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Village Board Minutes

April 5, 2021 (44)

An Organizational and Regular Meeting of the Village Board was held April 5, 2021 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave.

Mayor Pasquarell called the meeting to order.

Roll Call: Trustee Bedell, Trustee Brown, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Kelly were present.

Also Present: Clerk/Treas Colson, Supt Lozier, Atty Buettner & Fire Chief Kelley.

Mayor Pasquarell welcomed Trustee Brown & Trustee Kelly.


Mayor Pasquarell appointed Timothy Halliday as Deputy Mayor.

Resolution #81 approved, Mayoral appointment of Annaliese Stautner as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, 1-year term.

Resolution #82 approved, Mayoral appointment of Arthur Lozier, III as DPW Superintendent, 3-year term.

Resolution #83 approved, Mayoral appointment of Lynn Summers as Planning Board Secretary, 1-year term.

Resolution #84 approved, Mayoral appointment of Lynn Summers as Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary, 1-year term.

Resolution #85 approved Mayoral appointment of Neil Hepner as Building Inspector, 1-year term.

Resolution #86 approved, Mayoral appointment of Nicole M. Colson as Budget Officer, 1-year term.

Resolution #87 approved, Mayoral appointment of Arthur Lozier III as Damage Assessment Officer, 1-year term.

Resolution #88 approved, Fire department slate of officers.

Resolution #89 approved, Investment Policy with no revisions.

Resolution #90 approved, Procurement Policy with no revisions.

Resolution #91 approved, Water Emergency Plan with no revisions.

Resolution #92 approved, Board Meeting schedule through March 16, 2022.

Resolution #93 approved, Organizational Meeting date established as April 4, 2022.

Resolution #94 approved, mileage rate of $0.56 paid to employees & officials when using personal vehicles.

Resolution #95 approved, Glens Falls Post Star designated official newspaper.

Resolution #96 approved, certain claims to be paid prior to audit.

Resolution #97 approved, Saratoga National designated official depository.

Resolution #98 approved, designation of Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Rhodes, PC as attorneys for the Village.

Resolution #99 approved, designation of Laberge Group as engineer for the Village, up to $250 per hour.

Resolution #100 approved, Rules of Procedures for meetings with revision.

Resolution #101 approved, permission for officials & employees to attend training sessions.

At 6:06 Chief Kelley was excused.

Mayor Pasquarell appointed the following liaisons to departments:
Disaster Planning, Village & Town Emergency Response Plan: Mayor, Trustee Bedell, DPW Supt, & Fire Chief|
Government Representative to the Town, County & State: Mayor & Trustee Halliday
Senior Citizens: Mayor & Trustee Brown
Auditors: Trustee Brown & Trustee Kelly
Reservoir Property: Trustee Halliday, Trustee Kelly, DPW Supt
Other Village Lands: Trustee Kelly
Historical Representative: Trustee Kelly
Policy Handbook & Village Codes (other than zoning): Trustee Brown & Village Clerk/Treasurer
Beach, Parks & Beautification: Trustee Kelly
Corinth Merchants Association: Mayor
Commercial Industrial Development: Mayor & Trustee Halliday
Capital Plan Development: Mayor, Trustee Halliday, Clerk/Treasurer, Fire Chief & DPW Supt
Image Cmte: Mayor
Crossing Guards: Mayor & Trustee Brown
Youth Services: Trustee Kelly
Workplace Violence Assessment Policy Committee: Mayor, Trustee Brown, Clerk/Treas & DPW Supt
Task Force for Senior Living: Trustee Halliday, along with Town Representative
Water & Waste Water Infrastructure Projects: Trustee Halliday, DPW Supt & Mayor
Comprehensive Plan: Mayor Pasquarell & Trustee Halliday
Personnel Committee: Trustee Brown & Trustee Halliday
Department of Public Works: Trustee Brown
Fire Department: Trustee Halliday




Mayor Pasquarell requested an executive session to discuss litigation regarding East National Water.

Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Brown, that Board adjourn to executive session as requested by Mayor Pasquarell above, 6:14 PM.
Carried – 4 – 0

At 6:55 PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session.



Motion by Trustee Brown, seconded by Trustee Kelly, that Board adjourn, 6:55 PM.
Carried – 4 – 0

Nicole M. Colson