed. The Board discussed the decorative light poles downtown that are Village property, Supt Lozier stated some had damage to the photo sensors that will require an electrician to repair. Trustee Kelly thanked the DPW for their assistance with the Corinth Free Library wi-fi station. Trustee Brown requested Supt Lozier investigate & report on parking/no-parking areas on a portion of Hamilton Ave BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner was present, report for 10/4/2023 read & filed. OLD BUSINESS The Board has received the draft changes to the Garbage, Refuse & Recycling Code and will issue their comments to Atty Buettner before the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #28 approved, hire of Kevin Palmatier as MEO for the DPW with a start date of October 12, 2023; $24.95 per hour. The Board discussed the recent request by International Paper to modify the Leachate Treatment Agreement and reduce the Estimated Dwelling Use (EDU) designation from 160 to 120. Engineer Don Rhodes reminded the Board that the numbers used to determine the EDUs were based on numbers IP presented to the Village. If the Board decided to amend the agreement to reduce EDUs the costs associated with the treatment will shift to the residents. Motion by Trustee Brown,
seconded by Trustee Kelly, that the Board deny the International Paper (IP)
request to modify the current signed leachate
treatment agreement in effect and keep EDUs at 160. The Volunteer Firemen’s Association has purchased a 2023 Dodge Durango they chose to donate to the Village to be used as a Fire Chief vehicle. Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved acceptance of donation of 2023 Dodge Durango from the Volunteer Firemen’s Association, for use by the Corinth Fire Department. Carried – 3 aye – 0 no – 2 abstain Trustee Bedell – aye; Trustee Brown – abstain; Trustee Halliday – aye; Trustee Kelly – aye; Mayor Pasquarell – abstain Motion by Trustee Halliday,
seconded by Trustee Bedell, approved purchase of a solar radar speed sign from
Traffic Logix at the cost of $3,132. The Board will discuss making Eggleston St and Main St intersection an all-way stop at the next meeting after review of Atty Buettner’s memo on the topic. Engineer Don Rhodes also suggested the yield sign at River St and Palmer Ave be changed to a stop sign. Motion by Trustee Bedell,
seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved acceptance of quote for Enhanced Firefighter
Cancer Coverage from Hartford Life & Accident Insurance Company at the estimated
2024 premium of $7,393.98. Motion by Trustee Brown,
seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved an event application by Jessie Millington for
a craft and vendor fair at the Firehouse October 21, 2023 from 11:00 AM – 3:00
PM and required one vendor’s permit to be applied for by Ms. Millington to
cover the event. Resolution #29 approved, declaration of 9/29/2023 as “Riverhawks Day” in the Village of Corinth. Supt Lozier has obtained the following three quotes for planter blocks to complete the planters at the Beach and JLP entrance: Northern Nurseries $8,472.70; Saratoga Masonry $10,427.43; and Duke Concrete $12,018.82. Motion by Trustee Halliday,
seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved purchase of planter block from Northern
Nurseries in the amount of $8,472.70. Truste Halliday inquired about repairs to the Firehouse solar blocks, Supt Lozier stated quotes for repair would need to be solicited in the spring. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jennifer Michelle, Locust Ridge, suggested the upcoming LED streetlighting project include the lowest wattage available to minimize light pollution. Ms. Michelle also thanked Mayor Pasquarell for discussing pesticide application on Village properties and proposed areas such as the Corinth School hill on Palmer Avenue be filled with beneficial plantings that would reduce mowing, attract birds and pollinators, and become a local attraction for school excursions and other visitors. Jennifer Kietzman, Pine St, asked if landlords are notified of police activity at rental properties. Mayor Pasquarell will inquire with the Sheriff. Mike McKelligott, Oak St, suggested the Board consider timed flashing lights at the Main St/ Eggleston St intersection during school dismissal to alert motorists to the bus traffic. Jason Petrovich, Pine St, inquired about proposed tree planting on Palmer Avenue and was informed the plantings will be similar to existing plantings with shorter trees under the power lines and larger trees opposite. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Pasquarell requested an executive session to discuss litigation and potential real estate transaction. Motion by Trustee Bedell, seconded
by Trustee Halliday, that Board adjourn to executive session as requested by
Mayor Pasquarell above, 7:05 PM. The Board reconvened at 8:00 PM with no action taken. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Brown,
seconded by Trustee Bedell, that Board adjourn, 8:01 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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