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Village Board MinutesApril 19, 2006 (89) A regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees and the Town Council was held April 19, ’06, 6:00 PM in the Corinth Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Bradley Winslow called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes and Lescault were present. Also Present: Supervisor Lucia, Councilmen Brown, Saunders, Major, and Byrnes. Mayor Winslow recognized two Village employees for going above and beyond their regular duties. Bldg Insp Andy Neville and DPW Foreman Pete Walsh were presented with Certificates of Appreciation and dinner certificates from the Village Board. Insp Neville spent his own time working evenings, holidays and weekends to finish the Village Hall renovations. Foreman Walsh donated the use of his carpentry tools during the project and did an excellent job of leading the renovation crew. Mayor Winslow also complimented the entire DPW staff that worked on the project for the excellent work done at a great savings to the Village. The Village and Town Boards then discussed extensively the possibility of forming a Corinth Local Development Corporation (CLDC). Grahame Champagne and Bob Hummel presented their research and the need for such an entity to move forward with the Master Plan and revitalization of the community. Mr. Champagne and Mr. Hummel explained that an LDC is a private corporation dedicated to sponsoring development projects, providing assistance to local business initiatives, and pursuing avenues of funding to bring visitors and businesses to the area. An LDC has the ability to own property and is governed by the 501C3 Non-Profit Regulations. Oversight of the CLDC would be through the Secretary of State’s office, there is no liability to the Village or Town. The CLDC would be constructed of a Board of nine Directors, including one representative each from the Town and Village. The other seven Directors would be from private industry, members with proven backgrounds in the financial, legal and business sectors. Initial appointments to the Board of Directors would be of staggered terms of 1, 2, and 3 years. Future members would then be elected by the Board of Directors for three year terms. The Village and Town would each be asked to donate the $5,000 each that they have budgeted for the JEDC to the formation of the CLDC. No additional taxpayer money from the Village or Town is necessary after this initial donation, the CLDC would become self-supporting through grants, private and corporate donations, and fundraisers. Since the CLDC is a separate independent entity it is eligible for certain grants for neighborhood revitalization that municipalities are not eligible to apply for. After much discussion the Town and Village Boards agreed to pursue the CLDC by having the Town and Village attorneys review the necessary documents in order to move forward. No monetary expenditures were made at this time. At 6:40 PM Atty Avigdor was excused. At 6:45 PM The Town Council was excused. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved minutes of regular meeting April 5, ’06 as typed. CORRESPONDENCE A special luncheon by the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce featuring John Sweeney will be held Tuesday May 2, 2006 at 11:30 AM at the Holiday Inn in Saratoga Springs. Cost is $20 per person with reservations, $25 per person without reservations. SEDC is hosting an annual member investor dinner Thursday May 11, 2006: $75 per person, $50 per elected official. Corinth High School sent notification of a Citizenship Award and asked Board members and the community to make nominations for worthy recipients by April 30. The Mayor has received six letters from community residents expressing support of amending zoning laws. Annual meeting of the Mohawk/Hudson Village Officials will be held Sunday, May 7 at the cost of $24 per Trustee. Mayor Winslow announced that there is an opening in the DPW for a heavy equipment operator due to the resignation of Derek Lent. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report of 4/19/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication of reminder of proper usage of garbage containers in the
P/S News. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved publication of reminder of curfew and “pooper scooper” ordinances in
the P/S News. Bev Fasulo of 227 Center Street called to compliment the DPW for the work they did on her fence which had been damaged by the snow plow. Mrs. Fasulo was very pleased with the quality of their work. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report of 4/19/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #21: Payroll $39,987.35; General $31,739.44; Water
$9,329.89; Sewer $9,909.66 FIRE DEPT – Chief Denton was present. The Board agreed to allow the fire department to hold a coin drop July 28 – July 30, Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday 9 AM to 3 PM. Chief Denton thanked the DPW for their help in getting the generator operational and for installing the temporary fencing on the embankment. The blacktopping of the parking lot should be completed on Friday. POLICE DEPT – Chief Kane was present, report of 4/1/06 – 4/18/06 was read & filed. Sgt Coffman is recovering from surgery to remove a tumor; Chief Kane thanked everyone for their calls and cards. Sgt Coffman will be undergoing another operation in 6 weeks. Any correspondence can be sent to the police station, they will forward it to Pete. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Neville was present. 334 Main Street is hauling debris out of the inside of the house. There is no danger of collapse at this point. Trustee Denno brought it to Insp Neville’s attention that a house on Oak Street has a second floor porch with no rails that will need to be checked on, also a house on the corner of Ash and Fourth St. needs to be cleaned up. Resident Rose Bovee asked Insp Neville to investigate the house across from the car wash on Pine Street; the house is vacant and garbage is blowing out of the yard. DPW – Foreman Walsh was present. DPW has brush pick-up scheduled until Friday, hydrant flushing will begin next week. They are having trouble cleaning up storm damage in Pagenstecher Park without the help of prison work teams. The park will be closed for a few more weeks until they are able to finish removing hazards. Rose Bovee expressed concern over the improper signage in the one way street connecting Pine St. and Palmer Ave. The street is actually mill property, but the Village plows the street, therefore the Mayor asked Foreman Walsh to make sure the signage properly indicates the one way street. ATTORNEY - Atty Avigdor was excused, report for 4/19/06 read & filed. OLD BUSINESS Chazen Company suggested changes to the proposed sign law and pointed out inconsistencies in the wording. To employ Chazen to rewrite the law would cost the Village $2,500. The consensus of the Board was to return the law to Atty Avigdor for revisions. Status of the fuel monitoring system at the DPW garage is pending. The tanks must be empty before installation. Atty Avigdor is drafting changes to the water/sewer fees. A $50 additional fee for automatic sprinkler systems will be added to the proposed changes by consensus of the Board. Treas Fuller also suggested that the Board look into possible grant funding for installing water meters in the future. Discussion of the Police Dept generator was tabled pending receipt of an additional installation quote. Revisions to the draft law related to placing water on the streets are pending. Mayor Winslow announced a special Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 10 at 6:30 PM at the Village Hall to review proposed zoning changes. There will be no public comment at the meeting; public comment will be accepted at subsequent meetings. NEW BUSINESS Corinth Youth Football has requested a date for a coin drop. The Board asked the Clerk to contact them about the weekend of August 11-13, or a weekend in June. The Board discussed methods of repelling geese at the Corinth Beach. One option presented was having Cleveland Brothers spray a chemical repellant at the cost of $520 for the first application and $200 per week after that. The Board also took suggestions from the public and tabled the matter pending further research. Mayor Winslow presented the Board with a request from a crossing guard to raise their hourly pay rate. The consensus of the Board was to leave the pay rate at the current $11 per hour. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Barbara Weatherwax presented the Board with 13 more signed petitions against waste industry. She also gave the Board various research articles and information for the Village attorney. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Lescault pointed out that the geese repellant suggested by Cleveland Brothers has warnings about spraying near water. She is not comfortable with using a chemical solution on a public beach. Trustee Denno recommended that the Board nominate Chad Shippee for the Corinth High School Citizenship Award. Chad is very active in the community, participates in athletics and does work for Cystic Fibrosis foundations. The Board concurred and Trustee Denno offered to file the appropriate paperwork. Trustee Denno also informed the public of proposed legislation by Teresa Sayward, “21st Century STAR”, which proposes real estate tax caps based on household income. The bill is currently before the Ways and Means Committee. Trustee Denno and Chief Denton are exploring options for a PA system for the firehouse. Trustee Densmore reminded the public that the Scenic Rail Committee would be holding an informational Open House on May 1, 2006 at the firehouse from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM. The public is encouraged to attend. Trustee Enekes expressed his concern that he was not included in recent meetings with Philmet representatives. He feels Philmet needs to address the entire Board and that if smaller groups of trustees met with them the conversations must be shared in order to keep the entire Board informed. Mayor Winslow stated he had met with a new Philmet representative, Bill Madden, and Supervisor Lucia at the Town Hall. The meeting was for the purpose of Mr. Madden introducing himself. Mayor Winslow was not aware until afterward that Mr. Madden also contacted a few of the Trustees to meet with them as well. Mayor Winslow apologized to Trustee Enekes for not making sure he was contacted and expressed his desire to keep a chain of contact in place where initial contact is made with him and Supervisor Lucia. The Mayor and the Supervisor will then be sure that a trustee and councilman are included. Mayor Winslow also stressed that he feels Philmet needs to address the entire Board. Trustees Densmore and Denno reported on their meeting with Mr. Madden which took place after his meeting with the Mayor and Supervisor. Trustee Lescault also reported on her conversation with Mr. Madden and reiterated that Philmet needs to work with the public as well as the Village and Town Boards. Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
the Board adjourns to executive session to discuss a personnel matter as
requested above, 8:00 PM. At 8:20 PM the Board reconvened; motion by Trustee Lescault,
seconded by Trustee Denno to adjourn. Nicole M. Colson |
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