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Village Board Minutes

May 1, 2019 (52)

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held May 1, 2019 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue.

Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Enekes, Trustee Kelly, and Trustee Pasquarell were present.  Trustee Halliday was excused.

Motion by Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Pasquarell, approved minutes of regular meeting April 17, 2019 as typed.
Carried – 3 – 0


Town of Corinth sent a letter regarding the 2020 fire contract.

Stewart’s Shops donated $150 toward the Village Youth Program.

Matthew Lacy, Corinth Central School, wrote requesting Board permission to hold a community “give back” day in which the students would clean up parks and the beach.

Motion by Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Enekes, approved use of property for “give back day” on May 30, 2019 upon CCSD providing a certificate of insurance and hold harmless agreement with CCSD providing all necessary tools and safety equipment with the DPW Supt acting as coordinator.
Carried – 3 – 0



CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 5/1/19 read & filed.

Motion by Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved payment of abstract #22: Payroll $28,365.45; General $47,821.57; Water $19,531.47; Sewer $7,820.19; Capital Reserves $45,916.36; and Community Development $13,780.00.
Carried – 3 – 0

Resolution #78 approved, budget transfers.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for April 2019 read & filed.

Chief Kelley stated the department has conducted two drills on using portable pumps.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for April 2019 read & filed.

Blacktop patching including major patching on King St & Bleeker St are underway.

Leaf & brush pick-up is continuing as needed.

Effluent disinfection began April 1.  Rebar and preform casting has begun at the new WWTP plant.

BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Hepner was present, report for 5/1/19 read & filed.



Resolution #79 approved, clothing allowance policy for DPW management of up to $300 per fiscal year by direct reimbursement.

Resolution #80 approved, hiring of John Sobon as regular part-time crossing guard and Jill Sobon as substitute crossing guard at $12.55 per hour effective May 2, 2019.

Motion by Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved American Legion coin-drop May 25 – 26, 2019 on West Maple Street.
Carried – 3 – 0

Motion by Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved Little League parade May 4, 2019 in the Village at 11:00AM.
Carried – 3- 0

Resolution #81 approved, mayoral signature on Time Warner/Charter Communications franchise agreement for fifteen year term.

The Board discussed East National Water’s failure to complete the Village water meter project by the completion date set in the contract.  Don Rhodes, Laberge Group, is developing bid documents that will allow the Village to complete the project if East National is unable to complete installations.

Resolution #82 approved, declare East National Water in default and allow advertisement of bids for contractors and equipment vendors to complete meter installation project.

The Board discussed properties that have failed to schedule meter installations despite several notices to do so and the portion of the water law that authorizes additional charges and shut-offs for those that refuse to install meters.

Resolution #83 approved, establish flat quarterly unmetered water usage fee of $50 and quarterly unmetered sewer usage fee of $50, allow estimated usage billing and higher unmetered rate, and authorize water shut offs with three days notice to unmetered customers.


Don Rhodes, Laberge Group, requested to address the Board at the May 15 board meeting to present the recently completed Inflow & Infiltration study conducted by Laberge and suggest possible projects to alleviate some of the findings.  The Board agreed to the presentation.

Mike McKelligott, Oak St, requested the Board take action regarding the condition of the train tracks on Main Street.  The Board instructed Clerk/Treas Colson to send a letter to International Paper, as owner of the tracks, requesting they remedy the situation or authorize the Village to do so.

The Board and Supt Lozier also requested the Clerk/Treas send a letter to the NYS DOT regarding potholes and repairs necessary on parts of Route 9N.


Trustee Kelly stated she is working with the Youth Program Director to coordinate the summer field trips to coincide with the Town’s playground schedule and that she has a few potential life guard applicants.


Motion by Trustee Pasquarell, seconded by Trustee Enekes, that Board adjourn, 6:41 PM.         
Carried – 3 – 0

Nicole M. Colson