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Village Board MinutesAugust 5, 2009 (11) A public hearing of the Village Board was held August 5, 2009 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order & Steve Denton, II led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustee Denno, Trustee Densmore, Trustee Enekes & Trustee Lescault were present. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing and read the notice as published in the Post Star on July 28, 2009 re: the proposed purchase of a fire truck by expending $300,000 from the fire department reserves and financing the remainder of the cost with a lease/purchase agreement. Phil D’Angelo of Garrison Fire & Rescue gave an overview of the benefits of purchasing a fire truck now as opposed to after the 2010 new emissions requirements go into effect increasing the cost of the engine. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray, Center St, was opposed to purchasing a fire truck at this time. Mr. Murray expressed his concern that the Village was accumulating too much debt and suggested that they continue adding to the reserves at the present rate and wait three or four years to purchase the truck without financing. Bob Hudak, Ash St, was opposed to purchasing a fire truck at this time. Mr. Hudak expressed the opinion that a fire district would spread the cost of the fire department more evenly among taxpayers. Marshall Orr, Jenny Lake, was in favor of purchasing the fire truck at this time. Mr. Orr belongs to an Association of Hunt, Jenny & Effner Lake residents that depend on the Village of Corinth Fire Department for fire protection. Mitch Saunders, Oak Street, stated he was not in favor of purchasing a fire truck at this time. Mr. Saunders stated there is no question the truck is needed, but felt the Board should wait to see if the fire department is awarded the Dept of Homeland Security grant to purchase the truck. Trustee Denno stated the grants are usually awarded to communities with higher population concentration. Mike O’Brien, Hamilton Ave, was in favor of purchasing the fire truck at this time. Mr. O’Brien stated as a resident he appreciates fiscal responsibility involving the purchase, but as a volunteer firefighter he also appreciates reliable equipment. Joseph Duguay, Third St, stated the Village &fire department need to find ways to save money. Bob Kelley, Marion Ave, supports the purchase of the fire truck at this time. Mike Woodcock, Pine St, was in favor of purchasing the fire truck at this time. Mr. Woodcock stated the fire department needs the proper equipment to serve the public, the fire department’s only benefit from the purchase is the ability to do their jobs as well as possible. Chief Kelley stated he does not feel there will be an increase to the fire department’s budget next year and that the money that normally would be put in reserve will be available to make the payments on the lease/purchase. Trustee Enekes stated he feels the Village should wait on the results of the Dept of Homeland Security grant. With no further comment from the public, Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:30 PM. Nicole M. Colson August 5, 2009 (12) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held August 5, 2009 PM at 6:30 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved the minutes of the regular meeting July 15, 2009 and special meeting
July 27, 2009 as typed. DECISION ON PURCHASE OF FIRE TRUCK Mayor Winslow explained that the only action before the Board involving the fire truck at this time was to decide if the truck and financing package should be sent to bid. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault,
approved the publishing of the bid opening for the fire truck and the financing
package to be held September 1, 2009 in the Village Hall at 3:00 PM, and
authorized Atty Auffredou and Clerk/Treas Colson to develop the bid documents. CORRESPONDENCE The Department of Housing & Community Renewal has notified the Village that the application for a 2009 HOME grant has been denied. The Board will consider re-applying in 2010. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 8/5/09 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved attendance by Clerk/Treas Colson and Deputy Clerk/Treas Lissow at the
NYCOM Fall Training School in Albany, Sept 21- Sept 24 at a cost of $240 each
for registration and $265 per night for hotel and meals. The board discussed adding 361 West Maple St to the water/sewer system, water/sewer lines already exist in that street. Atty Auffredou suggested the Board consider a contract for all outside water/sewer users and will develop a sample. Resolution #16 approved, connection of 361 West Maple St to the Village water/sewer system with $2,500 hook up fee. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore,
approved payment of abstract #4: Payroll $80,642.99; General $122,193.36; Water
$12,753.29; Sewer $17,123.21; Community Development $23,152.00; and Reserves
$174,195.67. Clerk/Treas Colson informed the Board & the public that the Annual Update Document for the 2008/2009 fiscal year has been submitted to the State Comptroller’s office. The Village did not use any fund balance toward the 2008/2009 budget. Fund balance was increased in each of the Village’s funds as follows: General Fund increased by $106,916.87 for a total of $1,448,852.81; Water Fund increased by $70,322.08 for a total of $417,214.05; Sewer Fund increased by $37,619.15 for a total of $259,666.98 as of May 31, 2009. Mayor Winslow commended the department heads on doing well at limiting expenses. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for July 2009 read & filed. Chief Kelley distributed pictures to the Board of the Department’s training with the new extraction equipment; the mayor requested some photos be put on the website. At 7:00 PM Trustee Lescault was excused. Chief Kelley explained that some of the obsolete extraction equipment could be used by the Greenfield Fire Department and asked Board permission to sell the items for $4,000. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes, that
excess extraction equipment is declared surplus and permission given to Chief
Kelley to dispose of as he sees fit. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for July 2009 read & filed. Supt Lozier stated the area on River Street from Main St to the curve by the river before the Emergency Squad is a “no parking anytime” zone. The signage must have been removed over the winter; Supt Lozier will be replacing the signage and notifying residents that park in that area. Supt Lozier updated the Board on the status of his and Asst Supt Holmes water licenses; they have completed the lab work for their Class D certification and are awaiting the final exams. The addition of a sequestering agent for the water system is almost complete, a notice will be posted in the Pennysaver. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 7/16/09 – 8/5/09 read & filed. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 8/5/09 read & filed. The ZBA met on 7/22 and reviewed the application for 4 Saratoga Ave and deemed it incomplete; they will meet again on 8/26. The Planning Board has reviewed Mr. Dumont’s site plan for his Main St property and scheduled a public hearing for 8/27 at 7:00 PM in the Village Hall. OLD BUSINESS No update on GWUDI. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #17 approved, adoption of the following policies on the advice of Camoin Associates, administrators of the Village’s Small Cities Grant: Accessibility Plan, Cost Allocation Proposal, Conflict of Interest Provision, Fair Housing Policy, Anti Displacement Relocation Assistance Plan, Section 3 Policy, CDBG Citizen Participation Plan, MBE/WBE Utilization Plan. Resolution #18 approved, authorize mayoral signature on contract amendment with Camoin Associates as required by Housing Trust Fund Corporation. The Board discussed two change orders submitted by MEM Contracting for the Jessup’s Landing Park project in the amount of $2,225. The change orders involved re-routing electrical lines and plumbing not included in the project work scope. After much discussion the Board consensus was to disallow the change orders. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Enekes,
authorized three people to attend the NYCOM Volunteer Firefighter Workshop in
Menands on August 27, at the cost of $50 each. Eight proposals were received for consulting services on the Dissolution/Shared Services Feasibility study. Mayor Winslow asked the Board to report to him their top three choices to schedule interviews as soon as possible. The Board decided to table a proposed contract with Camoin Associates to administer the Main Street grant for discussion at the next Board meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray asked if the interviews for the consultant to the Dissolution/Shared Services Study would be public interviews and if the Dissolution/Shared Services Committee would be involved. Mayor Winslow stated the Board would be interviewing the consultants, most likely in executive session, to select a consultant to work with the committee. Bob Hudak requested the current year’s budget be published on the website and stated he felt paying for a hotel room in Albany for the NYCOM conference was an insult to taxpayers. He also questioned what procedure was followed to address property maintenance concerns. Joel Duguay requested that the fire department budget also be available on the website. Joseph Duguay questioned why Lemont Ave was repaved this year instead of other streets; Mayor Winslow responded that the Village follows a priority list kept by the DPW Supt. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore, that
Board adjourn, 7:45 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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