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June 1, 2022 (1) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held June 1, 2022 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Pasquarell called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Brown, Trustee Coltrain & Trustee Halliday were present. Trustee Bedell was delayed. Motion by Trustee
Brown, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved minutes of May 18, 2022 regular
meeting as typed. At 6:03 PM Trustee Bedell arrived. CORRESPONDENCE Maureen Bogle & Barbara Telasky submitted correspondence to the Board including a donation toward flower planting in memory of their mother Betty Bogle. The Board accepted the donation with gratitude for their years of support. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK-TREASURER – Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 6/1/2022 read & filed. Motion by
Trustee Bedell, seconded by Mayor Pasquarell, approved payment of abstract #24:
Payroll $45,438.92 (#1228-1231);
General $56,715.96 (#1232-1274; 1284-1288); Water $7,461.79 (#1274-1279; 1285; 1287); Sewer $6,617.09 (#1274;
1279 - 1282; 1284-1287); and Capital Projects $ 1,100.00 (#1283). FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for May 2022 read & filed. Chief Kelley stated the American Legion Memorial Day parade was a success; of the Fire Departments on parade the Corinth Volunteer Fire Department won best in show. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for May 2022 read & filed. Inspections have been completed on new meter installations in the Town water district. There have been four line leaks on a vacant home on Pine Street, the DPW have run a new copper connection to remedy the situation. The DPW has also been assisting the Town with blacktop & millings. Boat docks were installed on June 5th. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner was present, report for 6/1/2022 read & filed. Insp Hepner stated along with usual spring activity he has issued several swimming pool permits. OLD BUSINESS Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Brown, acceptance of $32,000 bid through
Auctions International for surplus 1994 Spartan fire truck. Chief Kelley requested the Board consider depositing the proceeds from the truck sale in the Fire Department Equipment Reserve. Resolution #1 approved, transfer of $32,000 proceeds from sale of surplus 1994 Spartan fire truck be transferred to the Fire Department Equipment Reserve fund. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #2 approved, employment of Samantha Crowl as temporary part-time Firehouse Janitor for June – September 2022; $15.50 per hour. After the last meeting, it was discovered by the Clerk’s office that three water/sewer accounts that should have had zero balances had payments misapplied by the software resulting in a credit on water and a balance due on sewer. As a result, those accounts had been included in the sewer relevies. The error was corrected before any relevies were posted to tax bills & resulted in the necessity of a revised tax warrant. Resolution #3 approved, mayoral signature on revised 2022/2023 tax warrant ($1,979,891.13). The Board discussed conditions discovered at the Hamilton Ave pump station during recent emergency storm damage repairs. The removal of existing siding exposed deteriorating blocks which will require additional measures to get the new siding to adhere to the block. Deterioration of the parapet was also observed. Don Rhodes, acting as Village engineer, suggested a change order to apply a temporary fix for the block issue and replacement of parapet rafters. Resolution #4 approved, Hamilton Well Pump House Repair, change order #1, Eagle Associates; increase $9,468. The Board, Supt Lozier and Don Rhodes discussed additional issues at the well house including the necessity of adding a bathroom, improvements necessary to maintaining chlorine residuals, and outdated controls in the pump house. Mr. Rhodes stated a new project listing on the NYS EFC Intended Use Plan could be used to obtain funding for these issues as well as a more permanent fix to the pump house, and replacement of water lines on Main Street & Heath Street. Supt Lozier requested the Board also consider including replacement of water lines on Hill Avenue. Motion by Trustee
Brown, seconded by Trustee Bedell, authorized Laberge Group to prepare project
listing for the NYS EFC Intended Use Plan and authorize the Mayor and
Clerk-Treasurer to sign all required documentation. Motion by
Mayor Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved mayoral signature on
Memorandum of Agreement with CSEA, Local 1000, to codify the following: 1) all
bargaining unit members are required to complete three-shot Hepatitis B
vaccination if they have not already done so, 2) shots are to be obtained
through the employee’s own physician, 3) the Village will reimburse employee
for co-pay upon documentation of payment; 4) employee may obtain shot during
work hours with no leave used upon DPW Supt approval of appointment date &
time. The Board discussed the need for additional mixers at the WWTP due to the Village’s low flows. The consensus was to use IP funds received for the increase of the WWTP capacity to purchase the mixers. Motion by
Trustee Coltrain, seconded by Trustee Brown, approved purchase of single phase
mixers to be used at the WWTP, with funds not to exceed $6,000, paid from IP’s
payment to the Village. Resolution
#5 approved, WWTP change order #6 on the electrical contract with Clune
Electrical to install power connections for in-tank mixers; increase of
$6,275.34. The Board discussed re-opening the Village Beach. The Board consensus was to hire the two certified lifeguards that have applied for positions with the Village, and open the beach on a reduced schedule to fit the availability of the two lifeguards. This may result in unexpected closure of the beach if one lifeguard is unable to complete their shift. Trustee Coltrain volunteered to oversee the lifeguards. Resolution #6 approved, employment of Alexis Crossman as part-time seasonal lifeguard; $17 per hour. Resolution #7 approved, employment of Isabelle Bailey as part-time seasonal lifeguard; $17 per hour. EFC requires an amended SEQR resolution for the Village’s Palmer Ave and Gobel Ave projects. Resolution #8 approved, declaration of Village as Lead Agency for the Palmer Ave & Gobel Ave project and issuance of a Type II action exempt from environmental review under SEQR. Motion by
Trustee Coltrain, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved modification to the
Village Re-Opening Safety Plan to no longer follow CDC guidelines pertaining to
face masks. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Brown commented on the positive and encouraging response to the Memorial Day Parade. Trustee Bedell commended Deputy Clerk-Treas Stautner for catching the software error in the sewer relevies. Mayor Pasquarell brought up an issue on Saratoga Ave with damage to a homeowner’s driveway in the Village right-of-way. The Village will pay for the damage value as indicated by Supt Lozier’s project spreadsheet upon receipt of payment documentation from the homeowner. Trustee Halliday asked if there has been any further improvement in communication with the Image Committee about coordination of events and responsibilities. Mayor Pasquarell stated he had discussed with Supervisor Butler. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Pasquarell requested an executive session to discuss Article 7 litigation with Indeck. Motion by
Trustee Brown, seconded by Trustee Halliday, that Board adjourn to executive
session as requested by Mayor Pasquarell above, 6:46 PM. At 7:05PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. ADJOURNMENT Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Coltrain, that Board adjourn, 7:05 PM. Nicole M.
Colson |
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