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Village Board Minutes

August 3, 2016 (10)

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held August 3, 2016 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue.

Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Enekes and Trustee Kelly were present.  Trustee Halliday arrived at 6:43 PM.  Trustee Denno was excused.

Motion by Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Enekes, approved minutes of regular meeting July 20, 2016 as typed.
Carried – 3 – 0


Matt Rogers of the Reservoir Committee addressed the Board regarding a new trails map that has been prepared by Saratoga PLAN at no cost to the Village.  The Board approved posting the new map with modifications to the color coding of the trails.  Mr. Rogers distributed proposed guidelines for a formal volunteer policy to assist in clearing and maintaining trails.  Atty Buettner suggested Mr. Rogers check with other municipalities regarding their volunteer programs and also suggested he contact BOCES about possible involvement.  The Board discussed liability issues regarding hunting on the Reservoir property now that trails are being cleared for hiking.  Historically the property has been used by hunters in the hunting season; the Board discussed whether to close the hiking trails during hunting season or to prohibit hunting.  Public input will be sought at the next meeting.  The Board also decided not to allow camping at the Reservoir at this time.

Motion by Mayor Morreale, seconded by Trustee Enekes, approved modification of Reservoir Property allowable uses to remove reference to camping.
Carried – 3 – 0

Trustee Halliday arrived at 6:43 PM.


US Dept of Housing and Urban Development issued a notice to the Board that no deficiencies or adverse findings were noted in the recent audit of Mastrianni Inc’s administration of the Village’s Section 8 Housing Program.

Ted Wilming of the American Legion Post 0533 submitted a letter to the Board and appeared in person to discuss vandalism of Veteran Memorials.  Extensive damage was done to the tank and memorial wreaths have been stolen from the memorial on Palmer Ave.  Mr. Wilming requested Board members and Village staff be aware and report any vandalism.  Mr. Wilming also suggested possible purchase of an additional memorial bench for Palmer Avenue.



CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 8/3/16 read & filed.

Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved payment of abstract #4: Payroll $38,312.88; General $60,719.15; Water $7,867.82; Sewer $9,426.23; Community Development $2,200; and Capital Reserves $224,117.82.
Carried – 3 – 0

Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Enekes, approved attendance for Diane Kelley, Renee Hala & Nicole M. Colson at NYCOM training school Sept 13 – 15; $670 plus expenses.
Carried – 3 – 0

WWTP Operator Broekhuizen was hired by the Village 6/10/2014 and is a non-union employee; Clerk-Treas Colson requested Mr. Broekhuizen receive two weeks of vacation for completing two years of employment.

Resolution #17 approved, increase vacation time of James (Mark) Broekhuizen by 40 hours effective immediately.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for July read & filed.

Mayor Morreale commended the Fire Dept for their efforts on the Sacandaga Lake recovery this past weekend.  Chief Kelley spoke of Chaplain Dean Brown’s service to the firefighters during difficult calls and stated the Chaplain’s services were also available to the EMS as necessary.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was excused, report for July 2016 read & filed.

BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Berg was present, report for 8/3/16 read & filed.


The Board discussed and made a few minor changes to the proposed local laws pertaining to banning smoking and use of sparkling devices on Village properties. 


Resolution #18 approved, mayoral signature on addendum to Laberge Oak St Construction Observation contract, increase of $7,142.25.

Resolution #19 approved, declaring a negative declaration under SEQR for the Village Beach dock replacement.

Resolution #20 approved, establishing River St Pump Station rebuild bid opening as August 26, 2016 at 3:00PM in the Village Hall.

Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved mayoral signature on trail access agreement with Mulleyville Snowmobile Club for access to the Reservoir Property upon the Village being named as additional insured on the Mulleyville policy.
Carried – 3 – 0

Resolution #21 approved, hiring of Lynn Summers as part-time substitute crossing guard at $12 per hour.

The Board discussed the possibility of offering per meeting stipends to the Planning and Zoning volunteers.  The discussion was tabled while the Board explored what other communities offer.

Mayor Morreale discussed issuing a letter of support for SEDC’s Brownfields Area Planning grant application in order to develop a plan for the IP site.  The Board was in favor of sending the letter.




Motion by Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Halliday, that Board adjourn, 7:55 PM.
Carried – 3 – 0

Nicole M. Colson