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Village Board MinutesOctober 18, 2006 (34) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held Oct 18, 2006, 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Dan Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, and Lescault were present. Trustee Enekes was running late. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved the minutes of regular meeting Sept 27, 06 and special meeting Sept
28, 06 as typed. At 6:02 Trustee Enekes arrived. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Kendra Schieber presented the Board with a brief summary of the history of the Tree Committee which was formed in 1990. Phase I of the Tree Committee consisted of planting 242 trees (Oak, Crab & Maple) on major streets of the Village. Ms. Schieber would like Phase II to entail nurturing trees that have been planted and replanting damaged trees as needed. Disease resistant Elm trees are now a planting possibility. Ms. Schieber is petitioning the Board for permanent status of a Citizen Tree Advisory Group and for formal recognition of the work done in 1991 by Reverend Martin Cernek. Resident Bob Hudak expressed his concern that maintenance of the existing trees be tended to before any additional trees are planted. The Board briefly discussed the current maintenance of the trees. Mayor Winslow requested that the committee submit their request for permanent status in writing for the Board to review. Sarah Zlotnick, of Liberty Street, appeared before the Board to submit a written request that a Children at Play sign be placed on Liberty Street. There are currently 24 children on Liberty Street under the age of twelve and several of them are children with special needs. Ms. Zlotnick expressed her concern with some vehicles using excessive speed and feels a sign would serve as a warning to people unfamiliar with the street. After discussion the Board agreed to ask the DPW to erect a Children at Play sign on Liberty Street. Officer Somma also expressed willingness to increase patrols of the area in question. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Winslow read a letter from Senator Hugh Farley stating that a $100,000 multi-modal grant has been secured for the Village to use for street and sidewalk repairs. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK Clerk Colson was present, report for 10/18/06 read & filed. Mayor Winslow congratulated Clerk Colson on passing her NYS Notary Public examination. TREASURER Treas Fuller was present, report of 10/18/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #10: Payroll $38,388.38; General $20,799.34; Water
$2,878.70; Sewer $6,570.80; Commercial Development $2,979.39; and Reserves
$152.14. Mayor Winslow announced a special workshop meeting Wednesday, October 25, 2006 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse to discuss proposed zoning changes. Resolution #65 approved, cancellation of regular Board meeting 11/1/06 due to lack of quorum. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved payment of vendors the week of 11/1/06 after audit by the committee. Treas Fuller will be transferring $10,000 from the HUD Revolving Loan fund for GOSC grant expenses until the monies from the grant are released. FIRE DEPARTMENT First Assistant Chief Dan Kelley was present, report for September read & filed. Asst Chief Kelley noted that training is going well, calls are currently down. A test helicopter landing on the new helipad went well. Asst Chief Kelley also thanked the DPW for the pouring of the concrete pads for the oil tank and garbage area. POLICE DEPT Officer Lou Somma was present. The police report will be given at the next meeting. Asst Chief Kelley requested that the PD ask the people at the house across from the post office to keep the road clear for emergency vehicles. DPW/WATER/WWTP Supt Lozier was present, report for September read & filed. Supt Lozier requested a meeting with Mayor Winslow and Trustee Densmore to discuss effluent disinfection project. Supt Lozier discussed the need to add K-100 as an additive to the low sulfur diesel fuel used at the garage. The additive reduces moisture and should cost us $950 for a years supply and is necessary to prevent sludge from developing in the tanks. The Board approved the purchase of the additive. BULIDING INSPECTOR report for August 2 Sept 30 read & filed. OLD BUSINESS The Board discussed the requests for Village water to be supplied in Luzerne and on Eggleston Street. The Board decided to table the request by Mike Vasiliou of Luzerne until a study of capacity can be completed. Supt Lozier will get a copy of the previous water study done by CT Male to Trustee Enekes for review. Resolution #66 approved, additional water hook-ups and creation of water district on Eggleston Street. Resolution #67 approved, payment of $450 fine to the EPA and mayoral signature on citation. Mayor Winslow stated that we should know within a week if we were awarded the Restore NY grant. NEW BUSINESS The Board and Supt Lozier discussed a request by Cumberland Farms to run a new sewer line under Center Street. The Board and Supt Lozier decided that Cumberland Farms should repair the current line that runs under Maple St. Supt Lozier will contact them about the Boards decision. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved publication in the Pennysaver News of a GOSC Grant workshop on
Wednesday, November 8, 2006 to be held at 6:00 PM in the firehouse. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication in the Pennysaver News and Glens Falls Post Star of an
advertisement to solicit contractors for the GOSC grant work. Motion by Trustee Lescault seconded by Trustee Denno
approved publication in the Post Star of the GOSC finding of no significant
impact statement and request for release of funds. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved mayoral signature on Certification documents for the GOSC grant. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved attendance by five ZBA members at the Planning & Zoning Conference
in Saratoga on January 24, 2007 at the cost of $30 per person. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Alvey Wood requested that the Board look into using grant money to repair roads in the Village. Mr. Wood also thanked the DPW for the work they have done trimming trees on Hamilton Ave & Bleeker St. Ray Bush asked the Board to contact National Grid about the fact that the failure of one four inch power line on Maple Street caused the entire Village and half of the Town to be without power and research setting up zones. At 6:53 Atty Avigdor arrived. Charles Aiken asked the status of the fire damaged residence on Maple Street; during the high winds part of the roof came off the building. Mayor Winslow stated the building is supposed to be demolished soon; the new Bldg Insp will be looking into it. Dan Kelley asked the status of removing the letters at the old firehouse. Trustee Denno stated that we sent a letter on Sept 14; she will call and speak with the new owners. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Denno stated that we are still awaiting word on a $145,000 grant for the fire department to purchase equipment and sirens. Trustee Denno also commented on the Family Fun & Safety Day at the firehouse last week. Officer Somma arranged for fingerprinting and photo IDs for the children which 57 children took advantage of. 100-150 people attended and there were games and bike safety lessons. Trustee Denno also thanked the DPW for responding to the needs at the firehouse and helping with projects. Trustee Enekes asked about the progress in finding a building inspector. Mayor Winslow stated the Board would be meeting a candidate tonight. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved publication in the Post Star of the availability of RFPs for
microfilming of Village records and a public bid opening on November 9, 2006 at
3:00 PM in the Village Hall. Resolution #68 approved, authorized Atty Avigdor to sign stipulation of settlement with EPCOR. Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss current litigation and an executive session to discuss personnel matters. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes that
Board adjourn to executive session for reasons stated above, 7:06 PM. At 7:52 the Board reconvened. Resolution #69 approved, hiring of John J. Jacon as part time Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer as of October 23, 2006 at the salary of $18,000 per year. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn, 7:54 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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