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Village Board Minutes

September 2, 2020 (13)

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held September 2, 2019 at 6:00 PM via videoconference.

Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order.

Roll Call: Trustee Enekes, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Kelly were present.  Trustee Pasquarell was excused.

Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved minutes of August 19, 2020 regular meeting as typed.
Carried – 3 – 0


CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 9/2/2020 read & filed.

Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved installation of meter pit at 201 Main Street by DPW as part of water meter project.
Carried – 4 – 0

Clerk-Treas Colson informed the Board the Village Hall staff is taking many calls about the water bills, including from John Tangora who would like the Board to reconsider the way MVC is calculated.

The Village is still short on crossing guards & substitute crossing guards and will be advertising the positions available.

Motion by Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved payment of abstract #6: Payroll $34,895.82; General $203,210.80; Water $284,394.31; Sewer $10,989.49; and Capital Reserves $793,311.66.
Carried – 3 – 0

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for August read & filed.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for August read & filed.

BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner present, report for 9/2/2020 read & filed.

Insp Hepner stated he had done a recent inspection of the new WWTP.  He is also handling several complaints about bonfires.

Trustee Kelly stated a resident had commented about the good job Insp Hepner was doing with mask-wearing enforcement at downtown businesses.


The Board discussed the proposed purchase of a new fire truck.  It was the consensus of the Board that they were not comfortable committing to the purchase at this time due to the present intense economic uncertainty.  The Board decided to revisit the issue when the Town of Corinth signed the Fire Protection contract for 2021.


Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved publication of September 15 election notice in the Post Star.
Carried – 3 – 0

Resolution #18 approved, adoption of the Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1) for disposition of Village records.

Motion by Mayor Morreale, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved attendance at NYCOM’s virtual Fall Training School for any Village employee at the cost of $99 per person.
Carried – 4 – 0

Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved contribution to Saratoga Plan in the amount of $250.00.
Carried – 4 – 0

Resolution #19 approved, postponement of September 16 Regular Board meeting to September 23, 2020.


Trustee Halliday mentioned a resident with extremely high water usage for the second quarter and questioned the accuracy.  Clerk-Treas Colson stated a data log could be pulled to determine when water was used for a $30 fee.  Trustee Enekes also recommended residents check their meters regularly, on inside meter installations the numbers can be read with a strong flashlight.  Trustee Kelly also mentioned a great deal of water is used by sprinkler systems.

Mayor Morreale stated it had been a pleasure working with the Board members over the years; he thanked each Board member and Department head personally for their work.


Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Kelly, that Board adjourn, 6:37PM.
Carried – 3 – 0

Nicole M. Colson