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Village Board MinutesFebruary 15, 2006 (64) A public hearing and regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held February 15, 2006, 6:00 PM at the Corinth Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Bradley Winslow called the meeting to order and Bill Fuller led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Lescault and Woods were present. A Public Hearing having been duly advertised in the Glens Falls Post Star on 2-8-06 was held Feb 15, ’06 re: the 2006 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Application. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing at 6:03 PM and read the published legal notice. He then turned the meeting over to Tom Leitz from Camoin Associates and Jim Thatcher from Avalon Associates who explained the basic premise of the grants and the history involved. Jim Thatcher explained that the HOME grant was being considered as well and would be initially directed at homes in the surrounding Palmer Avenue area east of Fourth Street. There will be an ad in the paper asking residents in these areas to fill out a survey which will be available at the village hall. PUBILIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Tim Humphrey-Fox asked why the grant application the Village submitted last year was denied. Mr. Leitz and the Mayor explained that many communities applied last year and that the Village narrowly missed selection. We were given advice by the director of the grant on how to improve our application for consideration this year. Tim Murphy asked about guidelines for labor costs and contractor rates. Jim Thatcher responded that a scope of work is developed for the improvements and work necessary and then it is sent to bid for local contractors. Prices that are reasonable and competitive are accepted. Tim Humphrey-Fox asked how decisions are made to distribute grant money. Jim Thatcher explained that the eligibility process included four basic criteria: ownership of 1 – 4 family homes, taxes paid current, hazard insurance being in place, and income. Low or moderate income homes receive precedence, as well as homeowners on fixed incomes. Homes with severe health and safety issues are also a higher priority. Jim Murray asked if homeowners are allowed to complete some of the work themselves. Jim Thatcher answered that “self-help” is allowed in some instances if it is shown that the homeowner can complete the work in a reasonable time frame and has the proper qualifications. In this case no labor cost would be paid with grant funds. Rose Bovee asked if the grant needed to be repaid if the homeowner passed away shortly after the work was done. Jim Thatcher explained that the program was set up so that the Village could opt not to recoup the grant money, it would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Mayor Winslow thanked Tom Leitz & Jim Thatcher for their participation and closed the public hearing at 6:25 PM. Nicole M. Colson
A regular meeting of the Village Board was held Feb 15, ’06 at 6:27 PM. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved the minutes of regular meeting Feb 1, ’06 as typed. At 6:30 PM Bldg Insp Andy Neville arrived. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Stuart Mesinger of Chazen Associates appeared before the
Board to give a report on his company’s review of the current Village Zoning
Laws. Mr. Mesinger had several
suggestions to improve our current zoning code: Mr. Mesinger explained that these changes would not prohibit certain industries from coming into the industrial zone, but would give much more control. If we decide to move forward Chazen could provide some draft zoning language within a month, which would then need to have a public hearing and a SEQR review. Alex Pellizzi questioned Mr. Mesinger whether a moratorium would assist in the process of developing new laws. Mr. Mesinger answered that an industry cannot be grandfathered unless an approval is already in place. Any industry not approved before the zoning changes went into effect would need to comply with the new rules. The Mayor questioned how specific types of industry could be restricted. Mr. Mesinger cautioned that specific uses could not be prohibited because of federal laws against restricting interstate trade. Objectionable uses should be addressed through performance standards. Trustee Densmore asked if each business in an industrial park would need to go through the review process. Mr. Mesinger feels that is the best approach. The next presentation before the Board was made by Betty Bovee of the Image Committee presenting the Committee’s upcoming events: Saturday, July 8, Independence Day Celebration; Thursday, August 3 – Saturday, August 5, Corinth Fun Days; Saturday, September 23, Fall Festival; Saturday, December 2, Hometown Christmas; Saturday, December 9, Oak Street School Christmas with Santa. The Independence Day event will be the largest, with a water ski show, parade, boat show, fireworks and many other attractions. Local dignitaries have been invited to attend. Ms. Bovee requested that the DPW provide extra garbage receptacles, power on the beach poles, etc. for the event, which Supt Lozier agreed to provide. Ms. Bovee detailed some features of the water ski show and will file the proper insurance forms with the Clerk. Ms. Bovee also requested that the Village donate the vendor fees for the event to the Image Committee. The Board thanked Ms. Bovee and the Image Committee for their hard work in assembling such an exciting schedule of events. The Board then discussed whether to donate the vendor’s fees or if the fee money is needed for the extra DPW work, trash receptacles, sanitation facilities, etc. No decision was made; the issue of donating the fees was tabled for further discussion. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Woods
approved the use of the Village Beach, Jessup’s Landing Park and Pagenstecher
Park for the events planned by the Image Committee on the above listed dates. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mayor Winslow informed the public that the Board has scheduled a presentation for Wednesday March 8, 2006 in the High School gymnasium at 6:00 PM. This will be an open public meeting with a presentation by representatives from Philmet followed by a question and answer period moderated by Mayor Winslow. There will be no presentations from the public at that time. Mayor Winslow spoke of the necessity of the objectivity of the Board on all issues and a duty to consider all facts presented. The Mayor thanked the citizens for performing a service to the Board by polling public sentiment. The Board has been presented with a petition of over 500 signatures from Village residents in favor of scheduling a public hearing, passing a moratorium, and drafting new laws to protect the community. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication of notice of public hearing regarding the proposed
moratorium on waste disposal facilities in the Village of Corinth on March 15,
2006 at 6:00 PM in the Corinth High School auditorium. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Barbara Weatherwax presented the Board with an additional 46 signatures to add to the previously collected 570 signed petitions in favor of scheduling a public hearing, passing a moratorium and amending zoning laws. She stated that 200 more petitions were left at houses of people who were not home. She also read some of the comments she noted from Village residents that signed the petition and thanked the Board for scheduling the public hearing. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report of 2/15/06 read & filed. The Clerk asked the Board members for their input to design a survey for the presentation by Philmet on March 8. The survey would be distributed to the public attendees after the presentation. A rough draft will be given to Board members at the next meeting for review. Resolution #107 approved, adjustment to the water/sewer roll. Resolution #108 approved, mayoral signing of the Petroleum Bulk Storage Application. Motion offered by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods approved a coin drop to be conducted by the American Legion on Saturday May 27 – Sunday May 28, 2006 between the hours of 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM at the Maple Street Bridge. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report of 2/15/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods
approved payment of abstract #17: Payroll $36,080.44; General $27,348.38; Water
$193.10; Sewer $2,005.45; Reserves $12,457.40 Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved the Treasurer’s attendance at the Government Finance Officer’s
Association conference in Albany from April 5 – 7, 2006 at the cost of $140. FIRE DEPT – Asst Chief Denton present. Fourteen members of the fire department have recently completed the Firefighter’s Survival class and the F.A.S.T. (Firefighter Assistance Search Team) Training. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods
approved the addition of a second phone line at the firehouse at the cost of
$27 per month. POLICE – Chief Kane present, report of 2/1 – 2/14/06 read & filed. Resolution #109 approved, hiring of Paul Roder effective immediately as a part-time Police Officer. Motion by Trustee Woods, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved Chief Kane and Patrolman Somma to attend training at the State Police
Academy April 4 – April 7, 2006 at the cost of $90.00. The Mayor requested the status on handicap and overnight parking violations. Chief Kane stated that tickets will be issued for handicap parking and warnings have been issued for overnight parking violations. After Board discussion it was decided that tickets would begin to be issued for overnight parking violations. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present. Supt Lozier reported that the original model of the in-ground fuel tank has been determined; they are in the process of seeing if the tanks can be warrantied. After they are warrantied the monitoring software will be installed. The Board discussed painting the Village crosswalks with red stripes. It was determined that Supt Lozier would look into painting the crosswalks in front of the schools and Main Street areas. BULIDING INSPECTOR – Insp Neville was present. Discussion of Village Code re: unregistered vehicles on properties and the enforcement of the code. ATTORNEY – Atty Avigdor was excused, his report of 2/15/06 was read & filed. OLD BUSINESS The proposed sign law is awaiting input from Chazen Associates. A joint meeting of the Village & Town Boards will be scheduled at a future date to discuss formation of a CLDC. The Mayor will be reporting at the next meeting on the possibility of having the school custodians seal the floors at the new firehouse. The Mayor requested input from the Board on the proposed cell phone policy for adoption at the Organizational Meeting in April. NEW BUSINESS Board discussed the zoning on the old firehouse property. The Board decided to request Atty Avigdor to draft an amendment to the Village Code re-zoning only the parcel to be sold. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray asked if any guidelines were given to department heads about keeping costs down for next year’s budget. The Mayor stated that he had spoken with the liaisons for each department about keeping any increases minimal. The following residents commented on the proposed moratorium
and the need for changes in zoning laws.
Residents shared their experiences collecting petitions and related
recent instances of a sale of property being jeopardized due to concerns with
potential trash industry. BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Lescault stated that she was not comfortable with the wording of the moratorium. She stated that residents wishing to put in a septic tank would be restricted by the moratorium. She does not agree with the moratorium as it is written. Trustee Lescault also stated that she is temporarily residing outside of the Village due to a job which requires her to be on site at Alpine Lake. She has checked with NYCOM and this situation does not require her to resign from the Board. Chief Kane left the meeting at 8:05 PM. Mayor Winslow stated that there would be no citizen group formed to review zoning laws. The Board has hired Chazen Associates for that purpose. Public hearings will be held for public input before any changes to the laws are passed. Trustee Woods stated that he does not support any trash plant in the Village, but does not want to make a decision on the moratorium until after Philmet’s presentation in March. He does not want to push out viable industry. He also stated that he is not running for re-election to the Village Board in March. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods that
Board adjourn, 8:10 PM.
Nicole M. Colson |
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