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Village Board MinutesAugust 2, 2006 (14) A public hearing and regular meeting of the Village Board was held August 2, 2006, 6:00 PM at the Corinth Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Chief Kane led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Enekes, and Lescault were present; Trustee Densmore was excused. A Public Hearing having been duly advertised in the Glens Falls Post Star on June 14, 2006 was held August 2, 2006 re: the Village’s proposed agency plan for 2006 for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing at 6:02 PM and read the legal notice as advertised. The purpose was to inform the public of the Board’s intent to adopt the Annual Plan for 2006 of operation of the Corinth Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Mayor Winslow then turned the meeting over to Terry Ray and Meredith Jenkins from Joseph E. Mastrianni Inc., the administrators of the Plan. Terry Ray and Meredith Jenkins gave a brief overview of the Section 8 Rental Assistance program and the Family Self-Sufficiency program. The Rental Assistance program gives the elderly and disabled top priority for rental assistance; there are currently 90 people in the program and a total of 91 slots available. The Self-Sufficiency program is a voluntary program to aid people in getting off government assistance; currently 21 of 30 slots are filled. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. Mayor Winslow thanked Ms. Ray and Ms. Jenkins for their presentation and thanked the Mastrianni agency for the excellent job they are doing administering a very worthwhile program. Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:05 PM.
Nicole M. Colson A Public Hearing having been duly advertised in the Glens Falls Post Star on July 26, 2006 was held August 2, 2006 re: technical changes to the Village Zoning Law. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing at 6:06 PM and read the legal notice as advertised. The purpose was to inform the public of the Board’s intent to adopt changes to the Village Code Section 138 regarding Zoning Laws. The proposed changes are technical corrections; there are no substantive changes to the law. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray expressed dissatisfaction with the current law in the section referring to recycling. Atty Avigdor pointed out that the section he is referring to is not one of the proposed changes; it was previously accepted as law. Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:08 PM.
Nicole M. Colson
A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held August 2, 2006 at 6:08 PM. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved the minutes of regular meeting July 19, 2006 as typed. Resolution #29 approved, adoption of Section 8 Annual Plan for 2006. Resolution #30 approved, technical changes to Zoning Law enacted. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Winslow referenced Corinth Family Fun Days which takes place at Jessup’s Landing Park Thursday August 3 – Saturday August 5. There will be rides, games, vendors, live entertainment, and fireworks on Saturday night. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report of 8/2/06 read & filed. Resolution #31 approved, adjustments to water/sewer rolls. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved Clerk Colson’s attendance at the NYCOM Fall Training School October
2-6, 2006 at the Albany Crowne Plaza at the cost of $215 plus hotel costs of
$240 per night (this includes meals). TREASURER – Treas Fuller was not present, report of 8/2/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved payment of abstract #5: Payroll $45,365.28; General $78,218.11; Water
$2,926.31; Sewer $11,730.73 and Reserves $6,539.03. Treas Fuller’s report noted that rising prices for fuel and electricity will cause the Village to fall short in some budget areas; updated financial reports will be given at the next meeting. At 6:15 PM Treas Fuller arrived. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Denton was present, report for 7/1/06 – 7/31/06 read & filed. The sound system for the firehouse will be arriving next week and the fencing for the firehouse has arrived and will be installed by the DPW. The firemen are hosting a chicken barbecue at the Firehouse at 4:00 PM on Friday August 4. Chicken, baked potatoes, salads and beverages will be served for $9. POLICE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kane was present, report for 7/19/06 – 8/2/06 read & filed. Police Officer William Marshall has resigned as a part time patrolman; another officer will be resigning soon. Chief Kane is reviewing an officer to be hired as a replacement. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present. All necessary steps have been taken to prepare for the Fun Days this weekend. Curbing on Mechanic St. was not acceptable, it has cracked in numerous places, and will be replaced 8/21 at no charge. On August 22 – 23 black topping will begin on Main Street, weather permitting. The grills at Pagenstecher Park have been repaired and the tanks at the pollution plant have been painted & repaired. Mayor Winslow expressed appreciation, which was echoed by the Board, for the work the DPW crew has been doing in extreme heat conditions. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Neville was present, report of 7/6/06 – 8/2/06 read & filed. Health Officer Dr. Pitkin has suggested cleaning the water off of the pool cover of the house on Saratoga Ave. The house damaged by fire on Main Street has completed most of the structural work and is making progress. Trustee Lescault asked about Hi-Tech Auto and a house on Ash Street. Insp Neville replied that the Auto shop has cleaned up their area and the owner of Ash Street will be in court 8/19/06. Chief Kane passed on a complaint from a renter at 91 Main Street that the apartment is infested with fleas, he has contacted Dr. Pitkin. Insp Neville will follow up with Dr. Pitkin. The Board and Atty Avigdor discussed the Dept of Labor’s inspection of the mill property owned by Philmet. No asbestos was found, but Philmet is required to have testing done by an asbestos contractor. Further inspections will follow if the Code Enforcement officer, Insp Neville, finds a need for them. Insp Neville also needs to verify that the structural integrity of the buildings is intact to be sure a demolition permit is not necessary. Philmet has resisted having Insp Neville inspect the property. After discussion the Board requested that Insp Neville send a letter to Philmet requesting permission to inspect the property within 10 days of receipt of the letter. Mary Baugh asked if the police can search the trucks leaving the property if they suspect hazardous materials. Atty Avigdor informed her that police would need probable cause – not just a suspicion. Rose Bovee mentioned the fact that Philmet would not let reporters on the property; Ray Bush commented that IP never let reporters in either. ATTORNEY – Atty Avigdor was present, report of 8/2/06 read & filed. Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. Trustee Denno asked Atty Avigdor about fining property owners for littering if they do not remove garbage from the front of their homes. Atty Avigdor answered that under the property maintenance code a property owner must be given a notice to correct the violation and an opportunity to correct it. Atty Avigdor also stated that a fine could be given by the police under the criminal offense for littering, but that includes an arrest. The Board discussed what property infractions were covered under police jurisdiction and what is covered under Code enforcement. Yvonne Melville asked how long a junk car can be on the side of the road. Chief Kane informed her that a property owner is allowed to have one unregistered vehicle on the property. OLD BUSINESS Changes to the sign law are still under review. Resolution #32 approved, purchase of generator for the police department at the cost of $17,750.00. Mayor Winslow has spoken with Eric Holt, engineer for Evergreen, about removing a few sections of the fence on Palmer Avenue and back filling near the wall to eliminate the drop off. Mr. Holt will consult with the owners. NEW BUSINESS Chief Kane suggested that we fill the crossing guard vacancy left by the resignation of Tom Tucker with Jim Murray. Jim is currently a substitute crossing guard. The Board agreed. Trustee Enekes will be presenting the Board with a draft garbage container policy. Clerk Colson will provide him with the necessary specifications of the garbage cans. Resolution #33 approved, requesting bids on landlocked property off of Palmer Avenue with a minimum of $4,000. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Leif Sandwick asked and was answered that the location of the property for bid is behind Joe Papa’s property on Palmer Avenue. Barbara Weatherwax presented the Board with paperwork regarding a project she has been working on to bring a Veteran’s rehabilitation facility on the former IP mill site. She has sent letters to 20 politicians asking them to be aware of the trash issue and has had interest from Assemblywoman Sayward, Senator Little, and Attorney General Spitzer. Ms. Weatherwax and a group of 4 other citizens will be meeting with Attorney General Spitzer’s Environmental Division on August 9 to discuss her proposition. She is suggesting a large scale compound with medical and rehabilitation services for Veterans as well as specialized manufacturing facilities. Ms. Weatherwax feels this solution would employ many people in our area. The New York State Division of Veteran’s Affairs has been contacted as well as the Paralyzed Veteran’s Association. Ms. Weatherwax invited a representative from the Village Board attend the meetings to observe and report back to the rest of the Board. Mayor Winslow expressed his appreciation for the time and effort Ms. Weatherwax has put into this project and his admiration for her community spirit. Mayor Winlsow also expressed concern with a few issues: the IP property also contains the Waste Treatment plant and INDECK, and the property is not for sale. He requested written confirmation of State and Federal initiatives for funding. Mayor Winslow spoke to Senator Farley’s office; who said there were no State initiatives. Also, a facility of this type would probably be non-profit and therefore not a benefit to the Village tax base. The JEDC recently did a study on the need for a similar type of facility and the government did not see the need to have it here. These issues would need to be resolved before the Board could openly support the project. Trustee Lescault also asked to see something in writing from Congressman Sweeney, Senator Farley and Atty General Spitzer. Trustee Enekes stated to Ms. Weatherwax that he felt it was a wonderful idea and stated he has volunteered himself as a citizen to be one of the observers at the meeting with Atty General Spitzer. Yvonne Melville commended Ms. Weatherwax for all she has done and the time and money she has put into the project. Ms. Melville does not feel that Ms. Weatherwax is getting the proper respect for her efforts. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved adjournment to executive session to discuss a personnel matter as
requested by Mayor Winslow, 7:23 PM. At 7:34 PM the Board reconvened. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn, 7:35 PM.
Nicole M. Colson |
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