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Village Board MinutesMay 3, 2006 (93) A public hearing and regular meeting of the Village Board was held May 3, 2006, 6:00 PM, at the Corinth Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Charles Brown led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes and Lescault were present. A Public Hearing having been duly advertised in the Glens Falls Post Star on April 21, 2006 was held May 3, 2006 re: public access to local records. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing at 6:02 PM and read the legal notice as advertised. The purpose was to inform the public of the Boards intent to adopt a local law pertaining to the publics access to local records at the Village Hall, 260 Main Street; copies of records are available for 25 cents per page not exceeding 8 ½ by 14 inches. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS The public asked if this law varied from the NY State public information law and were informed it did not. Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:05 PM.
Nicole M. Colson A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held May 3, 2006 at 6:06 PM. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved minutes of regular meeting April 19, 06 as typed. Resolution #157 approved, local law relating to public access to records. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK Clerk Colson was present, report of 5-3-06 read & filed. Resolution #158 approved, adjustment to water/sewer rolls. Resolution #159 approved, mayoral execution of outside water contracts. TREASURER - Treas Fuller was present, report of 5-3-06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved payment of abstract #22: Payroll $35,209.12; General $61,003.38; Water
$6,832.80; Sewer $21,530.97; and Reserves $1,859.28 Resolution #160 approved, budget transfers. Resolution #161 approved, adoption of the 2006/2007 budget as presented in public hearing. FIRE Chief Denton was present, report for April read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved firemen to receive CPR training at the cost of $12.00 per person. Chief Denton reported that a fence on the retaining wall at the firehouse was not included in the original landscaping contract; therefore he and Trustee Denno are exploring the cost of other options. POLICE Chief Kane was present, report for 4/16/06 5/3/06 was read & filed. Chief Kane requested an executive session to discuss a litigation matter. Chief Kane reported on various personnel matters: an officer is on restricted duty due to aggravating an injury previously sustained subduing a suspect, and Sgt Coffman is doing well recuperating from surgery. DPW/WATER/WWTP Supt Lozier was present, reports for April read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved publication of details of the Main Street project in the P/S News. Supt Lozier requested a thank you letter be sent to Joe Papa for his donation of two steel doors for use at Pagenstecher Park, the Board concurred. The Board agreed to buy fluorescent t-shirts for DPW to wear during road work this summer for $522.50. Supt Lozier is researching using crosswalk tape vs. paint this year. Supt Lozier requested an executive session to discuss a personnel issue. The Board discussed opening the restrooms at Pagenstecher Park this weekend for an event reserved at the pavilion. It was decided that Joel Walder, park attendant, would be on hand this Saturday to open the restrooms. This is a one time only concession to open the restrooms early; going forward no more reservations for the pavilion will be accepted before Memorial Day. BUILDING INSPECTOR Insp Neville was present, report of 4/6/06 5/3/06 read & filed. The Board discussed a complaint made to the Bldg Insp regarding numerous boat & utility trailers at a certain residence. There is no code restriction on trailers, no action was taken. The Board discussed the fire damaged building on Main Street and decided to bring an engineer, Ernie Gailor, in to evaluate whether the building is structurally sound. Insp Neville will contact the engineer and the Board will then decide whether to move forward with condemnation proceedings. ATTORNEY Atty Avigdor was present, report of 5/3/06 read & filed. Atty Avigdor has reviewed the CLDC documents and will notify Bob Hummel and Grahame Champagne about a few changes he has suggested. OLD BUSINESS The Board is reviewing the latest version of the sign law. Atty Avigdor suggested that the Board take into consideration if sign requirements are reasonable and economical not just aesthetically pleasing. A date for installation of the in-ground fuel tanks at the DPW is currently being established. Treas Fuller and Atty Avigdor are still working on revisions to the code pertaining to water and sewer. More quotes are being gathered on the Police Dept generator installation. North Country Pest Control has given the Board a quote of $300 for the first application and $150 for each application thereafter for application of Bird X, a nontoxic product used to repel geese. The Board discussed this and several other options that they are exploring; no action was taken at this time. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #162 approved, mayoral appointment of Tim Hanchett to Comprehensive Master Plan Committee. The Board agreed to grant the Corinth Librarys request to hold a coin drop on Saturday August 26, 2006 if the Library agreed to hold the drop on Maple Street and wear traffic safety vests provided by the Police Dept. The Board also asked the Clerk to contact other groups holding coin drops this summer and ask them to wear traffic safety vests as well. Trustee Enekes and the Clerk will review and possibly revise the current coin drop policy. The Board decided that fees will not be charged for automatic sprinklers in this years billing. The Board requested the Clerk copy information previously gathered on water meters for the Mayor and Trustee Lescault for review. Supt Lozier expressed concern with installing water meters before water quality and other issues were addressed. Resolution #163 approved, resignation of Jim Hopkins from the Joint Economic Development Committee. The Board instructed the Clerk to send a letter thanking Mr. Hopkins for his service to the JEDC. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray expressed concern that a homeowner on Center Street may be operating a garage without proper licensing. Chief Kane suggested Mr. Murray write a complaint and he will forward it on to the DMV. Jim Murray also asked the status of bicycles in possession of the police department and if they could be sold. Chief Kane responded that as long as the retention period was met they could be sold at an auction. The Board instructed the Chief to arrange for an auction. Barbara Weatherwax complimented the Scenic Rail Committee on the work they have done on the scenic railroad and the open house held Monday May 1. She urged the Board to put laws into place to prevent trash industry and preserve the scenic beauty of the Village to encourage possible tourist trade. Ms. Weatherwax also submitted six more signed petitions against trash industry. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS none. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
that Board adjourn to executive session to discuss litigation and personnel
matters as requested above, 7:50 PM. At 8:00 PM the Board reconvened. Resolution #164 approved, hiring Matthew Harris as full time MEO, effective immediately. Resolution #165 approved, hiring Justin Lozier as part-time temp DPW employee effective immediately. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault that
the Board adjourn, 8:03 PM.
Nicole M. Colson |
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