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Village Board MinutesJuly 16, 2008 (12) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held July 16, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Chief Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes and Lescault were present. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved minutes of regular meeting July 2, 2008 and special meeting July 9,
2008 as typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS John D’Alessandro, representing Philmet, addressed the Board to inform them the conceptual site plan of the proposed project at the mill property has been presented to the Planning Board. Philmet has been going over the plan with engineers from CT Male, the Village’s engineering firm for the project. Philmet will appear before the Planning Board again at the August meeting. Mayor Winslow stated the Board supports moving forward on the project. Alexandra Rhodes, CT Male, and Jason Denno, Environmental Facility Corporation, spoke about the possible construction of a water filtration plant and potential funding sources. CT Male is developing an engineering report of alternatives to remediate the GWUDI determination; Dept of Health recommends a filtration plant, the report will explore alternatives in types of filtration. The engineering report will also identify needed improvements in the existing distribution system, which would then become eligible for funding. The DEC and Dept of Health need the engineering report by August 8. Jason Denno explained the engineering report would be scored and placed on a list for funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The Village is aiming to receive hardship financing which would offer 0% financing for up to 30 years as well as the potential for two million dollars in grants. Funding from USDA Rural Development and the Governor’s Office for Small Cities will also be explored. Mayor Winslow thanked Mr. Denno & Ms. Rhodes for their work on the project and stated the roads would be rebuilt at the same time as the water system improvements making the project eligible for funding. Ms. Rhodes also spoke about the Swimmable Hudson Initiative, which requires the disinfection of the WWTP effluent by next spring. Two $25,000 grants were secured by the Village to pay for the materials and equipment for the project, the DPW will do the labor. The Village will also apply for grants from the DEC for plant upgrades. CORRESPONDENCE The Village has received notification of a $300,000 HOME grant award for rehabilitation of houses Village-wide. It is possible that this money will be combined with the remaining funds from the Mill Neighborhood HOME grant to offer more assistance to Village-wide homes. Mayor Winslow read a letter from the Town of Day Highway Supt thanking the DPW for their assistance with the Hadley Hill Rd paving project. Mayor Winslow has discussed the possibility of natural gas in the Village with Kevin Cushing from National Grid. There is a partial franchise in Corinth with a transmission pipe at White St. The cost of bringing natural gas to the Village was estimated to be quite high. Mayor Winslow will be getting more information from Mr. Cushing. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report for 7/16/08 read & filed. Resolution #19 approved adjustment to water/sewer rolls. The owners of 429 Palmer Ave have notified the Village of their intent to apply for a liquor license and open a sports themed bar/restaurant. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report for 7/16/08 read & filed. Mayor Winslow stated that this evening was Treas Fuller’s final meeting before his retirement August 1. Mayor Winslow thanked Treas Fuller for his service to the Village and stated he was a great representative of the Village over the years as a Trustee, former Mayor and as Treasurer. Treas Fuller stated he felt extremely fortunate to have worked for the Village and it had been a pleasure to work with the dept heads. Treas Fuller also stated he felt the Board of Trustees does a fantastic job, even if others don’t agree with their decisions he felt they made them after much thought and with the best intentions and they deserve respect for that. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved payment of abstract #4: Payroll $33,091.19; General $116,986.24; Water
$6,663.64; Sewer $6,952.60 and Comm. Development $99,129.46. Resolution #20 approved budget transfers. Mayor Winslow introduced and welcomed Karl Bellinger; he will be taking over the duties of treasurer. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present. Chief Kelley stated it has been a pleasure working with Treas Fuller and he appreciates all he has done. The fire department will hold a chicken barbecue Friday, July 18 from 4:00 -6:00 PM, $9 adults, $5 children. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was excused. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for July 3 – July 16, 2008 read & filed. Mayor Winslow asked about the sign at Rite Aid, Insp Jacon will check into the completion date with Ray Sign. Trustee Denno asked what criteria are followed for fences. There is no fence code in the Village, it was proposed and public opinion was against it. Insp Jacon recommends a survey if the property line is in dispute and requests the fence not block the line of sight at an intersection for traffic considerations. Insp Jacon congratulated Treas Fuller on his retirement and stated he will be missed. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 7/16/08 read & filed. The ZBA will be submitting sign law recommendations. The Planning Board meets July 24, CT Male will report on their progress reviewing the Philmet project. A four-lot subdivision on William St will be reviewed pending a modification to allow duplexes on the property. OLD BUSINESS The Board reviewed the draft of a garbage, refuse and recycling law that incorporates the current garbage and recycling guidelines and addresses concerns with removal of the containers from the street in a timely fashion. The Board wants Supt Lozier’s input on the proposed law. Mayor Winslow requested the collection start time be changed to 5 AM and the time limit for container removal be increased from the proposed 8 hours. The Parklands Committee has asked the Board for approval of the design change to the bandstand at Jessup’s Landing Park. The Board asked for complete financial information as well as a letter from the LDC that they would be willing to act as collector of donations for the Parklands Cmte. Trustee Denno also asked Atty Auffredou if a maintenance fee could be worked in to the contract for naming rights of the bandstand. Atty Auffredou said that is possible. The Board also discussed possibly having the Village collect donations instead of the LDC. The Board concluded they would like to see the requested financial information before a decision is made. NEW BUSINESS The Board discussed banning dogs from Village parks. Atty Auffredou will work with Supt Lozier on proposed language prohibiting dogs to be presented for Board review. Bids for collecting residential recyclables in the Village were as follows: Waste Management 9-month contract for one collection per month $10,989.99, 21-month contract for one collection per month $26,995.08. County Waste 9-month contract one or two collections per month $21,938, 21-month contract for one or two collections per month $51,188. Waste Management is only able to collect on Wednesdays; Thursday is not an option. Resolution #21 approved awarding 9-month contract for recyclable collection to Waste Management for $10,989.99. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray asked if the septic lines at the Main St properties have been capped. Insp Jacon and Supt Lozier will verify. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Enekes thanked the Image Committee for the wonderful job done in organizing the July 5 Independence Day celebration. Trustee Enekes also thanked the Fire Dept, Sheriff’s Dept and all the volunteers for their efforts. The Board requested Clerk Colson prepare a letter thanking the Image Committee for their efforts. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn, 7:15 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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