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Village Board Minutes

January 8, 2014 (35)

A regular meeting of the Village Board was held January 8, 2014 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue.

Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Enekes, Trustee Halliday & Trustee Saunders were present.

Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved minutes of regular meeting December 4, 2013 and special meeting December 16, 2013 as typed.
Carried – 4 – 0


Chad Kortz, CT Male, updated the Board on weather delays in the filtration plant construction.  An updated construction schedule will be received at the 1/15 construction meeting.  Currently completion date is still May 1.   Walnut St reconstruction is ready to go to bid with a bid opening date of 2/12.  Approvals from DOH have been received on the bid specs.


The November 2013 Sheriff report is on file at the Village Hall.



CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 1/8/14 read & filed.

Resolution #41 approved, adjustments to water/sewer rolls.

Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Saunders, authorized publication of account clerk job opening in the Pennysaver & Post Star.
Carried – 4 – 0

Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday, approved payment of abstract #15: Payroll $32,634.21; General $77,254.94; Water $126,534.99; Sewer $10,718.14; Capital Reserve $8,880.00; and Community Development $27,368.24.
Carried – 4 – 0

Resolution #42 approved, budget transfers.

FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for December 2013 read & filed.

One of the fire trucks was involved in an accident on Route 9N, the driver of the other vehicle was ticketed.  Repair estimate is $5,623 and will be paid for by the other driver’s insurance company.  No one was injured.

Mayor Morreale commended the Fire Department for doing an excellent job in very cold weather.

DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for December 2013 read & filed.

Refurbishing of the water storage tank has been completed as of 12/20.  Water samples must now be tested for Xylene, which is standard after tanks are refurbished.

At the Waste Water plant, Clayton Laubach fabricated a new screw conveyor which saved the Village money.

BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Berg was present, report for 1/8/14 read & filed.

There is a violation at Adam Lawrence involving a fire hazard which the resident is attempting to resolve.



Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Enekes, approved publication in the Post Star of notice of bid opening for the Walnut St project on Wednesday, Feb 12, 2014 at 10:00 AM in the Village Hall.
Carried – 4 – 0

Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Saunders, approved mayoral signature on IMU with First Wilderness Corridor communities.
Carried – 4 – 0

Resolution #43 approved, authorize Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to sign bank cards with TD Bank.

Resolution #44 approved, establish Village Hall as polling place in March 18, 2014 election with poll hours of 12:00 noon to 9:00 PM.

Resolution #45 approved, reappointment of Lloyd Murdoch and Annie McMahon to the Grant Project Review/RLF Committee for two-year terms.

Atty Buettner briefed the Board on the status of a new PILOT agreement with Adam Lawrence Housing.  Currently the Village has a separate agreement with Adam Lawrence, since the Village is no longer an assessing unit the proposed agreement would be with the Town.  The Town would collect the payment and distribute the Village’s share within 45 days of receipt.  The Town has not yet agreed to the new PILOT, the Village will not take action until the Town agrees to the PILOT.

Resolution #46 approved, acceptance of Devere Stewart’s resignation from the DPW as of 12/31/13.

Mayor Morreale instructed Clerk/Treas Colson to prepare a letter thanking Mr. Stewart for his 25 years of service to the Village.


Therian Miller requested and received an update to his inquiry about the former DPW garage.

Ray Bush stated some residents are placing their trash receptacles incorrectly which causes difficulties for the trash collector.


Trustee Saunders commended the DPW on their performance during the extremely cold weather.


Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Enekes, that Board adjourn, 6:53 PM.

Nicole M. Colson