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Village Board MinutesMarch 16, 2011 (45) A public hearing of the Village Board was held March 16, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Dept Clerk/Treas Lissow led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Densmore and Lescault were present; Trustees Denno and Enekes were excused. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing re: no parking of specialty vehicles on Village streets from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM and read the notice as published in the Post Star on March 3, 2011. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS Jim Murray stated his opposition to the proposed law since there is already a Village law regarding vehicle parking. David Emery of Palmer Avenue opposed the proposed law and inquired if residents could be asked to move their vehicles rather than placing a ban on overnight parking. Kathy Emery of Palmer Avenue also felt the proposed law was unfair to residents. Mayor Winslow explained that there had been complaints from residents about large specialty vehicles parking on Village streets and that the Board was concerned about safety issues. With no additional comments from the public, Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:15 PM. Alice M. Lissow A regular meeting of The Village Board was held March 16, 2011 at 6:15 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting March 2, 2011 as
typed. The Mayor thanked the public for their comments during the public hearing and tabled any further discussion for the next Board meeting on April 6. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 3/16/11 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved scheduling of a budget workshop on March 23, 2011 at 6:00 PM at the
Village Hall. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication in the Post Star of a notice of public hearing on the
proposed 2011/2012 budget on April 6, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16
Saratoga Avenue. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #19: Payroll $30,340.67; General $35,129.25; Water
$4,764.90; Sewer $8,122.86; Community Development $10,105.00; and Capital
Reserves $4,000.00. FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Kelley was excused. DPW/WATER/WWTP - Supt Lozier was present. The snow loader is broken; he is currently waiting for parts. Supt Lozier has also received good feedback from mail carriers regarding the conditions of the sidewalks this winter. BUILDING INSPECTOR - Insp Jacon was present, report for 3/3/11 3/16/11 read & filed. Insp Jacon reported that a resident wants to raise butterflies and bees in his backyard for his daughter. A discussion followed as to whether this was to be considered a commercial enterprise or a hobby. Several members of the public spoke of problems that occurred with a similar venture in the past. Insp Jacon will follow up with the resident. ATTORNEY Atty Auffredou was present, report for 3/16/11 read & filed. The Planning Board will meet on March 24 to discuss with the owner of Des & Dills a possible site plan application for outdoor dining. At 6:35 PM Atty Auffredou was excused. OLD BUSINESS There was no update on GWUDI. NEW BUSINESS Discussion of the Nuisance Abatement Law was tabled. Clerk/Treas Colson distributed preliminary budget worksheets and discussed various line items. The tax rate would decrease $.07 to $5.50 per $1,000. Water rates for inside users would increase $16 and for outside users $32 annually. Sewer rates would increase $4 annually for both inside and outside users. $231,525 would be used from fund balance. She reminded the Board of the next budget workshop on March 23. The Board thanked Clerk/Treas Colson for her work on the budget and also thanked the department heads for continuing to keep costs down this year. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Nick Matino urged the Board to formulate a Village dissolution plan and set an election date for the matter. He noted that this issue arose when he was mayor, and the Board at that time felt that it should not go to a vote. He now feels that decision was wrong; the Village residents should have the right to decide. Jim Hopkins also urged the Board to set an election date. He feels strongly that a petition from Village residents will be presented soon if no action is taken. Tim Murphy asked if there were any plans for Walnut Street repairs in the tentative budget. Mayor Winslow replied that the Village has applied for a 0% interest hardship loan for infrastructure repairs but has not yet received a response. Mr. Murphy also noted that he and other members of the Dissolution/Shared Services Study Committee plan to hold community meetings to share their findings. Jim Murray stated he felt that the dissolution issue should go to a public vote. John Jacon asked if the Town has given a commitment to the Village with regard to garbage pick-up, districts, etc. in the event of a Village dissolution. Mayor Winslow noted that these questions would be answered in a dissolution plan. He also noted that the Boards dissolution discussions have been delayed due to weather. He thanked the public for their comments. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS None Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
that Board adjourn, 6:55 PM. Alice M. Lissow
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