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Village Board minutesMarch 4, 2009 (53) A public hearing of the Village Board was held March 4, 2009 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Bill Fuller led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Densmore, Enekes & Lescault were present. Trustee Denno was excused. Mayor Winslow read the public hearing notice as published in the Feb 24, 2009 Post Star re: submission of a 2009 HOME grant application. Jim Thatcher of Avalon Associates informed the public that the proposed HOME grant application would request funding from the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation in order to assist property owners meeting the income guidelines to make needed health, safety and mechanical repairs to their owner-occupied homes. The Village is currently administering grant funds that were awarded in 2007 and 2008. Many property owners have shown interest in the program and the Village program has been very successful. Additional funding, if awarded, would allow the Village to assist a greater number of home owners. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Linda Alakwskina asked a question regarding the HOME grant currently being administered. Mayor Winslow stated that her question would be addressed during the regular meeting. With no public comment regarding the potential submission of a HOME grant application, Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:14 PM. Nicole M. Colson
A regular meeting of the Village Board was held March 4, 2009 at 6:15 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved minutes of regular meeting Feb 18, 2009 as typed. DECISION ON PROPOSED 2009 HOME GRANT APPLICATION Resolution #92 approved, application for 2009 HOME grant funding to be submitted to NYS HTFC. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK/TREASURER – Clerk/Treas Colson was present, report for 3/4/09 read & filed. Resolution #93 approved, adjustment to water/sewer rolls. The contract for the dumpster at the firehouse is up for renewal. The Board decided to check with fire department liaison Trustee Denno and Chief Kelley about the necessity of renewing the contract at $125.50 per month. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved payment of abstract #19: Payroll $30,963.53; General $43,798.71; Water
$4,819.88; Sewer $7,729.25; Community Development $19,764.98; and Reserves
$500.00. Resolution #94 approved, budget transfer. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Asst Chief Kelley was present. Report for Feb 2009 read & filed. At 6:20 PM Asst Chief Kelley was excused. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for Feb 2009 was read & filed. Supt Lozier & the Board discussed having Don Bolduc spray the beach with geese repellent this summer. Mr. Bolduc will submit a proposal to the Board. The Dept of Health has issued a new requirement for daily turbidity sampling of the water system at varying locations each time. Currently the DPW tests the wells every Monday for turbidity. Turbidity measures the appearance and visual clarity of the water. The effluent disinfection tanks will arrive Friday. Supt Lozier will be meeting with CT Male representatives to discuss further plans for the water filtration plant. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 2/19/09 – 3/4/09 read & filed. Mayor Winslow and Insp Jacon addressed Linda Alakwskina’s questions regarding her placement on the list of grant applicants and the emergency repairs needed for her home. Insp Jacon stated Ms. Alakwskina has nine other homeowners ahead of her on the list of applicants and explained the applications were being addressed in the order they were received. If grant approvals and the contractors continue at the current pace it will be approximately 5-6 months before her application is addressed. Insp Jacon suggested Ms. Alakwskina contact the Saratoga County Dept of Aging and Dept of Social Services about emergency repairs. Jim Thatcher also suggested the Saratoga County Rural Preservation Company, a nonprofit organization in Ballston Spa. Insp Jacon stated the Saratoga County Dept of Aging is becoming involved in handling the complaints at the Adam Lawrence Apartments; Insp Jacon is still pursuing the new management company to resolve issues. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 3/4/09 read & filed. The Planning Board met 2/26 and discussed the possible need of a cell tower law; Martin has made copies of other municipalities’ laws for the Board’s review. The Planning Board will make their recommendations to the Board after their March 26 meeting. Mayor Winslow stated the Gailor Company has expressed interest in placing a cell tower on Village property. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes
authorized the mayor to sign an agreement with CSEA to allow employees to be
reimbursed up to $250 for deductibles related to the Village health insurance
prescription plan upon presentation of receipts proving payment of the
deductible. The Board discussed an order issued by the Dept of Health setting a timeline for compliance with the GWUDI surface water ruling. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
authorized the mayor to enter into the stipulation with the DOH administrative
tribunal subject to any recommendations by the Village Attorney, DPW Supt or CT
Male regarding the timeline for completion of the project. OLD BUSINESS The Board decided to pursue the amendment to the Sign Law recommended by the Zoning Board to modify the Appeals and Variances section to initiate a procedure for variances. The Board also determined they were not interested in pursuing the Zoning Board’s recommendation to remove the current prohibition on internally illuminated signs. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication in the Post Star of notice of public hearing re: amendment
to the Sign Law to modify Article V, Appeals and Variances, to be held on May
6, 2009 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved referral of the draft amendment to the sign law to the Saratoga County
Planning Board. The Board instructed the Clerk/Treas to issue a letter to the ZBA declining to act on their recommendation to remove the internally illuminated sign prohibition from the Sign Law. The Board discussed claims against the Village for property damage to resident vehicles caused by ice accumulation in driveways. Mayor Winslow abstained from the discussion because one of the claimants is a relative. The Board consensus, with advice from Atty Auffredou and Supt Lozier, was that the property owners are responsible for keeping their driveways clear of hazards and the Village is not responsible for reimbursement for damages. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved issuance of letters to claimants denying reimbursement for damages. NEW BUSINESS Bids for recyclable collection were received on February 27
as follows: Resolution #95 approved acceptance of bid by Waste Management for a one-year contract for recyclable collection at the cost of $23,995. Municipal water contracts with the Town of Corinth and Town of Luzerne expire May 31, 2009. The Board authorized Atty Auffredou to revise the Town of Corinth contracts to require the Town to maintain and repair the water lines or reimburse the Village for the reasonable expense of maintaining and repairing the water lines in the Town districts. The Town of Luzerne water contract already calls for the Town of Luzerne to maintain and repair the lines. Atty Auffredou will present the revised contracts to the Board for their approval. Mayor Winslow stated he has been in contact with Sean Maguire, project manager for the Local Government Efficiency Grant, to meet and develop a work plan in order to issue RFPs to consultants. The Board discussed scheduling a budget meeting and will contact the Clerk/Treas with acceptable times. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mitch Saunders asked the Mayor about possible stimulus money for the Village. Mayor Winslow has been in contact with the Environmental Facilities Corp about having the water filtration plant become a “shovel ready” project for funding. Mr. Saunders also pointed out that the Town residents pay an extra $100 a year for water. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss negotiations regarding collective bargaining with the CSEA. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
that Board adjourn to executive session as requested by Mayor Winslow, 7:25 PM. At 8:00 PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
that Board adjourn, 8:00 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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