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Village Board MinutesSeptember 27, 2006 (30) Two public hearings and a special meeting of the Village Board were held Sept 27, 2006, 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Treas Fuller led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes, and Lescault were present. Also present: Treas Fuller & Clerk Colson A Public Hearing having been duly advertised in the Post Star on Sept 19-21, 2006 was held Sept 27, 2006 re: Restore NY grant application. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing at 6:02 PM and read the legal notice as advertised. The purpose was to inform the public of the Board’s intent to apply for a Restore NY grant from New York State in the amount of $325,113 in order to restore the train depot. Atty Avigdor arrived at 6:03 PM. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Tom Clothier asked how the Village could apply for a grant to restore a Town owned building. The Mayor explained that the grant purpose was to restore buildings within the Village, those buildings do not have to be owned by the Village. The money is distributed no differently than any other grant monies distributed to property owners. Mr. Clothier asked if the public can view the grant documents, the Mayor informed him the documents are on file in the Village Hall. Bob Hudak asked if there are any projected costs for upkeep of the building and what it will cost the taxpayers to maintain. Trustee Densmore answered that in most cases the upkeep is paid for by the train operator. The building will also contain privately owned shops. Studies were done in the 1990s to gage the economic impact on the community. Trustee Densmore pointed out that the scenic railway is going to happen and that we don’t want Corinth to be represented by a decrepit building. Tim Record, previous general manager of the Upper Hudson Railroad, stated that in Warren County the railroad operator assumes all maintenance costs of operating the depots. Louise Kirkpatrick and Mary Baugh commended the Board and the Scenic Rail Committee on their efforts. Tim Record also made a few suggestions on the depot site including adding attractions such as a static steam engine, a historic car collection, and parking for private rail cars. Private rail cars could also be rented to groups which may be popular with Saratoga being a close stop on the rail. Mr. Record also suggested that in the future the added security of an onsite station manager would be a benefit to prevent deterioration and vandalism. With no further comments from the public Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:15 PM.
Nicole M. Colson
A Public Hearing having been duly advertised in the Glens Falls Post Star on September 22, 2006 was held September 27, 2006 Re: extending the waste facility moratorium by ninety days. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing at 6:16 PM. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mayor Winslow referred to eight letters that were in his
possession in favor of extending the moratorium. The following people also spoke in favor of extending the
moratorium: Bob Hudak asked if any of the residents felt “morally or ethically challenged” because they do not want trash burning in our municipality, yet Waste Management incinerates our Village’s garbage at the Hudson Falls incinerator. Mr. Hudak feels that if the residents wish to ban certain industries from the Village we should not support similar sites in other communities and should only be involved in industries we feel are safe and responsible, regardless of the cost. Atty Avigdor pointed out that the only local law being considered tonight is a moratorium to study the issues and pass appropriate laws. With no further public comments Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:23 PM.
Nicole M. Colson
A special meeting of the Village Board was held September 27, 2006 at 6:24 PM. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved the minutes of regular meeting Sept 20, ’06 and special meeting, Sept
26, ’06 as typed. Resolution #60 approved, submission of Restore NY grant. Resolution #61 approved, extension of section 138-16 of the Village Code, moratorium on waste disposal facilities. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #62 approved, budget transfer. Resolution #63 approved, permission for Treas Fuller’s signature on custodial agreement with TD Banknorth. Resolution #64 approved, permission for Treas Fuller to sign 4 year contract with Central Business Solutions. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Louise Kirkpatrick complimented the appearance of the new fence at the firehouse. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn to executive session to discuss a personnel matter as requested
by Mayor Winslow. At 6:52 PM the Board reconvened. Trustee Lescault disagreed with the manner in which the interview for Building Inspector was conducted while in executive session; she felt the candidate should have appeared before the committee and not the entire Board. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore that
the Board adjourn, 6:55 PM.
Nicole M. Colson |
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