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Village Board Minutes October 1, 2014 (16) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held October 1, 2014 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Halliday & Trustee Saunders were present. Trustee Denno & Trustee Enekes were excused. Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Mayor Morreale, approved minutes of public
hearing and regular meeting September 3, 2014 as typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Dr. Lloyd Murdoch appeared before the Board regarding the Corinth Theater Guild property. The Theater Guild has offered to allow the food pantry to take up residence in the building, but there is an issue of unpaid water/sewer and back taxes due to a lapse in tax-free status of the Theater Guild. Dr. Murdoch requested the Board consider waiving the past due water/sewer for the past two quarters. Motion by
Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved rescinding water/sewer
charges and late fees at the Corinth Theater Guild building if the water is
shut off this quarter. Chad Kortz, CT Male, appeared before the Board to offer updates on the filtration plant and Walnut St projects. Delays at the filtration plant are still holding up the full functionality of the plant. The Board instructed Atty Buettner to explore options for collecting liquidated damages from the plumbing contractor. Walnut St is proceeding; Kubricky has added more workers to ensure the November 4 completion date. Resolution #33 approved, Walnut Street construction Change Order #1 increasing contract $208,929.89. Resolution #34 approved, Filtration plant Change Order #2 increasing contract $4,610.00. CORRESPONDENCE Sheriff’s report for August is on file. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 10/1/14 read & filed. A mistake was made in the 2012 appointment of Jim Murray to the ZBA; he was appointed for a five-year term instead of the correct three-year term. Resolution #35 approved, amend Resolution #28 of 2012 to set Mr. Murray’s term to expire in September 2015. Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Saunders, approved payment of abstract
#7: Payroll $32,158.18; General $44,605.32; Water $1,322.94; Sewer $8,252.64;
Capital Reserve $9,535.01; and Community Development $2,000; and abstract #8:
Payroll $32,362.68; General $96,345.84; Water $5,953.71; Sewer $5,345.70;
Capital Reserve $24,411.36; and Community Development $12,997.50. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for September read & filed. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present. The dam remediation project punch list has been completed by the contractor & the water storage tank final coat has been applied. Both projects are fully completed and ready to be closed out. Motion by
Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved publication of the
leaf & brush collection October 13 – November 14 and hydrant flushing
schedule November 17 – November 20. Supt Lozier stated he would like to include property surveys in all proposals for major road projects to determine Village right of way. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Berg was present, report for 10/1/14 read & filed. OLD BUSINESS – none. NEW BUSINESS Bids on
the Pine Street Rehabilitation project were opened September 22, 2014 and
received as follows: Laberge Group requested tabling of bid award to research the bids more thoroughly. Don Rhodes of Laberge Group presented a proposal for the engineering of the next phase of the GWUDI project – rehabilitation of Ash Street, Oak Street, West Mechanic Street & Raymond Street. The proposal includes topographic surveys, geotechnical investigations, storm and sanitary sewer evaluations including televising and root cutting, as well as preliminary plans, final design and bidding services. The proposal does not include contract administration and construction observation. Resolution #36 approved, acceptance of Laberge proposal for engineering services relating to Phase IV of the Water Project in the amount of $434,300 and authorizing mayoral signature on contract documents. The Board is in possession of a proposal from Laberge Group for assistance with a town water district vs. personal service agreement evaluation for outside water users. The Board tabled discussion until a full Board was present. Resolution #37 approved, designating Saratoga National Bank as the official depository of the Village. Resolution #38 approved, hiring of Don Monica as part-time substitute crossing guard at $11.47 per hour. Resolution #39 approved, hiring of Sally Pelletier as part-time substitute crossing guard at $11.47 per hour. Motion by
Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved training attendance
for Arthur Lozier III at the NYCOM DPW training in Saratoga Oct 20-22 and
Clayton Laubach at the Saratoga DEC training October 2. The Board briefly discussed allowing dogs in Pagenstecher Park and decided to table the discussion. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Kate Halliday had questions regarding the outside water user evaluation proposal. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mayor Morreale mentioned the Village needs Planning Board members and encouraged everyone to seek interested village residents. At 7:58 PM, Chief Kelley & Supt Lozier were excused as the Board convened a due process hearing pursuant to the Village’s Nuisance Abatement Law regarding 211 Mill Street. Detailed minutes of the hearing are on file and a recording was made of the proceeding. The Board reserved a decision on the matter until other Board members reviewed the evidence presented. At 8:23 PM Insp Berg was excused. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Morreale requested an executive session to discuss potential litigation involving the Department of Health. Motion by
Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Saunders, that Board adjourn to executive
session as requested by Mayor Morreale above, 8:23 PM. At 8:33 PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. Resolution #40 approved, mayoral execution of hearing waiver and payment of $400 fine regarding DOH stipulation order of compliance on beach safety violations. ADJOURNMENT Motion by
Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday, that Board adjourn, 8:34 PM. Nicole M.
Colson |
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