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Village Board MinutesNovember 3, 2010 (21) A public hearing and regular meeting of the Village Board was held November 3, 2010 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Chief Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Densmore, and Trustee Lescault were present. Trustee Enekes was excused. A public hearing having been duly advertised in the Post Star on October 23, 2010, was held November 3, 2010 re: prohibiting parking of specialty vehicles on the Village streets. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing and read the published notice. The parking prohibition amends Chapter 132, Article III of the Village Code to add Section 132-26B prohibiting parking of specialty vehicles on Village streets. Specialty vehicles are defined as tractor trailers, construction trailers, cargo carriers, recreational vehicles, camping trailers, etc. PUBLIC COMMENT, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS John Fiore expressed dissatisfaction with the proposed law citing the provision of “a reasonable period of time” and the fact that it would be up to law enforcement to determine what is reasonable. Mr. Fiore also expressed concern that it may impede business owners who are working on such vehicles and requested that the law be changed to prohibit overnight parking only. Nick Matino spoke of a problem with tractor trailers being parked on the street for days at a time. Jim Murray expressed the opinion that the proposed law was counterproductive to residents and businesses in the Village and stated he felt the current parking situation did not impede traffic. With no further comment from the public, Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:12 PM. Nicole M. Colson
A regular meeting of the Village Board was held November 3, 2010 at 6:12 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved minutes of regular meeting October 6, 2010 as typed. DECISION ON LOCAL LAW 2-2010 The Board tabled proposed Local Law 2-2010 for further discussion. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Alexandra Rhodes of CT Male addressed the Board about the status of wetland restoration done at the DPW garage. The required annual report has been submitted to the Army Corp of Engineers and the results are positive enough that CT Male has asked the Corp to waive the remaining two years of reporting requirements. Ms. Rhodes will inform the Board when she receives a response from the Army Corp. Ms. Rhodes also addressed the Board regarding the water filtration project. Ms. Rhodes has received comments from the Department of Health on the plans for the filtration plant and is developing a final response. Ms. Rhodes discussed the September meeting with DOH and EFC which led to the filtration plant project reaching a score that met the funding line. As a result, the Village has been invited to complete a hardship application which, if approved, would render the Village eligible for a 0% loan for the project. The application must be submitted by December 1. The DEC also has money available through the Green Initiative Program. The portion of the filtration project that deals with cleaning the filter membranes is eligible for funding under this program. The grant is a 75/25 match; the Village’s application would be worth up to $150,000. Department of Health has modified the timeline of completion; the filtration plant must be running by March 31, 2012. Resolution #24 approved, authorized mayoral signature on proposal from CT Male to prepare Green Initiative Grant and EFC Hardship applications for a fee not to exceed $3,000. Tim Murphy, Chairman of the Shared Services/Dissolution Committee, appeared before the Board to present the Committee’s final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Mr. Murphy presented the Board with a written recommendation from the committee and outlined the main points of the Committee’s conclusions. The Committee’s recommendation is not to dissolve the Village at this time. The Committee members felt there were too many risks and uncertainties with dissolution including questions of whether the Village will continue to receive the contractual money from EPCOR and how those funds would be applied if the Village no longer existed. The Committee also questioned the availability of promised increases in State Aid and Incentives to Municipalities (AIM) money due to the current fiscal crisis in New York State. The majority of the Committee determined the dissolution issue should not be put to a referendum vote at this time, although several members of the committee do feel a vote should take place. The written recommendation submitted to the Board by the Committee details the committee’s position including letters from individual members explaining their position. Mayor Winslow and Board members thanked the Committee for their time and effort in performing a very difficult task thoroughly and taking such an active role in the analysis of the options. Mayor Winslow also expressed his appreciation to the Town Board members for their cooperation and the sub-committee members: department heads Town Clerk Rose Farr, Town Highway Supt Shawn Eggleston, DPW Supt Lozier, Chief Kelley and Clerk/Treas Colson for their participation, attendance at meetings, and assistance to the committee members in supplying relevant information. Mayor Winslow stated the Board will review the report issued by the committee and discuss the issue at a future meeting; the mayor invited Committee members and residents to voice any comments at this time. Committee members Supervisor Dick Lucia, Councilman Ed Byrnes, Renee Baker, and Bill Fuller stated they did not recommend dissolution, but felt residents should be allowed to vote on the issue. Committee member Jim Hopkins stated the question of dissolution should be put to a vote as soon as possible, but only after a dissolution plan has been completed and questions such as representation on the Town Board and which services will be preserved have been addressed. Committee member Jeff Collura stated he would only be comfortable with a referendum vote if the Governor Elect made assurances the extra AIM money would be available. Chief Kelley also voiced his opinion that if the issue is put to a vote the correct information needs to be made available to the public. Several residents expressed opinions on the importance of a dissolution vote and what steps could possibly be taken to address the uncertainty of AIM funding and the application and receipt of EPCOR funds. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 11/3/10 read & filed. Resolution #25 approved, adjustment to water/sewer roll. Clerk/Treas Colson informed the Board that a portion of Lemont Avenue needs to be renumbered due to a numbering error when 9-1-1 was initially implemented by the Town. Only two properties are occupied, Clerk/Treas Colson will notify the property owners of the new numbering. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #9: Payroll $26,698.93; General $13,087.51; Water
$34.83; Sewer $4,670.16; Community Development $14,382.90; Capital Reserves
$256.00 and abstract # 10: Payroll $26,687.55; General $39,306.04; Water
$9,856.16; Sewer $13,389.76; Community Development $26,210.00. Home Town Christmas will be held December 4, 2010 and Christmas with Santa will be December 11, 2010. Details will be on the village website as they become available. There is a link on the Village website to a local service offering job placement and housing assistance to local veterans. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for October 2010 read & filed. Chief Kelley thanked Town Highway Supt Shawn Eggleston for his recent help with an emergency truck repair and also thanked the Village DPW for their repair of a sewer problem at the firehouse. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for October 2010 read & filed. Leaf and brush pick-up will continue through November 15. Hydrant flushing will be 11/15 – 11/18. The addition of the phosphate to the water system has improved the water quality in the Village, the dosage of the phosphate is now lower and 20 pounds less chlorine is added each month. Supt Lozier & Gary Holmes have both passed their Class A water license exams. Supt Lozier is exploring BUILDING DEPARTMENT – Insp Jacon was present, report for 10/7/10 – 11/3/10 read & filed. The new elevator at Adam Lawrence Apartments is scheduled to be installed by Nov 10. Trustee Densmore asked Insp Jacon to address the condition of the parking lot behind the Grand Union with the respective owners. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 11/3/10 read & filed. The ZBA will meet 11/16/10; the Planning Board will meet 11/18/10. The Board requested Atty Auffredou obtain a quote from Dave Barrass to survey the Wood Road property. If the Board determines the land surplus the money for the survey will be recovered through the sale of the property. NEW BUSINESS The Board is awaiting a revised scope and quote from Laberge for the next step in dam remediation. The Mayor has sent the sample Nuisance Law provided by Atty Auffredou to the Sheriff and will await his input for consideration. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS John Fiore stated he would like certain laws to be designed with expiration dates in order to expire if they are not working for the community. Mitch Saunders addressed the Board about an issue with skateboarders on Village roadways; Chief Kelley also voiced his opinion that skateboarding is becoming a safety risk in the Village. Bob Hudak asked if the Green Initiative Grant and hardship applications could be completed by Village staff. Clerk/Treas Colson stated the engineering requirements were beyond staff capabilities in the short amount of time allotted. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
that Board adjourn, 7:35 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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