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Village Board MinutesApril 25, 2007 (87) A special meeting of the Village Board was held April 25, 2007, 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Chief Kane led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Enekes, and Lescault were present. Trustee Densmore was excused. Mayor Winslow informed the public that the Board was considering a proposal by the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department to provide the Village with 24 hour a day 7 days a week police coverage. The Board is considering this option as a cost saving alternative to having a Village police force. Mayor Winslow stated this measure does not reflect on the current Village police force, the force has served the Village well for decades. The Board is proud of all the past chiefs and officers, Chief Bob Kane and all of the current full time and part time officers; they have always performed admirably with the best interest of the residents at heart. Treas Fuller explained that the current cost of operating a village police department is about $445,853; this number includes salaries, equipment, heat, vehicles, general insurance, health insurance, retirement and FICA costs. This figure also includes an allowance of $15,000 per year because a new police car is generally purchased every two years. This figure does not include the cost of crossing guards, heat and electricity at a reduced cost to maintain the building, and money for DWI enforcement because that cost is generally reimbursed by the County. Mayor Winslow welcomed Sheriff Bowen to the meeting to make a presentation. Sheriff Bowen explained that the proposal was not binding on anyone. The Sheriff’s Dept must be available to all municipalities in the county; this contract is to guarantee a deputy in the Village 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This would be accomplished by four full time deputy sheriffs with all police vehicles and equipment provided by the Sheriff’s Dept. These deputies would not leave the Village unless there is a real disaster. Current shifts are 8-4, 4-12, 12-8. The Village Board would still have some control over directing patrols to specific areas. The deputies would operate out of the Town Hall on Palmer Avenue. The cost of the contract would be $298,000 per year for a two to three year period. If the contract is accepted the current three full time Village police officers would be absorbed into the Sheriff’s Dept. Determining what officers work in the Village will be Sheriff Bowen’s decision, but he would be open to suggestions and has no problem leaving current officers in the Village. Additional officers would be available during special events at no extra charge. The Village will have access to investigators from the Sheriff’s Dept for burglaries, the PD phone number would stay the same and be rolled over to the Sheriff’s Dept, and all records would be kept at the department. Trustee Denno asked if the deputies would enforce Village laws such as parking regulations, etc. Sheriff Bowen said they would and that they would work with the DPW as necessary, they will not be involved with building code enforcement. Trustee Enekes asked about court appearances, they will be covered under the contract at no additional charge. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Woods, Walnut Street, asked about continuing the foot patrols downtown, checking on businesses, and if the current officer’s retirement would carry over. Sheriff Bowen stated the foot patrols would continue and businesses would be checked if that is what the Board wished. The officer’s retirement would be credited. Susan LaPoint, Dunn Ave, asked if officers would be rotated out or kept in year after year. Sheriff Bowen said that he would work with people’s wishes as much as possible, if the officers wanted to leave the Village he would work with them on that. Tim Halliday asked about officers working court security and would they continue to work closely with the schools. Mayor Winslow stated that the Town is looking into hiring court officers and Sheriff Bowen said the school duties could stay the same. Bonnie Potter asked if the Village shifts will be out for shift bids. Sheriff Bowen said shifts are bid by seniority in November, but where they are stationed is not bid. It is his intention to keep the officers here that are already here. Bob Hudak, Ash Street, asked what kind of time was involved in shift hand off. The Sheriff answered that he tries to make sure shifts are out on the street in 10 minutes. Dennis Morreale, Center St, asked the Sheriff how he calculated the figures in the contract. Salary, fringe benefits, approximate overtime, gas, and cost of vehicle maintenance are figured in to the cost. Jack Woods, Oak St, asked what happens to the current equipment the police dept has now. Mayor Winslow stated that would be determined by the Board, firearms would need to be secured and disposed of. Jim Woods asked about the crossing guards. The crossing guards currently require little supervision from the police; they supervise themselves and cover their own shifts. In the event that a shift does need to be covered an officer takes their place, this would still happen under the Sheriff’s Dept. Paul Roder, part time Village officer asked if the Sheriff would hire part time officers. The Sheriff’s Dept does not currently use very many part time officers, but it could be a possibility. Lyndy Walker, Oak Street, asked about absences, the Sheriff answered that shifts would be covered by other deputies. Joel Duguay, Center St, stated he felt the decision should be made by referendum vote. Cindy Hatin, Glens Falls, asked about community activities. Sheriff Bowen stated that the Sheriff’s Dept would encourage a neighborhood watch program and would continue the Annual Bike Rodeo participation. Bob Maynard, parole officer, stated he has enjoyed his working relationship with the department and Chief Kane. He felt that in some instances crimes have been prevented and that the department does an outstanding job. Howard Hughes, South Glens Falls, stated he valued the current police and had no qualms about the Sheriff’s Dept, but asked the board to consider how hard it would be to go back to having our own department in the future. David Ross, part time police officer, asked how a referendum is conducted. Mayor Winslow stated that a petition signed by 20% of the Village’s registered voters would need to be submitted to the Board within 30 days of when the Board enacted a local law. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Lescault stated she appreciates the Police Dept and the job they have done, but we need to consider this option to help relieve the taxpayers. Trustee Enekes stated that the decision had not been made yet, there will still be a public hearing & residents have the right to petition for a referendum. Trustee Enekes also thanked the police department for doing a great job. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn, 6:45 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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