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Village Board MinutesFebruary 19, 2006 (69) An emergency joint meeting of the Village and Town Boards was held February 19, 2006, 10:00 AM in the Town Hall, 600 Palmer Avenue. Supervisor Lucia called the meeting to order. Present: Supervisor Lucia, Mayor Winslow, Councilman Brown, Town Clerk Rose E. Farr, Trustee Densmore, Councilman Saunders, Village Treas Fuller, Emergency Response Cmte member & Red Cross volunteer Sue Winslow, Councilman Major, Trustee Woods, Town Code Enforcement Officer Fred Mann, Village DPW Foreman Pete Walsh, Village DPW Supt Arthur Lozier, Fire Chief Andy Kelley, Councilman Byrnes, Police Chief Kane, Sgt Pete Coffman, Village Bldg Insp Andy Neville, EMS Co-Captains Connie and Randy Tubbs, Town Highway Supt Harry Plummer, Dennis Downe of the DDSO, Helen Pitsas of the DDSO, Supt of Schools Matt Brietenbach, Trustee Denno, Brian Tubbs of the EMS, Paramedic Director Rich Reuther, and Village Clerk Colson. The meeting was held as a round table discussion of the response to the power outage which had occurred the morning of Friday, Feb. 17; power was estimated to be restored at some point the evening of Sunday, Feb. 19. Mayor Winslow commented on the dedication of the staff at the Town Hall Command Center, Supervisor Lucia had been overseeing the operation nonstop since the outage began. Mayor Winslow, Councilman Brown and various members of the Town and Village staff were manning the command center. A shelter set up at the former Adirondack Hospital is being manned by volunteers. The DPW, Police Dept and Fire Dept are checking on residents and transporting people to the shelter. A State of Emergency had not been called; the County felt we have a good handle on things. Supervisor Lucia thanked Sue Winslow for coordinating the shelter, which by her report had approximately 43 volunteers. Councilman Brown stated that our Disaster Plan seemed to be working well. Chief Kane stated that the police department was receiving many calls about the power situation, but none involving law enforcement matters. Many people had been calling to check on their relatives; those calls were being handled appropriately. He stated the police dept oxygen and defribulator were at the disposal of the EMS. Chief Kane stated that he would be leaving town as of 4:00 PM that evening, leaving Sgt Coffman in command. Helen Pitsas stated the shelter would remain open until everyone was placed elsewhere. Fire Chief Kelley stated the Fire Dept was topping off people’s generators when necessary. He mentioned some reported problems as people used fireplaces and woodstoves without proper chimneys. He also mentioned that they were anticipating possible frozen pipes and furnace problems once the power was restored. The Auxiliary was assisting the fire dept at the fire house in keeping it open 24/7 for food and heat. The fire dept is pumping out people’s basements as needed and offering follow-ups on a rotating basis. Chief Kelley also thanked the Boards for allowing them to purchase extra equipment as needed: 3 generators and 2 salamander heaters. DPW Supt Lozier stated everything is functioning well at the water treatment plant. His biggest concern is not having a generator at the DPW garage at this time. The oil pressure at the pollution plant has been dropping; they have contacted a technician for service. All Corinth roads are passable at this time. One other concern is that Mohawk has no power to deliver diesel fuel, they will need to find another supplier if necessary. Councilman Major suggested checking with the County about having them deliver with their mobile truck. Sue Winslow reported that there were 71 people currently at the shelter. So far there had been 22 walk-ins for meals. 24-26 beds were still available. GU Markets, Hannaford, and Price Chopper donated a great amount of food to the shelter. Adirondack Save-A-Stray donated crates for the animals and pet food. Ms. Winslow stated that there is plenty of hot food and coffee for anyone to drop in. Nurses Karen Koster and Karen Saunders are rotating 12 hour shifts to care for people at the shelter. Several teenagers are spending the night in the rooms of people to provide necessary special assistance. 25 shelter volunteers are needed per shift. There is a sign in sheet for all walk-ins. Nine people still at Adam Lawrence Apartments are being monitored in case they needed assistance. Mayor Winslow noted that Dennis Downe had been transporting people to the shelter by van around the clock. Helen Pitsas stated that they are working to keep the generator maintained at the shelter and that they are using oxygen from the clinic as necessary for emergencies. Supervisor Lucia stated that shut-ins had been called to verify that they were okay. Carol & Brian Lucia were keeping everyone at the Town Hall command center fed. Chief Kane asked if a list of local contractors could be provided to residents in need of emergency repairs. The Town Hall will assemble lists to give people. Connie Tubbs stated that there were 2 medics on duty since the power outage began and a few members of the EMS will be at the building 24/7 for calls. After tonight (Sunday) they will scale back to 1 medic unless otherwise requested, Supervisor Lucia gave authorization to keep 2 medics on duty. Rich Reuther said he will make the calls to provide staff. Matt Breitenbach, Superintendant of Schools, stated that the boiler at the Oak Street School is being carefully monitored; staff members are at the school with kerosene heaters to keep the temperature up. Chief Kelley offered salamander heaters and generators to help. Supt Breitenbach also stated that damage to the Middle School roof was repaired by Weatherguard. Town Highway Supt Harry Plummer reported that Hunt Lake Road has live wires down, everything else is open. Supt Plummer also recommended that provisions should be made to allow the Village DPW and fire department to get fuel from the Town without his prior permission in case of emergency. Fred Mann and Andy Neville, Code Enforcement officers, stated they would be available if needed. Councilman Brown stated that there will be a critique of our operations after the power is restored. He also reminded the group that an ICS 200 emergency response class would be offered soon in Clifton Park. Chief Kane complimented the fire department on their quick and efficient response to a fire on Walnut Street. Chief Kelley thanked the Boards for allowing the fire department to operate as they feel necessary. Sue Winslow stated that the Red Cross would be breaking down their shelter in Glens Falls and we could get their cots if necessary. Chief Kelley offered to send someone to pick them up. Trustee Lescault commented on the helpfulness and efficiency of the teenage volunteers at the shelter. Trustee Densmore feels we should put a reference list together for residents on what to do incase of emergency, tips on running generators, etc. Treas Fuller stated many news agencies had such tips on the air at this time. Mayor Winslow, Trustee Denno and Supervisor Lucia commented on the level of cooperation among all volunteers, Town and Village employees. Clerk Colson recommended using a caller ID system at the Town Hall for emergency operations. Supervisor Lucia stated that National Grid had been making calls to people who are on oxygen or with other special circumstances. Chief Kelley suggested revisiting the possibility of using the CANS system of emergency call center. At 10:55 AM the meeting was adjourned. Nicole M. Colson |
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