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Village Board MinutesNovember 16, 2005 (42) A regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held Nov 16, 05, 6:00 PM in the Village Hall, 260 Main St. Mayor Bradley Winslow called the meeting to order and Trustee Densmore led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Lescault and Woods were present. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved minutes of regular meeting Nov 2,05 and special meeting Nov 7,05 as
typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Betty Bovee, Image Cmte Chair, presented the Mayor with an agenda of activities for the Hometown Christmas celebration Dec 3,05, 4:00 PM 8:30 PM; snow date is Dec 4,05. An agenda for the Police Dept will be forwarded to Chief Kane. Following discussion, the Mayor thanked Betty and her Cmte for their work on this event. Graham Champagne and Bob Hummel, Joint Economic Development Cmte (JEDC) Chair and Member respectfully, detailed the potential formation of a Corinth LDC while referring to a handout distributed to the Board. The summary was followed by several questions raised and answered. The annual cost of $5,000 is the same amount currently being paid to the JEDC. The next step is to reach a consensus decision by the Town and Village Boards supporting this endeavor, and entering into an annual contract after the CLDC obtains not-for-profit status. John Staalesen, Pace Builder LLC of Glens Falls, presented maps showing four (4) parcels on Dayton Drive he acquired that he intends to build homes on. Eggleston St & Dayton Dr parcels are not in a Town Water District but are billed directly by the Village. Following discussion the Board agreed to provide water service, as requested, in the spring when the blacktop plants reopen. Resolution #77 approved, water service to 4 new homes on Dayton Dr being built by Pace Builder LLC. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK Clerk Estill was present, report of 11-16-05 read & filed. Resolution #78 approved, adjustment to water/sewer roll. The Mayor stated that there are no Emergency Management Response Cmte meetings scheduled for Nov or Dec. The next scheduled meeting is Jan 30,06; possibly at the new fire house. TREASURER Treas Fuller was present, report of 11-16-05 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods
approved payment of abstract #11: Payroll $42,146.90 General $23,834.55 Water
$250.23 Sewer $7,108.93 and Reserves $51,461.65 Resolution #79 approved, Budget transfers. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
that the Treasurer is authorized to pay the approximate $381,000.00 interest
payment on bonds that is due before the next Board meeting. He stated that our Nextel cell phone usage is costing more than projected. He called our rep and by increasing the number of minutes at a cost of $60.00 per month, our costs would be under what they are now. Board agreed. FIRE DEPT Chief Kelley was present. Trustee Lescault spoke with appreciation about the dedication and amount of time Fire Dept Liaison Trustee Denno has spent on the new firehouse; the Mayor echoed the same. POLICE Chief Kane was excused. DPW/WATER/WWTP Foreman Walsh was present. Trustee Denno said that a total of 26 DPW, Highway, and Police staff members from the Village and Town participated in the Defensive Driving Course Nov 9, 05 BLDG INSPECTOR Insp Neville was present. He just inspected the Adam Lawrence facility and found only a couple of minor issues to be remedied. Trustee Densmore asked if he would check out the furniture near the curb at W. Mechanic Street. ATTORNEY/PLANNING & ZONING BOARDS Atty Avigdor was on vacation, his report of 11-14-05, Planning Board minutes for July & Sept 05, and Zoning Board of Appeals for Nov 05 read & filed. OLD BUSINESS Input from Planning Board on the proposed sign law dated 6-13-05 pending. The Mayor said the bicycle signs on Main St have been taken down. The tickler will note that theyll need to be reviewed for wordage and installed next spring. The Mayor noted that the Village is participating in the CP Rail & Marine Corp Toys for Tots Program. The Christmas Train arrives in Saratoga, Sunday Dec 11th at 9:50AM with the train station opening at 9:35AM. Beth Tooker, School Social Worker has been assisting in the effort; many area children will be receiving toys then, as well as larger toys at Christmas. The Mayor indicated that the Town is interested in acquiring the generator at the old firehouse. Chief Kelley will determine its value for discussion at the next Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS Clerk Estill reviewed past procedures for awarding safe driving pins to full-time DPW, WWTP & Police staff which has been based on our claims experience. Board agreed now that any staff member who has had an accident, no matter what the expense, will not receive recognition except in cases where the accident is not their fault. Clerk Estill stated that he has not heard back re: arrangements for the Safety/Christmas buffet on Dec. 22nd. . Board agreed that the Mayor and Clerk will finalize arrangements prior to the next Board meeting. Resolution #80 approved, Mayoral signing of the 2006 Town Fire Protection contract in the amount of $136,528. Resolution #81 approved, November declared National American Indian Heritage Month. Treas Fuller reviewed the proposals received from R.M. Dalrymple Co. Inc $14,900 and Valley Equip Co. Inc $15,500 for monitoring the gas and diesel fuel tanks at the old DPW garage. Although Valley Equip Co was higher, their equipment is compatible with ours and the need for the Treasurer to go to the Police Dept for readings, etc would be eliminated as everything would be transmitted by computer to his office. Costs would be lower with DPW doing some of the installation work. Supt Lozier and the Mayor recommended going with Valley Equip co Inc. Atty Avigdor offered some information to look at regarding a contract before he left for vacation, and Trustee Denno will also critique it. Resolution #82 approved, Mayoral signing of pending and acceptable contract from Valley Equip Co for the above. Trustee Denno inquired on the status of the matter at the corner of Pine and 7th Streets, no news at present.
PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS - November 16, 2005 (44) Bob Hudak, Ash St, appreciates the fact that the Village web-site is up and running. He also asked about Board minute procedures and clarification on the Palmer Ave retaining wall/railing rehabilitation project.
BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & COMMENTS Trustee Lescault requested an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss a real estate matter.
ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods that
Board adjourns to executive session to discuss a real estate matter, 7:42 PM. At 7:54 PM, Board reconvened. Resolution #83 approved, Mayoral signing of a purchase contract for the sale of the old firehouse contingent upon acceptable review by Atty Avigdor. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods that
Board adjourns to executive session to discuss a personnel matter, 7:55
At 8:09 PM, Board reconvened. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Woods that
Board adjourns.
Wallace H. Estill Clerk |
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