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Village Board Minutes May 16, 2012 (66) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held May 16, 2012 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Morreale called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Enekes, Trustee Halliday and Trustee Saunders were present. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Saunders,
approved minutes of regular meeting May 2, 2012 as typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Rich Reuther, Director of Jessup’s Landing EMS, gave a presentation on the municipal ambulance service. The service currently has 2 ambulances and 2 fly cars, and an additional ambulance is on order. There are 20 paid paramedics, and 15 volunteer EMT/drivers. The EMS provides service to the Village and Town of Corinth, along with the Town of Day. Mayor Morreale thanked Mr. Reuther and noted that Supv. Lucia and the former Village Board had worked together to bring about this service. The Mayor also noted that the ambulance would be on display on Saturday, May 19 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Main St. Stewart’s shop in conjunction with EMS week. Theresa Ayala from Monolith Solar was scheduled to speak, but did not attend the meeting. Dale-Ann Brown, Project Manager for Adam Lawrence Apartments, requested that the Board support its application to New York State for funding assistance necessary to rehabilitate the apartments. Ins. Jacon noted the great improvements made by Conifer Realty since it had taken over management of the facility. Resolution #96 approved, the Corinth Village Board supports the application of Snow Belt Housing Company, in partnership with Conifer Realty, to the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation for funding assistance to rehabilitate Adam Lawrence Apartments. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Morreale discussed a letter from the New York State Department of Health designating May 20-May 26 as EMS Week. There will be a dedication ceremony at the Empire State Plaza on May 23 at 11:00 AM. Mayor Morreale also noted he had received a letter from the Center for Economic Growth regarding a local government council meeting at Malozzi’s Restaurant with regard to Global Foundries. Mayor Morreale also reported that he had received a note from Sher Millis thanking the Board for the mural project donation. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Lissow was present, report for 5/16/12 read & filed. There have been several requests for the school and Head Start to use Pagenstecher Park in June before school is out. The Board agreed to have attendants on duty for those dates. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Saunders,
approved having park attendants on duty Friday, June 8 from 12:20-1:45;
Thursday, June 14 from 9:15-1:00; and Friday, June 15 from 11:00 – 1:30. Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday
approved Abstract #23: Payroll $26,255.21; General $124,592.64; Water
$4,352.99; Sewer $10,572.58; Capital Reserves $556.99; Community Development
$1,700.00. Resolution #97 approved budget transfers. FIRE DEPT – Chief Kelley was present. The docks are in the river and the divers have started their training. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Sup Lozier was present. The DPW has created a handicap ramp on the sidewalk at Main and River St. The clarifier is again operating at the WWTP. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 5/16/12 read & filed. Trustee Saunders reported that he had spoken with the owner of vacant property on Hamilton Ave and she will write letters to the Mayor, Sheriff Bowen, and Supervisor Lucia stating that she forbids vehicles to be ridden on her property.He also spoke with a bank regarding a property on Oak St that is in foreclosure. A property maintenance company will be coming in shortly to mow the lawn and clean up the property. ATTORNEY – Atty Buettner was present, report for 5/16/12 read & filed. The Planning Board has scheduled its next meeting for May 24 and is awaiting a response from the Saratoga County Planning Board regarding the Vaccarielli project. Atty Buettner has been working with Sue Commanda from HRCCU regarding a possible water line easement. She expects that the surveyor will have a map showing the easement within the week. OLD BUSINESS Eric Johr appeared before the Board to ask permission to have outdoor seating on the sidewalk in front of Rocco’s from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Atty Buettner noted that under current Village code, sidewalks cannot be encumbered without written Board consent. Insp Jacon said he would take measurements of the area to ensure there are no encumbrances. Atty Buettner will draft a local law regarding sidewalk sales and outdoor dining that will cover all businesses. If Mr. Johr wishes to have outdoor dining prior to the new law’s enactment, he will write the Village Board for consent. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #98 approved, mayoral signature on 2012/2013 Tax Warrant. Renee Baker gave an overview of the Village’s insurance coverage. Resolution #99 approved, mayoral signature on TD Insurance renewals. Resolution #100 approved, mayoral signature on Fiscal Advisors proposal to serve as advisors for bond projects. Resolution #101 approved, Mayor and Clerk/Treasurer named as signatories on TD Bank accounts. Resolution #102 approved, mayoral signature on water district contracts. Trustee Saunders asked if the contract extension with the Sheriff’s Dept. was for a year or 90 days. Mayor Morreale replied that, while the contract terms are for a year, it can be cancelled on 90 days’ notice. Trustee Saunders asked if any options, such as reductions in sheriff’s shifts, have been explored. Mayor Morreale noted that any Board member may form a committee to explore options to the contract. Trustee Saunders requested this issue be put on the agenda for the June 6 meeting. Resolution #103 approved, mayoral signature on Contract Extension with Sheriff’s Dept. for 1 year. There was much discussion among the Board members regarding a change in meeting time. Trustee Enekes, Denno, and Halliday felt that it should remain at 6:00PM; Trustee Saunders felt it should be changed to 7:00 PM. Supt Lozier, Chief Kelley, and Insp Jacon all spoke in favor of the current start time. Mayor Morreale suggested a list of residents who want the later time should be compiled. He requested the matter be tabled. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Nick Matino congratulated Cliff Jensen on his appointment as the new Asst. DPW Superintendent. He also expressed his disappointment that the Walnut St. project would not start until next year. He also urged the Board to sell the reservoir property and use the funds for Walnut St. or to pay down debt. Mayor Morreale responded that the engineering reports for Walnut St. are 90% done at this time. Any work started this year would have to stop for the winter. Trustee Denno noted that the Board has been willing to sell the reservoir property, but has been unable until the dam is repaired. Supt Lozier introduced Cliff Jensen, the new Asst DPW Superintendent, to the Board. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Denno thanked the EMS for their presentation and welcomed Cliff Jensen. Trustee Halliday thanked the Mayor for allowing him to attend the recent NYCOM conference. He also reported that he and the Mayor met with an auditor regarding Village financial procedures to see if he is interested in making a proposal. Trustee Saunders discussed the possibility of the public’s using the restrooms at Jessup’s Landing Park during concert events at the Barn. Mayor Morreale explained that it would need to be opened to all businesses, not just one. Trustee Denno questioned the liability insurance aspect. Trustee Saunders requested that the issue be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. He also noted that Bill Clark and Sigrid Koch attended a recent seminar and would like to invite them to address the Board regarding branding Corinth as an outdoor destination. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Morreale requested an executive session to discuss the employment histories of particular individuals in the Building Department and Clerk’s office. Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn to executive session as requested above, 7:45 PM. At 8:26 PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Saunders, seconded by Trustee Halliday,
that Board adjourn, 8:27 PM. Alice M. Lissow |
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