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Village Board MinutesMay 17, 2006 (97) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held 6:00 PM at the Corinth Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Russ Melville led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore and Enekes were present. Trustee Lescault was excused. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved the minutes of reg mtg May 3, ’06 and special mtg May 10, ’06 as
typed. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Jonathan Howarth requesting use of Pagenstecher Park picnic tables at an offsite location was discussed. The Board, with advice from Atty Avigdor, denied the request. DEPARTMENT REPORTS ATTORNEY – Atty Avigdor present, report of 5/17/06 read & filed. Atty Avigdor stated the Zoning Board had suggested technical changes to the Zoning laws: correction of typographical errors, definitions, etc. The Board asked Atty Avigdor to draft a proposed change to the law for their review. Atty Avigdor requested the technical changes then be put in a separate law change from the substantive changes recommended by Chazen Associates, the Board agreed. Atty Avigdor distributed the proposed changes to the water and sewer laws for the Board’s review. CLERK – Clerk Colson present, report for 5/17/06 read & filed. Resolution #166 approved, adjustments to the water/sewer rolls. The Board agreed to apply for two summer youth workers for the police department through the JTPA program. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report of 5/17/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Enekes approved
payment of abstract #23: Payroll $36,118.46; General $24,252.24; Water $424.80;
and Sewer $2,611.37. Resolution #167 approved, budget transfers. Treas Fuller noted that the audit was complete and that there were no adverse findings or questioned costs. Mayor Winslow complimented the Treasurer & Clerk’s office on their quality of work; the auditor had no issues with work done at Village Hall. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Denton was present. Chief Denton asked that the kitchen at Jessup’s Landing Park be ready to be used by the firemen during the Memorial Day parade to serve hot dogs and soda. The Board discussed the necessity of a dumpster at the firehouse. Trustee Denno has received complaints from neighbors about garbage from the containers blowing onto their property. The Treas will get quotes from Waste Management and Springer; in the meantime DPW will drop off another container. POLICE – Chief Kane was excused. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present. Supt Lozier has a third quote for the Police Dept generator, the Board decided to wait until the end of the fiscal year to make a decision. Supt Lozier has determined that crosswalk tape for 15 crosswalks in the Village will cost $1,600 for the 6-inch width and $3,200 for the 12-inch width; the tape is expected to last 2 years. It currently costs approximately $4,300 to paint crosswalks twice during the year. The Board decided to try the tape on the 15 crosswalks and evaluate its effectiveness. Supt Lozier has also spoken with the State about a new crosswalk on Main Street in front of Rocco’s. The new crosswalk would result in the loss of one parking space in front of the flower shop. The State approved the request if the DPW cuts the curb and installs ramps for handicap access, the State will then be responsible for taping the crosswalk. The Board agreed to move forward with the new crosswalk. The fuel monitoring system at the DPW garage is installed and fully operational. The geese repellant discussed at last meeting would require the DPW to have a pesticide permit to apply themselves, the Board decided to get a price from North Country Pest Control to apply whatever product we choose. The Beautification Committee had decided not to use the planter boxes for downtown this year. DPW has already installed them and they will be used for one more year until the Cmte decides what to use next year. At 6:40 PM Atty Avigdor was excused. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Neville was present. Insp Neville met with engineer Ernie Gailor to inspect the fire damaged building on Main Street and found it to be structurally sound. The owner has applied for a building permit and work should begin soon. OLD BUSINESS The proposed sign law was tabled for further review. The Clerk is in possession of changes recommended by the Atty to the agreement to form a CLDC and will prepare the documents for Board review. The discussion of water meters will be removed from the Board’s agenda by consensus of the Board. Treas Fuller suggested, and the Board agreed, that a work meeting should be scheduled in the future to discuss present and future water system needs in order to plan accordingly. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #168 approved, mayoral signing of STOP DWI contract. Resolution #169 approved, execution of 2006/2007 tax warrant. Resolution #170 approved, mayoral signing of revised application for Dam Rehabilitation permits from DEC. The Board discussed hiring John Lemery as special counsel to handle potential litigation arising from pending zoning revisions. No action taken at this time pending a formal agreement to be presented at the next meeting. Resolution #171 approved, extension of Village Hall phones to firehouse for Communications Center. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Barbara Weatherwax submitted 28 letters to the Board in favor of preventing trash industry and complimented the Board on the workshop meeting regarding changes to the zoning laws. Yvonne and Russ Melville questioned the Board about litigation threatened by Philmet. The Board stated that no further threats have been made, but feels hiring special counsel to handle potential litigation is a proactive step. Ginny Ogden thanked the Board for forging ahead with changing the zoning laws and feels they are truly listening to the voices of the people. Ms. Ogden also questioned if citizens could work on obtaining grants on behalf of the Village. The Board answered that the proposed CLDC would be just such an organization and committees were another avenue for people willing to volunteer. Jim Murray asked if the Board was still considering selling some of the Village owned properties. The Board confirmed that it is currently in the process of having at least one parcel assessed for possible sale. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Enekes requested an executive session to discuss a litigation matter. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourns to executive session to discuss litigation as requested above,
7:11 PM. At 7:30 PM the Board reconvened. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourns, 7:31 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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