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Village Board Minutes March 18, 2020 (41) A public hearing & regular meeting of the Village Board was held March 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Enekes, Trustee Halliday, Trustee Kelly & Trustee Pasquarell were present. A public hearing as published in the Post Star on March 11, 2020 was held at 6:00 PM regarding a potential application for funding under the Community Development Block Grant. The Village is seeking infrastructure funding for Palmer Avenue replacement. PUBLIC COMMENTS QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. With no comment from the public, Mayor Morreale closed the public hearing at 6:01 PM. Nicole M.
Colson A regular meeting of the Village Board was held March 18, 2020 at 6:01 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Motion by
Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Pasquarell, approved minutes of March 4,
2020 regular meeting and March 11, 2020 special meeting as typed. CORRESPONDENCE Motion by
Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved American Legion parade
on Monday, May 25, 2020, with a rain date of Tuesday, May 26, 2020. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONERNS (AGENDA ITEMS) – none. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 3/18/2020 read & filed. Governor Cuomo has postponed Village elections to April 28, 2020 due to the Coronavirus emergency. Resolution #60 approved, rescheduling of Organizational Meeting to April 29, 2020. Motion by
Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved payment of abstract
#19: Payroll $34,373.28; General $75,351.64; Water $3,806.89; Sewer $1,676.07;
and Capital Reserves $792,976.25. Resolution #61 approved, budget transfers. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was excused. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present. Motion by
Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Enekes, approved publication of leaf
& brush collection today through May 5, 2020. Supt Lozier stated he has been in contact with Mahoney Notifier, they are fully operating and able to contact the proper staff in case of emergencies. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner was excused, report for 3/18/2020 read & filed. OLD BUSINESS – none. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #62 approved, authorize mayor to apply for CDBG funding and execute any necessary contracts. Resolution #63 approved, mayoral signature on contract addendum with Laberge Group to update fee schedule for on-call engineering services. Resolution #64 approved, declaration of 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe as surplus equipment and authorizing its disposal. Motion by
Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Enekes, authorized 2020/2021 Center for
Economic Growth contribution, $250. Clerk/Treas Colson presented the Tentative Budget for 2020/2021. The proposed budget includes equipment purchases of a second Fire Chief’s vehicle and replacement of an ATV for the Fire Dept; replacement of the grader and purchase of a quad cab work truck for the DPW. Projects included in the budget include total replacement of Smith Drive, King Ave and Bleeker St including utilities, and repaving of Fourth St. Reserve contributions of $100,000 for DPW Equipment and $189,000 for Fire Department Equipment are included. General Fund tax rate is projected at $5.20 per thousand with an appropriated fund balance of $77,798. Increases to Water & Sewer Fund budgets include increases in operating costs, payment of water/sewer costs associated with street rehab and a prepayment of sewer debt. Projected water rate is $277 per year MVC and $4.06 per thousand excess usage rate. Projected sewer rate is $322 per year MVC and $6.46 per thousand excess usage rate. The Board discussed aspects of the proposed budgets. Trustee Kelly expressed her concerns with the additional Chief’s car and requested the Board consider asking Chief Kelley to wait another year for replacement of his Chief’s car. Trustee Halliday supported the purchases given that an equipment replacement schedule is submitted by the Chief each year. The consensus of the Board was to move forward with the proposed equipment purchases; Trustee Kelly accepted the Board’s consensus. Motion by
Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved publication of public
hearing regarding the 2020/2021 proposed budget to be held April 15, 2020 at
6:00 PM in the Firehouse. Motion by
Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Enekes, accepted the following bids on
equipment as received from Auctions International: 2008 Ford F350 pickup
$6,100; 2005 Volvo dump truck with plow $27,400; 2005 Ford F250 pickup truck
$1,875; 1993 Chevy G20 Van $580. The Board discussed in detail the Village’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the steps to be taken to comply with the numerous executive orders issued by Governor Cuomo. Resolution # 65 approved, waive all late fees on water/sewer payments for the fourth quarter. Resolution #66 approved, extend deadline to pay water/sewer rents before relevy to Village taxes until April 30, 2020. Resolution #67 approved, closure of all Village owned buildings to the public from noon March 19, 2020 through noon April 15, 2020. Resolution #68 approved, cancellation of the April 1, 2020 Board Meeting. Motion by
Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved payment of April 1
bills upon review by audit committee. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee
Kelly, seconded by Trustee Pasquarell, that Board adjourn, 7:28 PM. Nicole M.
Colson |
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