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Village Board Minutes

June 21, 2017 (4)

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held June 21, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue.

Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Enekes, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Kelly were present.  Trustee Denno was excused.

Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved minutes of regular meeting June 7, 2017 as typed.
Carried – 3 – 0


James Mastrianni, of Joseph E. Mastrianni Inc., addressed the Board about the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program.  Mastrianni Inc has administered the Village’s program since 1977, processing payments, performing inspections of rental units, and investigating fraud.  Mr. Mastrianni informed the Board that of the 70 available vouchers for the Village program there are 67 families participating.  Of those, 72% are elderly/disabled and the average subsidy is $550.09.  There is no time limit on participant usage of the program, but the average length of time spent in the Village program is 10 years.

Annaliese Stautner, Youth Program Director, updated the Board on the Summer Field Trip Program.  The program is capped at 35 children, with a waiting list, for the five field trips.  Stewarts has donated a $100 gift card and Trustee Kelly also stated water for the trips has been donated.

Thomas Ketcham , Oak St, distributed fliers to the Board regarding a Neighborhood Watch Program.  The initial planning meeting is June 22 at 6PM.  Councilman Ed Byrnes is assisting Mr. Ketcham with his efforts.


Bill and Linda Kloss, Pine Street, wrote the Board in order to obtain remediation of property maintenance violations at two properties on Pine St.  Insp Berg is following up and has assigned points under the Nuisance Law.



CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 6/21/17 read & filed.

Resolution #7 approved, adjustment to water/sewer rolls.

Motion by Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved payment of abstract #2: Payroll $31,759.88; General $64,145.20; Water $43.59; Sewer $477.45; and Capital Reserves $50,274.89.
Carried – 3 – 0

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present.

Chief Kelley informed the Board that Bay Ridge Fire Dept purchased the surplus fire truck for $15,000.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present.

One of the pumps at the River St pump station is not working, the back-up pump is being used as necessary.  The pump will not be repaired because the pump station is currently being replaced.

BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Berg was present, report for 6/21/17 read & filed.

Insp Berg stated he has begun assigning Nuisance Abatement points to all maintenance violations.



Resolution #8 approved, Kubricky change order #1 to W. Mechanic/Raymond St project increase of $11,842.22 (total contract $1,837,182.22)

Resolution #9 approved, award administration of HOME grant #20163131 to CT Male per proposal for amount not to exceed grant funds for administration.

Resolution #10 approved, appointment of Andrew Burke to Planning Board term expiring June 2022.

Resolution #11 approved, amend Resolution #108 for a new start date of 6/19/17 for Brandon Decker.

Resolution #12 approved, amendment of Resolution #2, preserving low bid on public docks until Jan 31, 2018.

Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Kelly, approved publication of public hearing to be held July 5, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse to consider Local Law 2 of 2017 prohibiting parking on a portion of River St.
Carried – 3 – 0



Trustee Kelly stated Thursday, June 29, 2017 the Mill Museum Committee will host a film of mill workers from the 1950s at the IP Timekeepers Building.  Planning of an ice cream social is also underway.

Trustee Halliday has instructed Supt Lozier to research radar speed tracking signs and he will present the information to the Board when complete.  Mayor Morreale has some information regarding the signs and Trustee Kelly has spoken with the County about using their signs.


Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Enekes, that Board adjourn, 7:10 PM.
Carried – 3 – 0

Nicole M. Colson