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Village Board MinutesApril 29, 2009 (68) A special meeting of the Village Board was held April 29, 2009 at 6:00PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Ray Bush led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes and Lescault were present. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore approved
minutes of the special meeting March 26, the regular meeting April 1, 2009, the
organizational meeting April 6, 2009, and the special meeting April 13, 2009 as
typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS - none CORRESPONDENCE - none DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treasurer Colson was present, report for 4/29 read & filed. Resolution #122 approved budget transfers. FIRE DEPT – Chief Kelley was present. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present. Supt Lozier noted that sidewalks damaged from water breaks during the winter have been cemented & Maple St has been patched. Supt Lozier reported that Pagenstecher Park is open; the restrooms are closed until attendants are present. Trustee Densmore commented that the park looked great and thanked the DPW for their efforts. Supt Lozier noted he would be investigating a water leak in a culvert on Mill St near 9N. If a road closure is necessary, he will contact the County and State DOTs. The Mayor suggested the alert system be used to notify residents if the water is to be shut off. Supt Lozier reported that the May 1 deadline for the WWTP disinfection cannot be met and that he has notified DEC. They have agreed on a June 30 deadline. Supt Lozier noted there are dead trees on the EPCOR property that the Village maintains. He will contact EPCOR to have them removed. The Board asked about the hole in the Grand Union driveway next to the Chinese restaurant. It was decided that Insp Jacon would contact Grand Union to have them make repairs. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 4/29 read & filed. Insp Jacon reported that he notified the owner of 207 Oak of unsanitary conditions. If the garbage & truck in the alley are not removed, he may call a deputy sheriff to enforce the code. Insp Jacon noted that he has spoken with the owner of 4 Saratoga Ave & told her she can clean up & repair the property, but cannot make structural changes without the Planning Board’s approval. Insp Jacon also reported that he met with Jeffrey Dumont who presented him with engineered plans for a modular building at 205-209 Main St.. Insp Jacon is concerned that there will not be enough staging room & that 9N could be blocked by a crane. Mr. Dumont said he will contact the Planning Board. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 4/29 read & filed. Atty Auffredou reported that the Planning Board thoroughly reviewed Fay Inovlotska’s plans for 4 Saratoga Ave. He believes that several ZBA variances will be necessary. Atty Auffredou also noted that the Planning Board is planning to give a recommendation on the cell tower law. OLD BUSINESS Water Contracts – Mayor Winslow reported that Village & Town of Corinth officials met & discussed a 3 year plan for increases in water rents for budgeting purposes. There will be a $24 increase this year and a larger increase next year. Outside users have paid more in order to cover maintenance of the lines, therefore the contracts will need to be changed to reflect that. Atty Auffredou will review the contracts after the Town’s attorney revises them. 2009/2010 Budget - Clerk/Treas Colson reported that both inside & outside water rates will increase by $24 per year, and inside & outside sewer rates will increase by $6 per year. Clerk/Treas Colson also explained the Constitutional Tax Limits in regard to the budget process, and stated the tax rate will be $5.68 per thousand. Resolution #123 approved the 2009/2010 budget. HOME Grant update - Trustee Denno briefly discussed the HOME grant program. There have been 17 applicants to date; another 19 are pending. 9 local contractors are working on this program, and positive results are seen throughout the village. She commended Rehab Coordinator John Jacon & Rehab Clerk Renee Hala on their hard work. NEW BUSINESS Atty Auffredou explained that the water filtration project meets the definition of SEQRA Type II exempt action since it has been necessitated by the Dept of Health’s findings. Resolution #124 authorized the Mayor, the Village Clerk/Treasurer, the Village Engineer assigned to the project and/or the Village Attorney to notify all necessary agencies or entities that the water filtration project is a Type II action and exempt from further review under SEQRA. Atty Auffredou explained that a resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds for the water filtration plant is necessary to applications for funding. This authorization does not obligate the Village to incur debt for the project, but allows the Village to pursue funding options including grant money. Resolution #125 authorized the issuance of up to $6,200,000 in serial bonds for the construction of a micro filtration membrane water treatment system as a result of the Village’s wells being under the direct influence of surface water and the installation of approximately 3.17 miles of water distribution mains. Cheri Sullivan submitted her letter of resignation as Secretary to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. Resolution #126 approved resignation of Cheri Sullivan as Planning Board and ZBA Secretary with thanks for her service. Resolution #127 approved hiring Lynn Summers as Planning Board and ZBA Secretary at the pay rate of $35 per meeting. The Board briefly discussed the Program Work Plan for the LGE Grant. Atty Auffredou recommended moving ahead with the plan. Resolution #128 approved the Program Work Plan for the LGE Grant. Trustee Densmore reported that the New York State Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial Commission has been established to plan, develop , and coordinate the 400th anniversary of the voyages of Henry Hudson and Samuel de Champlain as well as the 200th anniversary of Robert Fulton’s voyage up the Hudson. If the Village were to be designated as an Explore NY 400 Community, it may be eligible for either state or federal grant money to assist in Quadricentennial planning, events, and legacy projects. A major event would need to be listed, and Saratoga County would provide marketing materials. A potential date of Aug. 29 was suggested. Resolution #129 approved the Village of Corinth to be designated as an Explore NY 400 Community and to establish an Explore NY 400 Committee. Resolution #130 approved, authorizing mayoral signature on the Explore NY 400 Community grant agreement. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, & CONCERNS Jim Murray asked if the Village could purchase more crosswalk signs. Supt Lozier will check on whether the old signs can be refurbished and the cost of new ones. Ray Bush expressed parking concerns for the proposed establishment at 4 Saratoga Ave. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Lescault commented that there have been complaints of bicycle riders chasing people off the sidewalks. Bikers can be cited for riding on sidewalks where prohibited. Supt. Lozier will check on signage for Main St. Trustee Densmore explained revisions that are being made to the Pagenstecher Park brochures. Trustee Denno will check to see if the new brochures can be donated. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved adjournment to executive session as requested by Mayor Winslow to
discuss CSEA contract negotiations at 7:15PM. Trustee Denno excused herself
from executive session. At 8:05 PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes that
Board adjourn, 8:05PM. Alice M. Lissow |
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