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Village Board MinutesApril 4, 2007 (79) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held April 4, 2007 at 6:00 PM in the Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Chief Kane led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore & Enekes were present. Trustee Lescault was excused. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved the minutes of reg mtg March 21, 2007 and budget mtg March 20, 2007 as
typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Councilman Charles Brown appeared before the Board on behalf of the Emergency Response Management Cmte in order to present the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan prepared from a template from Emergency Services of Saratoga County. The plan gives an infrastructure to the response to an emergency, outlines the chain of command and individual authority during a disaster. The Board thanked Councilman Brown for his efforts & his work done as Emergency Coordinator. Councilman Brown also spoke of certain items still needed to outfit the command center at the firehouse, such as additional phone lines and a file cabinet. Resolution #138 approved, resolved to adopt Emergency Management Plan. Resolution #139 approved, addition of 6 Centrex phone lines at the firehouse for the command center. Resolution #140 approved, purchase of a file cabinet for the command center at the firehouse. DEPARTMENT REPORTS FIRE Chief Andy Kelley present, report for March 2007 read & filed. Mayor Winslow congratulated Andy Kelley on being elected Chief and Dan Kelley on being elected First Assistant. CLERK Clerk Colson was present, report for 4/4/07 read & filed. The Board approved the American Legion coin drop on 5/26-5/27/07 and the fire dept coin drop 7/27 7/29/07. TREASURER Treas Fuller was present, report of 4/4/07 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #21: Payroll $41,329.24; General $80,443.60; Water
$6,755.95; Sewer $11,897.64; Commercial Development $600.18. Resolution #141 approved budget transfers. POLICE DEPT Chief Kane was present, report for 3/21/07 4/4/07 read & filed. Chief Kane notified the public that there is a registered Level 3 sex offender living at 112 Pine Street, Donald Richard Lee, notifications with a picture and description will be distributed to the schools. The Board discussed the need for a static IP address at the Police Station. The cable company says a static IP would cost an additional $30 per month. Treas Fuller is researching the options. DPW/WATER/WWTP Supt Lozier was excused, report for March 2007 read & filed. BUILDING INSPECTOR Insp Jacon present, report for 3/8/07 4/4/07 read & filed. Insp Jacon will be attending State mandated training in Schenectady April 17 April 19, 2007. ATTORNEY Atty Avigdor present, report for 4/4/07 read & filed. Atty Avigdor outlined a few changes he would like to be made before the mayor signs the CT Male contract to provide the Village with engineering services at the Village wells. Resolution #142 approved mayoral signature on CT Male contract to provide engineering services at the cost of $8,500, plus a possible additional $500, upon approval of contract changes by the attorney. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication in the Post Star of notice of public hearing to be held
April 18, 2007 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse to discuss the proposed fence law. Atty Avigdor stated he is working on the proposed outdoor wood burning furnace and nuisance laws. Atty Avigdor requested an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. OLD BUSINESS Resolution #143 approved adoption of the Comprehensive Master Plan Committees Proposed Design Guidelines for development in the downtown area. Resolution #144 approved award of bid for refuse collection to County Waste and recyclable collection to Waste Management contingent to both winning bidders submitting contracts that meet attorney approval. NEW BUSINESS The Board directed Treas Fuller to request tree care proposals from companies recommended by the Tree Committee. Resolution #145 approved mayoral signature on Cleveland Brothers contract for property maintenance. Resolution #146 approved mayoral signature on the 2007 Fire Protection contract with the Town of Corinth. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication in the Post Star of a notice of public hearing to be held
April 18, 2007 in the firehouse at 6:00 PM in order to present & take
comment on the 2007/2008 proposed budget. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore
authorized publication in the Post Star of the fire hydrant flushing scheduled
the week of 4/16-4/19. Resolution #147 approved mayoral signature on the extension to the 2003 Intermunicipal Agreement with Warren County. Review of the snow removal policy was tabled until Supt Lozier was present. Training requirements for the Zoning and Planning Boards were tabled until the Board receives input from the ZBA and Planning Board. Mayor Winslow stated that review of the new zoning amendment by the Saratoga County Planning Board and Chazen should be completed by the next meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray, Center St, and Bob Hudak, Ash St, had questions for the Board regarding the budget. The Board informed them that the proposed tax increase for the Village as 3% and that services were being evaluated such as studying the cost savings involved with Intermunicipal sharing of certain services. Jackie Burnham questioned the Board regarding the condition of Jacks Place on Main Street. Insp Jacon has been denied entry, but assured by the owner that it is cleaned out. Insp Jacon encouraged anyone with first hand knowledge of a violation to file a complaint at his office. Joel Duguay, Dennis Morreale, and Kate Halliday spoke regarding excessive speeds on Center St as well as asked for clarification about where skateboards and rollerblades were prohibited. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS The Board discussed rescinding the resolution to award the garbage contracts and wait until hearing from the public at the budget hearing. The Board discussed discontinuing recyclable collection. Resolution #148 approved to rescind garbage bid award without prejudice. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore that
Board adjourn to executive session to discuss a personnel matter, 7:28 PM. At 8:00 PM the Board reconvened, motion by Trustee Enekes,
seconded by Trustee Densmore to adjourn. Nicole M. Colson |
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