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Village Board MinutesOctober 1, 2008 (30) A public hearing of the Village Board was held October 1, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Michael N’dolo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Enekes & Lescault were present. Trustee Densmore was excused. Mayor Winslow read the public hearing notice as published in the September 24, 2008 Post Star re: adopting local law banning dogs from Pagenstecher Park. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mayor Winslow read letters from Village residents Paul Pacco and Rebecca Fasulo objecting to the proposed law. Jim Murray, Center St, spoke against the proposed law and asked the Board to enforce the current dog laws pertaining to responsibility for feces removal and leashing the animals. Paul Pelosi and Renee Pelosi, Lemont Ave, spoke in opposition to the proposed law. Chris Roe, Walnut St, stated he was not necessarily opposed to the law and understands the reasoning behind it. Mr. Roe stated the public needs to be made aware of the current dog laws with signs regarding the law and fines as this is a Village wide problem, not exclusively a Park issue. Chief Kelley stated that the Sheriff’s Department cannot enforce the “pooper scooper” law unless the violation is observed by the officer. The Board members and Supt Lozier discussed the difficulty of keeping the Park free of dog feces and the risk of having an unleashed dog in the Park bite a child. With no further comment from the public, Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:25 PM. Nicole M. Colson A regular meeting of the Village Board was held October 1, 2008 at 6:25 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved minutes of regular meeting September 17, 2008 as typed. DECISION ON PROPOSED LAW The Board was undecided on passing the proposed local law banning dogs from the Park. Mayor Winslow tabled the matter until the next meeting when a full board would be present. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Michael N’dolo addressed the Board about submitting a Local Government Efficiency Grant (LGEG) application. The LGEG has a rolling deadline, award maximums are $50,000; there is a 10% cash match required. Mr. N’dolo suggested a Village Dissolution Feasibility Study which would determine the financial impact and effects on service delivery of dissolution. This study could then be used as the framework for a Dissolution Plan or as a guide to combine and consolidate select services. Mr. N’dolo stated that Camoin would sub-contract with Jean O’Connell and Associates to write the grant application at no additional charge to the Village. The Board discussed the possibility of the Town contributing toward the cost of the grant application and the required cash match. Resolution #48 approved, hiring Camoin Associates to write LGEG application for $5,000. Resolution #49 approved, authorizing Mayor to sign LGEG grant application and guaranteeing the Village will meet the required 10% cash match. Mr. N’dolo stated the recently awarded Main Street grant does not include money for grant administration. If the Village’s NYS Dormitory Grant is used for revitalization purposes some funds could be used to pay for administration of the Main Street funds. Resolution #50 approved, authorizing the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to sign and submit appropriate forms for the NYS Dormitory grant. Mr. N’dolo spoke briefly about the Small Cities funds, the only remaining funds are earmarked for the Jessup’s Landing Park Project. New bid documents for a scaled down building at the Park have been received. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved publication in the Post Star of a request for bids for the Jessup’s
Landing Park project and scheduled bid opening on November 7, 2008 at 3:00 PM
at Village Hall. Mayor Winslow thanked Michael N’dolo for attending the meeting and briefing the Board. CORRESPONDENCE Board members will be attending a meeting at SUNY Albany on October 10, 2008 for more information on the Government Efficiency grants. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report for 10/1/08 read & filed. Resolution #51 approved adjustments to water/sewer rolls. TREASURER – Treas Bellinger was excused, report for 10/1/08 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved payment of abstract #9: Payroll $27,507.68; General $69,168.40; Water
$6,363.73; Sewer $13,426.76; Community Development $111,110.75; and Reserves
$1,000.00. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for September 2008 read & filed. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for September 2008 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved publication of hydrant flushing schedule Oct 20 – Oct 23 and leaf and
brush removal Oct 31 – Dec 1 in the Pennysaver News. Trustee Enekes requested the Clerk post the Leaf & Brush pick-up dates on the website. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 9/18/08 – 10/1/08 read & filed. Insp Jacon recommended to the Board that the Village implement a demolition permit requirement and re-evaluate the Building Dept fee schedule to be in line with the Town’s fees. The Board instructed Insp Jacon to prepare a proposal with Atty Auffredou for presentation to the Board. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 10/1/08 read & filed. Atty Auffredou asked the Board to review his memos on the ZBA’s proposed changes to the sign law and ZBA member alternates for discussion at the next board meeting. The Planning Board has received a preliminary sketch from Jeff Dumont for 205-209 Main St. The Planning Board is sending a letter to Philmet requesting a completed Environmental Assessment Form by the end of October in order to declare lead agency status. Debbie Stollery of Mallery Street Market Place has applied for a Revolving Loan Fund loan. Ms. Stollery has requested $55,000 at a 20 year term with 5% interest and would consolidate her existing two RLF loans into the new loan. A lien will be placed on the property by the Village. The Stollery’s will pay all attorney fees and filing fees relating to the mortgage. The RLF Committee recommended the Board approve the loan. Resolution #52 approved, authorizing Mayor to sign documents for RLF $55,000 loan to Debbie and Craig Stollery. OLD BUSINESS A hydraulic analysis was necessary for the Reservoir Project, performed by LaBerge Group. Resolution #53 approved payment of $5,013 to LaBerge Group for hydraulic analysis of West Mountain Reservoir. Resolution #54 approved mayoral appointment of James Woods Sr. to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a 5-year term. Richard Cipperly has completed the forestry report on the Reservoir property and determined it will be five years before it should be logged again, a written report will follow. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board convene as the Local Board of Health, 7:15 PM. LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH The order to address the nuisance at 215 Main Street and 205-209 Main Street has not been remedied at this time. Owners of the property were notified of this meeting of the Local Board of Health. Mr. Dumont appeared before the Board and stated reasons he had not complied with the order. Mr. Densmore wrote a letter to the Board stating his situation and included a contract to have the property filled. After extensive discussion the Board decided to take further action to remedy the situation. Resolution #55 authorized issuance of supplemental order to 215 Main St and 205-209 Main St imposing a $1,000 fine per violation as of 9/26/08 and an additional $1,000 per day until each violation is remedied. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno to
close the Local Board of Health and reconvene regular meeting, 8:00 PM. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray requested the Board ask the Comprehensive Master Plan Committee to draft regulations for the residential use of solar panels. Lyndy Walker congratulated the Board for enforcing order of abatement on Main St properties and asked if the property next to the fire site will be filled. Insp Jacon will speak with the contractor at the site. Andy Kelley also commended the Board on enforcing the Board of Health order. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment or removal of a particular person. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes that Board
adjourn to executive session as requested by Mayor Winslow, 8:05 PM. At 8:30 PM the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. A special Board meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 6, 2008 at 8:30 AM in the Village Hall to discuss a personnel matter and the filling of a position. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn, 8:33 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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