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Village Board Minutes

September 9, 2015 (17)

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held September 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue.

Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order & led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Halliday and Trustee Saunders were present.  Trustee Enekes was excused.

Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Denno, approved minutes of regular meeting August 18, 2015 and special meeting August 26, 2015 as typed.
Carried – 3 – 0


EFC notified the Village that the waste water treatment plant & distribution system improvement project has been listed on the state revolving loan fund intended use plan and received hardship determination. 



CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 9/9/15 read & filed.

Resolution #35 approved, adjustment to water/sewer rolls.

Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Saunders, approved payment of abstract #6: Payroll $37,630.79; General $54,120.96; Water $17,244.57; Sewer $13,839.98; Community Development $999.29; and Capital Reserves $619,670.49.
Carried – 3 – 0

Resolution #36 approved, budget transfers.

The Board discussed a request from a resident at 414 Oak Street to install a water/sewer hook-up while the Oak St construction is taking place.  The resident will not be connecting to the hook-up until a later date & will pay the connection fee at that time.

Resolution #37 approved, authorize water/sewer hook-up at 414 Oak St with connection fee to be paid at later date.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley present, report for August 2015 read & filed.

Chief Kelley stated the Sheriff Dept and Fire Dept would be hosting a child safety seat installation event at the firehouse from 4 – 8 PM on September 16.   Inspections are free on a drop-in basis.

The Fire Department is also selling t-shirts to promote breast cancer awareness.  Proceeds will benefit Glens Falls Hospital’s cancer unit.

Members of the Fire Department will be participating in a 9/11 remembrance ceremony in Warrensburg.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for August 2015 read & filed.

Chief Kelley thanked the DPW for the work done at the firehouse and for agreeing to color code the fire hydrants for easy recognition of their flow rate.

Mayor Morreale informed Supt Lozier that Dr. Starr was very pleased with TKC’s work on Oak St and Supt Lozier’s coordination of the project.

BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Berg was present, report for 9/9/15 read & filed.

The Board discussed damage to the Mollie’s Mason Jar sign; Insp Berg was directed to send a letter to remediate the safety issue.  Trustee Saunders requested all signs in the Village be reviewed for compliance with the sign code and asked that temporary signs be required to apply for permits.



Resolution #38 approved, resignation of Kaleb York as of August 18, 2015.

Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Denno, approved publication of vacancy of MEO position and Laborer position with DPW.
Carried – 3 – 0

Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Denno, approved publication of bid opening for sidewalk plow to be held Monday, October 5, 2015 at 2PM in the Village Hall, 244 Main St.
Carried – 3 – 0

Resolution #39 approved, declare snow loader surplus and authorize mayoral signature on contract sending item to auction at no cost to the Village.

Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved mayoral signature on five-year agreement with Curtis Palmer for occupancy and maintenance of fishing pier.
Carried – 3 – 0

The Board authorized an income survey to be conducted under the previously approved proposal from Laberge Group which would hopefully increase the likelihood of the Village receiving grants for a sewer project.

Matt Rogers of Rogers Planning submitted a proposal and scope of services to update Village Zoning regulations.  The Board tabled further discussion until the proposal had been reviewed.


Mr. McKelligott, Oak St, questioned when the “No Parking” signs will be replaced on Oak St; Supt Lozier stated new signage will be put up very soon.


Trustee Halliday asked Supt Lozier about snow & ice removal in front of Oak St School.

Trustee Saunders asked for an update on Comp Plan implementation matters; Jim Martin will be at the next meeting.

Mayor Morreale discussed placement of sidewalk on Oak St with Supt Lozier.

Matt Rogers informed the Board he is preparing a grant application regarding the Reservoir property to be submitted jointly with the Town.  The grant will require a match in cash or services to be divided between the Town and Village.


Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Saunders, that Board adjourn, 7:17 PM.
Carried – 3 – 0

Nicole M. Colson