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Village Board MinutesApril 7, 2010 (57) Two public hearings and a regular meeting of the Village Board were held April 7, 2010 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order & Chief Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Densmore, Trustee Enekes & Trustee Lescault were present. A public hearing, having been duly advertised in the Post Star on March 19, 2010, was held April 7, 2010 re: application to the Office of Community Renewal Community Development Block Grant Program for possible financial assistance to construct a water filtration plant in the amount of $600,000. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing and read the published notice. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Bob Hudak questioned the cost of having Camoin Associates prepare the grant application and stated the Village should be writing their own grant applications to save money on consultant fees. With no further comment from the public, Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:05 PM. Nicole M. Colson A public hearing having been duly advertised in the Post Star on March 19, 2010 was held April 7, 2010 to discuss the proposed 2010/2011 budget. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing at 6:05 PM and read the published notice. Clerk/Treas Colson outlined the proposed budget. The most notable increases over last year’s budget were in health insurance, lease payment for the new fire truck, and costs of the future water filtration plant. The proposed 2010/2011 budget is $20,473 higher than the 2009/2010 budget. Proposed tax rate is $5.57 per thousand, with a $24 per year increase in water rents and a $4 per year increase in sewer rents. The projected amount to be appropriated from fund balance is $283,488. Clerk/Treas Colson explained that the projected appropriated fund balance is dependent on revenues; no fund balance has been spent the past three years. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Bob Hudak asked what amount will be taken from fund balance for the 2009/2010 fiscal year & Clerk/Treas Colson explained it is too early to make a projection. Jim Murray stated he would like to have the tax rate kept at last year’s $5.68 per thousand and use the extra tax revenue to resurface some Village roads. With no further comment from the public, the mayor closed the public hearing at 6:20 PM. Nicole M. Colson A regular meeting of the Village Board was held April 7, 2010 at 6:20 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved the minutes of March 17, April 1 and April 5, 2010 as typed. Resolution #81 approved, authorize mayor to submit application for $600,000 Office for Community Renewal grant. CORRESPONDENCE The American Legion will hold their annual Memorial Day parade on May 30 at 6:00 PM. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved American Legion Coin Drop on 5/29 – 5/30 on Maple St from 9:00 AM –
2:00 PM. The Corinth Little League opening day parade will be held Saturday April 24 beginning at Jessup’s Landing Park and ending at the Little League field. Corinth Community Churches has requested the use of the Village beach for their “Down by the Riverside” event on Sunday, August 8. Rev. Aldridge, Coordinator, has requested permission to construct a temporary beach volleyball venue. Trustee Densmore will meet with Rev. Aldridge to discuss location, insurance certificates, etc. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 4/7/2010 read & filed. Resolution #82 approved, adjustment to water/sewer rolls. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #20: Payroll $27,315.46; General $165,232.92;
Water $5,757.76; Sewer $11,288.49; Community Development $7,950 and Reserves
$15,300. Resolution #83 approved, budget transfers. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for March 2010 read & filed. Chief Kelley stated the Fire Dept usually holds their annual coin drop July 30 through August 1. Recently the Board approved a coin drop for the EMS during that weekend. The Board agreed to speak with the EMS to see if a solution can be reached. Chief Kelley mentioned they are benefiting from a donation of floor waxing at the firehouse and an energy audit of the firehouse will also be conducted free of charge. Mayor Winslow congratulated the new slate of fire officers. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was excused. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was excused. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 4/7/10 read & filed. The ZBA has closed the public hearing on the Inovlotska property and referred the plan to the DOT for a determination. The next ZBA meeting is April 28. The Planning Board has approved Stewart’s site plan application; they will proceed with their remodeling. OLD BUSINESS The next Shared Services/Dissolution Committee meetings are May 6 and May 20 at 6:30 PM. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno to
request an amendment from the State to use the remaining Community Development
Block Grant funds, which were previously used for slum/blight removal, for
housing and job creation for low to moderate income individuals. Trustee Enekes & Mayor Winslow stated they would rather use the funds toward an infrastructure project. NEW BUSINESS Atty Auffredou stated that the contract for the refuse & recycling pick-up would need to be re-bid. The Village normally addresses prevailing wage requirements in the contract documents, it has recently been determined the prevailing wage issue should be addressed in the bid documents. Resolution #84 approved, rescind resolution #59 awarding the garbage, recyclable and Village dumpster collection and hauling contract to JP Trucking. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore to
re-advertise in the Post Star for bids for garbage, recyclable and Village
dumpster collection and hauling service for up to a three year period, June
1, 2010 through May 31, 2013, and to include in the bid documents, at a
minimum, the following language about prevailing wage: "Bidders are
advised that the work to be performed is subject to the prevailing wage
laws of the State of New York. Copies of
the applicable prevailing wage schedule can be obtained
through the Village Clerk/Treasurer, or on-line through the New York
State Department of Labor at ( www.labor.state.ny.us)
and by keying in PRC # 2010900312". Bids to be opened on April 19, 2010 at
2:00 PM in the Village Hall. The Board discussed the proposal for an evaluation of dam reclassification for the Reservoir dam at the cost of $7,000. Reclassification of the dam could result in an extensive savings for the Village. The Board tabled the proposal for further discussion. Atty Auffredou informed the Board that the Town Assessor has notified the Village the exemption status for 260 Main Street will be revoked in the new assessment. Atty Auffredou has prepared grievance paperwork since the building is still used by the municipality for acceptable municipal uses. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved mayoral signature on complaint of real property assessment for 260
Main Street. The Board considered two proposals for flower planting in the Village; the Beautification Committee will not be planting & maintaining the flowers this year. A proposal for $3,475 was submitted by Chip’s Landscaping; a proposal for $3,843.72 was submitted by Cleveland Brothers. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore to
authorize mayoral signature on the proposal for flower planting &
maintenance from Cleveland Brothers in the amount of $3,843.72, pending
attorney review of the contract. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mike Woodcock commended the Board on the proposed budget & stated Village residents receive many services at a reasonable tax rate. Jim Murray gave credit for the budget to the Board and Department Heads. Bob Hudak questioned the way the health insurance was allotted in the budget, Clerk/Treas Colson explained. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Denno spoke of the research Deputy Clerk Lissow conducted finding that Villages determine fire contracts many different ways. Trustee Denno also spoke of her conversation with Paul Martin from New York Fire Prevention & Control who stated assessment based fire contracts were, in his opinion, the most fair and reasonable. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
that board adjourn, 7:20 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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