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Village Board MinutesDecember 5, 2007 (45) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held December 5, 2007, 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order, Shawn Eggleston, Town Highway Supt, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes & Lescault were present. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved the minutes of special meeting Nov 28, 2007 as typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Shawn Eggleston, Town of Corinth Highway Superintendent, addressed the Board to request the Village be a co-applicant on a Shared Municipal Services Grant from the State of NY to purchase an asphalt roller. The roller will cost approximately $130,000, the grant would pay for 90% of the cost leaving a 10% match to be split between the Village and the Town. Supt Lozier stated that currently the Village borrows a roller to blacktop; it would be very beneficial to the Village to own a roller. Atty Auffredou stated an intermunicipal agreement would need to be drawn up between the Village and the Town for ownership and use of the roller. Resolution #67 approved to apply for Shared Services Grant jointly with the Town of Corinth to purchase an asphalt roller at an amount not to exceed $130,000. Jim Thatcher, Avalon Associates, appeared before the Board to discuss the current HOME grant the Village has been awarded and make plans for a possible application in 2008. The current grant targets the area of the Village east of Fourth Street. 1 – 4 family owner occupied homes with owner income of 60% of area median income, or less are eligible. The grant is for $400,000, up to $25,000 to be spent per unit. The Board asked Mr. Thatcher to prepare a proposal for applying for a 2008 HOME grant for the next Board meeting. Resolution #68 approved to adopt guidelines and procedures for administration of the 2007 HOME grant. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Winslow read a letter sent by Dan Lescault, Corinth Youth Football, requesting assistance with storing football equipment. The Board discussed the request and determined that there is no room in village buildings, but directed the Mayor to check with Supervisor Lucia to see if the Town has any space. The Board has received a letter from Jerome Orton of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. This coming July is the one hundred year anniversary of the dedication of the Civil War monument in Corinth. Mr. Orton requested that the Village mark the event with a ceremony of recognition. Mayor Winslow suggested the Village and the Town participate in a joint ceremony as part of the Independence Day Celebration festivities. Mayor Winslow will organize this with Supervisor Lucia. Mayor Winslow read the October 2007 report from the Sheriff’s Department. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK - Clerk Colson was present, report for 12/5/07 read & filed. Resolution #69 approved adjustment of the water/sewer rolls. Clerk Colson reported that the APA permit for the Dam Safety Project was filed with the Saratoga County clerk on 11/29/07. The weeks of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays County Waste will pick up garbage on Friday instead of the usual Thursday, they will post a notice in the Pennysaver. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report for 12/5/07 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #14: Payroll $27,219.15; General $361,943.91;
Water $15,281.86; and Sewer $16,158.41. Treas Fuller distributed copies of the appropriations report. Resolution #70 approved budget transfers. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for November 2007 read & filed. The Board acknowledged the wonderful job the fire department and the fire police did during the Hometown Christmas parade. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for November 2007 read & filed. Supt Lozier notified the Board that Brad Sitts, 15 Ash St, would like a tree removed from the alleyway behind his house, which is growing into his fence. DPW will remove the tree but must access it from Mr. Sitts’ property. Atty Auffredou will draw up a basic release & hold harmless agreement for Mr. Sitts to sign. Trustee Denno asked Supt Lozier to notify Cote Insurance when they plan to dig the ditch to run power to Jessup’s Landing Community Park. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for Nov 29 – Dec 5, 2007 read & filed. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present. Atty Auffredou informed the Board that he was issuing a memo for their review regarding the proposed loitering law. OLD BUSINESS Proposed Loitering Law discussion was tabled. Supt Lozier is meeting with CT Male after the holidays to discuss the GWUDI determination. We are still awaiting DEC approval of the CT Male design plans for disinfection of WWTP effluent. Temporary solutions to Eggleston St water quality issues are being explored, hydrants will be flushed again on Monday. The water main will be replaced in the Spring. LaBerge is working on the design plan for the West Mt Reservoir project. Philmet has decided not to pursue the LWRP grant opportunity due to a perceived conflict of interest in having the same engineer creating a Generic Environmental Impact Statement and ultimately appearing before the Planning Board. Atty Auffredou stated the conflict could be resolved by having a separate engineer in the Planning Board stage and offered to speak with Philmet attorneys about the matter. Mayor Winslow stated that even if Philmet decided to apply, it is now too late for Camoin to prepare an application. NEW BUSINESS – none. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Michael Vasquez, Rte 9N, asked when the proposed loitering law would be voted on. The Board explained there was no set date for a vote, the law is still being considered. Mr. Vasquez stated he felt it was unfair to have the vote without public notice being given. Bryan Mann, Sherry Mann and Chris Debiec, from Walnut St, addressed the board about the poor water quality on Walnut Street and asked the Board to make it a priority. There is sediment in the water that is staining laundry and damaging bathtubs, etc. Supt Lozier assured the residents that the water has been tested for chloroform and E. coli; the water is safe to drink, although unappetizing. Supt Lozier believes the problem stems from the 4-inch water main. Mayor Winslow stated that the Village is applying for an appropriations grant to assist in addressing this issue; he assured the residents that this is a priority with the Board and thanked them for their continued patience. Ms. Mann stated some of the residents are discussing private testing. Mayor Winslow requested Supt Lozier take regular samples from the Walnut St area. The Board requested Supt Lozier also look into pricing to install water filters until the water main can be replaced. Jim Murray, Center St, has two water filters in his house and invited board members over to view the system. Chris Shuh, Town resident, spoke against the proposed loitering law and against the Village applying for grants. Mr. Schuh questioned the constitutionality of grants in general and the water problems. Robert Keller, Rte 9N, is developing a website with local information and wishes to publish current problems with the water system and the location of the water mains. Supt Lozier stated he was not sure he could disclose exact locations under the Anti-Terrorist Act; he will check with the Dept of Health. Mayor Winslow stated the annual water report is available at the Village Hall and that Mr. Keller can submit a F.O.I.L. request for any other information. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none.
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore that
Board adjourn, 7:45 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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