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Village Board Minutes February 5, 2014 (39) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held February 5, 2014 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Enekes, Trustee Halliday, and Trustee Saunders were present. Motion by
Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Enekes, approved minutes of regular
meeting, January 22, 2014 as typed. CORRESPONDENCE The Board received a letter from Edd VonSeggern requesting the snow removal at the Presbyterian Church be moved up the renewal list. The Board instructed Clerk-Treas Colson send a letter explaining the churchs place on the snow removal list is already at a high priority. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER Clerk-Treas Colson was present, report for 2/5/14 read & filed. Motion by
Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved abstract #17: Payroll
$30,257.29; General $14,608.81; Water $1,531.99; Sewer $2,477.16; Capital
Reserve $4,780.00 and Community Development $605.00. The Republican Caucus nominated Melanie Denno and James Hopkins for Trustee positions, the Democratic Caucus nominated Julius Enekes for Trustee. No petitions have been received for independent nominations as of today. Clerk-Treas Colson requested an executive session to discuss matters leading to the potential employment of a certain individual. FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Kelley was present, report for January read & filed. Chief Kelley spoke of a new smokehouse belonging to the Town of Luzerne which is available to other municipalities for training exercises. Trustee Saunders thanked the fire department for their cooperation with the Town Ambulance Squad. DPW/WATER/WWTP Supt Lozier was present, report for January 2014 read & filed. The concrete slab for the filtration plant has been poured. Chad Kortz will be at the next meeting for an update. BUILDING INSPECTOR Insp Berg was present, report for 2/5/14 read & filed. Insp Berg has been working with Adam Lawrence to increase compliance with fire safety regulations. Insp Berg and Atty Buettner are exploring the issue of the abandoned vehicle in the Jacks Place parking lot. OLD BUSINESS none. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #50 approved, appointment of Charles Brown to two-year term on the Grant Review/RLF Committee. The Board discussed asking US Light Energy to submit a proposed contract for solar energy and make a presentation to the Board. Mayor Morreale will contact USLE. Resolution #51 approved, mayoral signature on a contract with Laberge Group to provide engineering for the rehabilitation of Pine Street at the cost of $56,800 plus reimbursable expenses upon review by the attorney. Motion by
Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Denno, approved use of the beach property
by the Corinth Youth Theatre for performances July 26, 27 and August 2 and 3,
2014. Mayor Morreale requested an executive session to discuss the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS none. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by
Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Saunders, that Board adjourn to executive
session as requested by Clerk-Treas Colson and Mayor Morreale to discuss
matters leading to the potential employment of a certain individual and
proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property, 6:37 PM. The Board reconvened at 7:12 PM with no action taken in executive session. The Village received over 100 applications for the Account Clerk / Deputy Clerk-Treasurer position. Ten of those applicants were interviewed by a four person hiring committee. Resolution #52 approved, hiring of Diane Williams as Account Clerk at $15.00 per hour. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee
Saunders, seconded by Trustee Enekes, that Board adjourn, 7:15 PM. Nicole M.
Colson |
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