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Village Board MinutesJanuary 4, 2006 (52) A regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held January 4, 2006, 6:00 PM in the Corinth Firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Bradley Winslow called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Lescault and Woods were present. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved the minutes of regular meeting Dec. 21, ’05 with one correction: the
generator currently at the old firehouse was not purchased by the Firemen’s
Association, but purchased by the Village from the fire department budget. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Barbara Weatherwax, spokesperson for Citizens for Safe & Responsible Industry, distributed material to the Board regarding Philmet and Wastech, Inc. Her presentation offered information about Wastech’s interest in bringing a gasification plant to the Philmet site. Ms. Weatherwax pointed to misleading information from Philmet about their plans for the site. Ms. Weatherwax spoke with a Wastech attorney that stated Wastech was similar to Ref-Fuel; the attorney also confirmed that Wastech is actively pursuing the Philmet site in Corinth. She urged the Board to pass a moratorium on waste industries. Mayor Winslow referred to a conversation he had with Wastech regarding their negotiations with Philmet. Wastech indicated that they are not the only company in negotiations with Philmet and that they have no binding agreements with Philmet as of yet. If Wastech was approved for operations at the IP site they would be interested in a plant using tires and “biomass feedstock” for fuel, we have no clarification on what biomass feedstock is. Wastech would also be interested in excavating pulp and paper waste from the current IP landfill for use in the plant. The attorney for Philmet claims that negotiations with Wastech were terminated and that Philmet would be pursuing a letter of retraction from Wastech regarding the article on the Prime Zone website. Adrienne Hull, Corinth resident and rural development specialist with the Department of Agriculture, spoke of a meeting that she attended with the owners of Philmet and 10-15 invited residents. She reported on this meeting to her State Director and Assistant State Director at her Syracuse office of the USDA. Ms. Hull was told by Philmet that they are interested in utilizing the project for job creation. Philmet plans on using the sludge in the current landfill for the first step in production. They are also interested in bringing in waste from other area paper mills to produce energy. This energy may be ethanol production. They hope to bring in other companies; the numbers given for possible job creation are from 50-100. Ms. Hull has nothing in writing but was passing on information she had been given. Ms. Hull stated that the Philmet group paid from $6-$7 million for the mill property and that when a company is paying that kind of money we should at least listen to what they want. Ms. Hull feels Philmet is very community minded and trying to introduce safe and desirable uses for the property to create jobs; the citizens were assured that Philmet would not bring in anything to damage the community or the environment. Revenues from the property could be in the billions. A similar company, used as an example, that is currently converting sludge into ethanol in Canada is Iogen. As a citizen, Ms. Hull fears the village being put in financial jeopardy by not having a good tax base and the possibility of bankrupting the village with costly litigation. If any of the development is plausible she feels we should embrace it. Mayor Winslow clarified that Ms. Hull’s information came from a meeting called by Philmet, held January 3rd, with several residents from Corinth that Philmet had contacted. No sitting board members from either the Village or Town were invited to this meeting and were not informed of it until afterward. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Winslow mentioned letters from attorneys representing Philmet sent to Atty Avigdor which threaten litigation against the Village and Town of Corinth. The letters also allude to issues with the Village Waste Treatment Plant. The mayor also read a letter from Philmet, dated 12/21/05, to Supervisor Lucia and Mayor Winslow (attached to minutes). These letters are available in the Village Hall. Resolution #93 approved, letter of response to Philmet. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS The following members of the Village, Town of Corinth and
surrounding communities voiced their concerns about Philmet and the possibility
of a waste to energy plant. There was
extensive discussion of the proposed moratorium and possible litigation. The following speakers felt Philmet was not
being forthcoming and honest, and expressed concern with possible pollution and
decreased quality of life. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Denno stated that the Board members’ primary duty is to protect the community and is confident that with the help of environmental experts they will make the proper decision. Trustee Lescault stressed how important it was to evaluate both sides of an issue and treat all opinions with respect. She was disappointed at the lack of respect shown Ms. Hull while she had the floor and urged the community members to show more consideration in the future and not ridicule each other. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report of 1/4/2006 read & filed. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report of 1/4/2006 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved payment of abstract #14: Payroll $51,174.07; General $74,200.76; Water
$8,572.05; Sewer $10,159.77; Reserves $116.00 Resolution #94 approved, budget transfers. Adelphia Cable is going to increase their rates in February. Treas Fuller obtained a quote from Frontier to use DSL for $49.95/month. The Board agreed that it would be most cost effective to switch to DSL with Frontier. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for December read & filed. Chief Kelley has been discussing with Supt Lozier the need for a snow blower at the firehouse; it will be purchased from the Fire Department budget. Draft of a facilities use form for the use of the community room at the firehouse was presented; this form will be reviewed with the fire department before approval. POLICE – Chief Kane was excused, Sgt Coffman was present, report of 12/21/05 – 1/4/06 read & filed. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, reports for December were read & filed. The installation of the fuel tank monitoring system is 80% done and has encountered no problems. He will update the EPA on the status of the installation. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved the publication in the P/S News of the schedule for Christmas Tree
Pick-up by DPW. Mayor asked Supt Lozier to check on signs for one way on Mill St. and parking signs for the new firehouse. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Neville present, report for December read & filed. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno
authorized Insp Neville to attend a conference in Lake Placid 2/27 – 3/2/06 at
the cost of $564.00. Insp Neville is researching the complaint of a homeowner, Paula Hayes, regarding the retaining wall on the Maple Street project. ATTORNEY – Atty Avigdor was present, his report of 1/4/2006 read & filed. Draft of the proposed local law concerning a moratorium is in his report. NYS law requires Board members take 5 days to review proposed law before scheduling a public hearing. The moratorium could not be adopted until after the public hearing. Atty Avigdor has reviewed proposal from Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna offering their services as environmental land use council at a discounted rate. Atty Avigdor offered to accompany a board member to a meeting with the firm to evaluate whether hiring them is appropriate and develop a more detailed proposal. Trustees Denno and Lescault continue to research our options. OLD BUSINESS Board members have copies of the proposed revisions to the sign law for review. Status of CLDC tabled until next meeting. Estimate on sealing the firehouse floors with 5 coats of finish is $2,500. Supt Lozier will research other options. Estimates on a cleaning service for the firehouse community rooms were $550/month from North Country Janitorial, and $75 every two weeks ($12 per hour additionally as needed) from Donna Mulcahy. Resolution #95 approved, hiring Donna Mulcahy as part time employee to clean the firehouse. NEW BUSINESS Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved the publication of notice of public hearing, “No placing of snow,
water or ice on any street or sidewalk in the Village” to be held Jan. 18, ’06,
6:00 PM at the firehouse. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved the attendance of Zoning Board member Patricia Raufman at the 1-25-06
Conference sponsored by the Saratoga County Planning Board in Saratoga Springs
at the cost of $29.95. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mayor Winslow, seconded by Trustee Lescault that
Board adjourns to executive session to discuss a real estate matter, 8:25 PM. At 8:45 PM, Board reconvened. Motion by Trustee Lescault,
seconded by Trustee Denno that Board adjourns.
Nicole M. Colson |
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