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Village Board MinutesJanuary 18, 2006 (57) A public hearing and regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held January 18, 2006, 6:00 PM in the Corinth Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Deputy Mayor Leigh Lescault called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, and Woods were present. Mayor Winslow was excused. A public hearing having been duly advertised in the GF Post Star on January 11, 2006 was held re: changes to the Village Code 119-11. Deputy Mayor Lescault opened the public hearing at 6:02 PM and read the proposed changes to Village Code 119-11 prohibiting the placement upon Village streets and sidewalks of any snow, ice or water. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray (Center St.) noted that the changes to the law do not provide for any exceptions. Everyday activities such as washing one’s car in the driveway cause water to run into the street or sidewalk; under the new code this would become illegal. Mr. Murray feels the proposed changes are too restrictive. Mike Shattuck (Pine St.) explained that it is necessary for him to pump water from his basement into the street, there is nowhere else for him to pump it; this code change would be too restrictive. Tim Murphy (Walnut St.) noted that the sidewalk plow pushes snow into the gutters and the plow causes snow to be pushed onto the street. The plows would be in violation of the law if the proposed changes were incorporated. Tim Humphrey-Fox (Sherman Ave.) also voiced the opinion that it is sometimes necessary to remove snow and water from driveways in ways that would be violations under the proposed changes to the law and feels the changes are too restrictive. Deputy Mayor Lescault thanked the public for their input and closed the public hearing at 6:09 PM.
Nicole M. Colson
A regular meeting of the Village Board was held January 18, 2006 at 6:09 PM. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved the minutes of regular meeting January 4, 2006 as typed. Proposed changes to Village Code 119-11 tabled for further review by the Board, no action taken at this time. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Barbara Weatherwax, Town of Corinth resident, distributed research materials and made a presentation to the Board. She recapped the reports in the media quoting Philmet representatives and Mayor Winslow about plans for the former IP site and pointed to contradictions in Philmet’s statements and commented on their failure to submit their plans in writing. Ms. Weatherwax also spoke about what types of materials are fed into gasification plants and incinerators and their potential health and environmental risks. She expressed her concerns that Philmet is not being entirely forthcoming and urged the Board to pass a six month moratorium to begin the process of amending the Village zoning laws. Ms. Weatherwax feels that if Philmet is truly interested in bringing safe and responsible industry to the Village that a moratorium on waste industry will not have a negative effect on their plans. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS The following residents spoke in favor of passing a
moratorium on waste related industries.
They urged the Board to recognize the great number of people that have
come to the Village and Town Board meetings that are in favor of a moratorium
and oppose trash industry. There was
extensive discussion of conflicting information from various sources. They asked the Board to pass the moratorium
to give the community time to sort information and develop laws for the
protection of the community. They
expressed concerns that Philmet is not being honest about their intentions for
the former IP site. Philmet has met
with only a handful of community members; residents have questioned why more
meetings with Philmet representatives have not been open to a greater number of
community members. A community member
supplied the Board with research materials containing numerous statistics,
including instances of violations and non-compliance with accepted standards
for the operation of existing trash establishments in New York City. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report of 1/18/06 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Wood, seconded by Trustee Densmore
authorized publication in the P/S News for three weeks of the Village Code
prohibiting parking on Village streets between the hours of 11PM and 6AM
between Nov. 1st and April 1st. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report of 1/18/06 read & filed Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Woods approved
payment of abstract #15: Payroll $39,528.26; General $29,384.68; Water
$1,037.35; Sewer $1,754.78; Reserves $6,608.98 Resolution #96 approved, budget transfer. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley present. POLICE – Chief Kane was present. Resolution #97 approved, accepting the resignation of Patrolman Thomas Feeley, Jr. effective 1/18/06. DPW – Supt Lozier was present. Supt Lozier is still researching the costs and benefits of having an employee certified to inspect Village vehicles. Work on the fuel tank monitoring system at the DPW building is progressing satisfactorily. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Neville present. Motion by Trustee Woods, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved the publication of notice in P/S News of Village Code 131-3, re:
storage of unregistered vehicles on private property within the Village. ATTORNEY – Atty Avigdor was present, his report of 1/18/06 was read & filed. Atty Avigdor referred to a legal notice in Jan. 18, 2006 GF Post Star in which IP stated they have applied to remove their Air Title 5 facility permit from the Corinth IP site. This permit, once returned would go back into the DEC’s bank of available permits to be used elsewhere by IP in NY State. A company usually has the option to sell a permit for a facility to another company using that facility; or to deposit the permit with DEC for future use. Atty Avigdor requested an executive session to discuss a real estate matter. OLD BUSINESS Status of the proposed sign law is pending. Status of Village & Town CLDC is pending. Decision on sealing the floors at the firehouse is pending. Trustee Denno, Trustee Lescault and Atty Avigdor met with Stuart Mesinger of Chazen Companies to discuss using them as environmental engineers to consult with the Village on creation of a moratorium and possible changes to the Zoning laws and Comprehensive Master Plan. The Trustees were impressed with Chazen’s work and found their proposal and credentials to be satisfactory for our purposes. Resolution #98 approved, mayoral execution of agreement with Chazen Engineering & Land Surveying Co. Status of the proposed moratorium is pending Board review with input from Chazen Engineering. NEW BUSINESS Jack Kelley & Shelby Schneider of the Saratoga EDC presented information about the changes being made to the Saratoga County Empire Zones. All but 6 of the Empire Zones designated in Saratoga County are being eliminated. An exception to this is that manufacturing plants with 50 jobs or more will still qualify for Empire Zone designation. Mr. Kelley & Ms. Schneider asked the Village board to pass a resolution supporting designation of the former IP site as an Empire Zone. Empire Zone designation is intended to encourage economic growth by offering businesses in the Zone tax credits toward their New York State taxes; Village taxes are still paid in full by the business. Resolution #99 approved, supporting the redesignation of area Empire Zone. Resolution #100 approved, setting polling place and hours for the Village election. Resolution #101 approved, Deputy Mayoral appointment of Harold Wayne Coker & James Murray to the Comprehensive Master Plan Committee. Sample of a cell phone policy for Village employees has been distributed to the Board for their review. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Martin Crowl has previously given the Mayor a copy of handicap parking requirements; he is concerned that the parking law is not being enforced. Mr. Crowl would like increased enforcement by the Police and by the business owners. Deputy Mayor Lescault indicated that she would bring the matter up with the Mayor. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore that
Board adjourns to executive session to discuss real estate matter as requested
by Atty Avigdor, 8:15 PM. At 8:45 PM, Board reconvened. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore to adjourn.
Nicole M. Colson |
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