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Village Board MinutesDecember 20, 2006 (47) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held Dec 20, 2006, 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Fire Chief Denton led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, and Enekes were present. Trustee Lescault was excused. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Denno approved
the minutes of regular meeting Dec 6, 2006 as typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Mayor Winslow introduced Rob Camoin from Camoin Associates who addressed the Board about prospective grant opportunities. Mr. Camoin outlined the 2007 Community Development Block Grant being offered by the Governors Office for Small Cities. The grant funds improvements to housing, public facilities and promote economic development, deadline for submission is April of 2007. The New York Main Street program compliments the CDBG and has a deadline in March of 2007. Mr. Camoin also outlined the Main Street program which cannot be applied for by the municipality, our last application was submitted on our behalf by SEDC. The Board is taking the opportunities into consideration. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK Clerk Colson was present, report for 12/20/06 read & filed. Resolution #88 approved adjustment to the water/sewer rolls. Clerk Colson noted that Waste Management will be collecting on Fridays the weeks of Christmas and New Years. TREASURER Treas Fuller was present, report for 12/20/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract # 14: Payroll $39,788.38; General $49,994.75;
Water $641.51; and Sewer $1,675.96. Resolution #89 approved, budget transfers. FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Denton was present, and stated all was going well. POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Kane was excused to attend to an investigation. DPW/WATER/WWTP Supt Lozier was present and requested an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. BUILDING INSPECTOR Insp Jacon was present, report for 12/6/06 12/20/06 read & filed. Insp Jacon commented that there are quite a few houses in the Village with no numbers he requested we place a notice in the Pennysaver that this is a violation of 9-1-1 requirements. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved publication in the Pennysaver of a notice to residents regarding house
number requirements. ATTORNEY Atty Avigdor present, report for 12/20/06 read & filed. Atty Avigdor stated the proposed agreement extension with Warren Cty regarding the Wilderness Corridor was acceptable to him. OLD BUSINESS Design Guidelines and the Fence Ordinance were tabled for review. Treas Fuller will prepare changes to the Time Warner cable franchise agreement, as discussed with Atty Avigdor, for the Boards review. NEW BUSINESS The Board recognizes the contributions the Tree Committee has made to the Village, but would like to modify the proposed agreement and review it further at the next meeting. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved publication in the Post Star of a public hearing to be held Jan 3,
2007 in the firehouse at 6:00 PM regarding extending the current moratorium by
120 days. Resolution #90, approved mayoral signature on the extension of 2003 Intermunicipal Agreement with Warren County at no cost to the Village. PUBLIC COMMENT, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Joseph Duguay, Third Street, read a statement opposing eminent domain and the costs that may be associated with the process. Mr. Duguay expressed concern that some elderly residents would not be able to pay their taxes. Mayor Winslow stated that the Board is cognizant of taxpayer concerns and is currently in discussions with Philmet. The mayor requested the public be patient. Tim Halliday, Village resident, asked who is responsible if there are environmental issues discovered after the property is taken. Mayor Winslow & Atty Avigdor stated that an environmental review would be undertaken before the taking would be approved. BOARD COMMENT, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Densmore stated that the Saratoga Arts Council has awarded the Parklands Committee $1,175 for a concert in the park next summer. Trustee Enekes wished the public a happy & safe holiday. This was echoed by the Mayor. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved adjournment to executive session to discuss two personnel issues, 6:35
PM. At 6:55 PM the Board reconvened. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Mayor Winslow approved
adjournment back to executive session to discuss a personnel matter, 6:56 PM. At 6:59 the Board reconvened. Resolution #91, which proposed to authorize the mayor to sign proposed memorandum of agreement with Jason Longton as presented 12/20/06 failed to be seconded. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Enekes approved
adjournment back to executive session to discuss a personnel matter, 7:00 PM. At 7:07 PM the Board reconvened, motion by Trustee Enekes,
seconded by Trustee Denno that the Board adjourn. Nicole M. Colson
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