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Village Board Minutes


September 07, 2005 Minutes


FIRE DEPT – Ass’t Chief Denton was present, report for Aug ’05 read & filed.
POLICE – Sgt Coffman was present, report for Aug ’05 read & filed.
DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present.
Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno approved request for Bill Kloss and Mark Knapp to attend the Capital Dist NYWEA seminar at the Saratoga State Park Sept 16, ’05 at a cost of $70.00 Carried – 4 – 0
BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Neville was present.
ATTORNEY/PLANNING & ZONING BOARDS – Atty Avigdor was present, his report of 9-7-05 read & filed.
The Mayor requested an executive session to discuss litigation as noted on the attorneys report.
Creation of a Corinth Local Development Corp (LDC) pending.
Upper W. Mt Reservoir valve pit repair pending.
Reply from James Marto of Palmer Falls Pub & Grille deck plans, hours of operation for outside dining and tree plantings, etc pending.
Board discussed set backs etc and the Mayor asked Atty Avigdor if the Zoning Board of Appeals had any other issues the Board should be looking into. He stated that there are some issues and suggested he contact Patricia Petrie, Chair, to request that her Board articulate any changes they’d like to submit for consideration. Jim Woods, Zoning Board member, was present and offered to bring this thought to the Board at their meeting Sept 8th.
Trustees will view 150-200 foot section on the north side of Hamilton Ave for parking and offer their input at the next meeting.
South Main St Water District pending documentation; once supplied, a contract will be written.
The Mayor substantially highlighted the survey that was mailed out June 1st to 910 residents. Board directed the Clerk to publish an ad in the P/S News stating that the summaries are available at the Village Hall. Board discussed a number of issues recommended by residents.
Input pending from the Planning Board on the proposed sign law dated 6-13-05.
Additional bicycle signs and wordage of same is pending.
Board discussed lifting the water restrictions. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Woods approved notification to media and Town water districts that the water restrictions are lifted. Carried – 4 – 0
The Mayor asked the Cmte to review the twelve applications received to date for the Clerk position for decision on starting interviews.
Resolution #39 approved, policy change that the Mayoral appointment for the Village Clerk position must reside in the Village or Town of Corinth.
Board discussed the agreement made between Jim Boisvert and Rifenburg Construction regarding the landscaping of his side yard property where their equipment was stored. Board agreed to mail a copy of the original letter as a second notice to Russ Huta at Rifenburg Construction.

September 7, 2005 (25)
Resolution #40 approved, SNK Enterprises, Inc. not awarded alternate #1 for Palmer Ave Retaining Wall project. Clerk Estill will notify SNK Enterprises of this action.

Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno approved publishing notice of public hearing, “No parking any time at Warren St/Hamilton Ave intersection” to be held Sept. 21, ’05, 6:00 PM. Carried – 4 – 0
Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Woods approved publishing notice of public hearing, “Zoning side yard setbacks” to be held Sept. 21, ’05, 6:00 PM. Carried – 4 – 0
Resolution #41 approved, amended resolution #54, dated 9-15-04 to increase Fire House Clerk of Works salary.
Resolution #42 approved, Mayoral signing of $3,738.90 change order for the new Fire House to raising the building elevation within the building footprint.

Jim Woods, 401 Walnut St, thanked the Village and DPW for the good job on Oak Street.
James Murray, 411 Center St, thanked the Board for taking the surveys recommendations into consideration.
Kate Halliday, 326 Main St, spoke of the parking problem on Main St during school activities, specifically on the east side of Main Street. Sgt Coffman offered to check into the matter.
Ray Bush, 107 Pine St, asked about house numbering and the need to conform with the NYS Building Code. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault approved publishing a notice in the P/S News again. Carried – 4 – 0
Motion by Trustee Woods, seconded by Trustee Lescault that Board adjourns to executive session to discuss litigation matters as noted in Atty Avigdor’s report, 7:53 PM. Carried – 4 – 0
At 8:22 PM, Board reconvened. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that Board adjourns. Carried – 4 – 0
Wallace H. Estill Clerk