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Village Board Minutes July 18, 2012 (9) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held July 18, 2012 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Halliday and Trustee Saunders were present. Trustee Enekes was excused. Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved minutes of regular meeting June 20, 2012 and special meeting June 28,
2012 as typed. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Morreale read a letter from Rose Farr, Town of Corinth, thanking the Village Board for its assistance with the recent Fun Day. The Mayor also read letters from Jim Hopkins encouraging the Board to enact a law banning off-road vehicles in the Village and from Nick Matino concerning the property on Walnut and First Street. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas was present, report for July 18, 2012 read & filed. Resolution #10 approved; adjustment to water/sewer rolls. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Halliday,
approved payment of abstract #2: Payroll $63,754.16; General $68,344.25; Water
$4,035.51; Sewer $11,636.50; Capital Reserves $5,564.08; and abstract #3:
Payroll $32,444.15; General $31,049.54; Community Development $1,600.00; Water
$3,704.48; Sewer $9,532.45. Clerk/Treas Colson has submitted an application to the State’s Combined Funding Program for a pre-planning grant for WWTP improvements. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was excused, report for June 2012 read & filed. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for June 2012 read & filed. The sidewalk on Fifth Street has been finished. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Halliday,
authorized publication of hydrant flushing in the Pennysaver for August 6
through August 9. Supt Lozier reported that the dam remediation project is progressing nicely. Trustee Saunders commented that the beach needs cleaning due to geese on the weekends and that he had spoken with Craig Falkenbury regarding the possible use of county youth program employees. Supt Lozier will contact Mr. Falkenbury. Trustee Denno noted that the lifeguards come in prior to their shifts to clean. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for July 18, 2012 read & filed. Insp Jacon reported that he had checked for grease traps at several businesses in the Village. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Halliday,
approved publication in the Pennysaver of a notice stating that furniture left
curbside will not be picked up by the Village’s garbage company. ATTORNEY – Atty Buettner was present, report for July 18, 2012 read & filed. Local Law of 2012 was filed with New York State. Atty Buettner reported that the Hudson River Community Credit Union is in negotiations with Dollar General in regard to the sale of a strip of property for a water line easement. OLD BUSINESS GWUDI – Mayor Morreale reported that he had spoken with Chad Kortz from CT Male. The project is on schedule and engineering reports will be submitted to the State the last week of July. PROPOSED LOCAL LAW 2-2012 – Atty Buettner will have the application for Local Law 2-2012, Sidewalk Sales, prepared for the August 15 Village Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS Supt Lozier reported that he and Trustee Enekes interviewed 3 candidates for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator. They recommended that Mark Knapp be appointed to the position. Resolution # 11 approved, Mark Knapp appointed as Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator at an annual salary of $45,000 with 4 weeks’ vacation, effective July 21, 2012. Jim Hopkins asked if the vacant position created by Mr. Knapp’s appointment would be filled. Mayor Morreale responded that the position would be posted internally before going out to the public. Motion by Trustee Halliday, seconded by Trustee Saunders, authorized mayoral signature on a sound system proposal from Sound Solutions for $4,600.00 to be installed at the firehouse. Carried – 3 – 0 Six bids were received for the purchase of 2 DPW pickup trucks.
The amount for each truck was as follows: Supt Lozier explained that only Carbone Dodge met all specifications. Resolution #12 approved, authorize bid acceptance from Carbone Dodge for 2 pickup trucks for the DPW at $41,721.00 per truck. The Board discussed the bids for refurbishing the water storage tank. CT Male’s bid was $13,800 and the Laberge Group’s bid was $9,000, with a possible savings of up to $2,500.00 if dam inspections could be tied in with water tank inspections. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Saunders
authorized mayoral signature on contract documents with Laberge Group for
refurbishing the water storage tank at a cost of $9,000.00. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Bill Howenstein, 9 Oak St., inquired about enforcement of property maintenance issues. He stated that property values are being destroyed when garbage and unlicensed vehicles are left on properties. Insp Jacon replied that the Village abides by the NYS Property Maintenance Code and several residents have been brought to court, which can be costly. Mayor Morreale explained that there are procedures that must be followed before a resident is taken to court. He also noted that the Sheriff’s Dept. needs to be called when a resident sees an infraction, and a follow-up call made to Village Hall. Thomas Burke, 4 Oak St., noted that a neighbor has picked up garbage that was strewn about his property and put it in his basement. The garage is full of pallets and brush and he is concerned that it is a fire hazard. Patricia Saunders, 32 Walnut St., complained about the lack of a sheriff’s presence on Walnut St. She felt that underage drinking and drugs have become commonplace. Sherry Mann, 209 Walnut St., commented that she usually sees more than 1 sheriff’s car in the Village and inquired why they are not patrolling and checking on problem streets. Atty Buettner explained the difference between the Nuisance Law, which has a point system allocation, and Code Enforcement, which deals with property blight. Chris Roe, 23 Walnut St., noted that property values have gone down in the Village and there are too many rental properties and absentee landlords. Clerk-Treas Colson was excused at 7:00 PM. Brad Winslow, 259 Main St., felt that additional staffing is required in the Building Dept. to assist Supt Jacon in the compilation of Nuisance Law infractions. Trustee Saunders remarked that Town Councilman Byrnes has done much research on the Neighborhood Watch Program and would be a good source to work with. He will contact Councilman Byrnes to get more information. Jim Hopkins, 81 Hamilton Ave., commented that follow-up needs to be done after letters have been sent regarding building code violations. He felt the Sheriff’s Dept and Building Inspector need to be held accountable when violations are observed. He strongly urged that a law banning off-road vehicles be enacted. Jim Murray, 411 Center St., said that he felt that the Sheriff’s Dept is not enforcing Village law and that Corinth’s problems need to be dealt with if it is to become a tourist community. Cherie DeLancey, Town resident, noted that she visits her sister on Walnut St and would be willing to form a group so that they could walk down the street without fear. Tim Murphy, 11 Walnut St., expressed his opinion that felonies are being committed and parents are not being held responsible for their children’s actions. Chris Debiec, 210 Walnut St., felt it was time to organize and take back the streets. He said he would be willing to form a Neighborhood Watch Program. Kate Halliday, 326 Main St., felt that someone should talk to the local judges and let them know that the Village is serious about enforcing its code. She also noted that there is an 11 PM curfew for those under 18. Mary Murphy, 11 Walnut St., asked if Child Protective Services could assist with regard to underage kids seen on the street at night. Atty Buettner stated she would prepare a draft of a local law banning off-road vehicles for the August 15th Board meeting. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Saunders thanked the residents for attending and voicing their opinions. He felt strongly that a Neighborhood Watch Program needs to be established. Trustee Halliday spoke in favor of an off-road vehicle law. He also noted that Saratoga County Social Services needs to take responsibility for placing individuals in Corinth. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday
that Board adjourn, 8:00 PM Alice M. Lissow |
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