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Village Board MinutesJune 18, 2008 (4) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held June 18, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Trustee Enekes led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes & Lescault were present. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved minutes of regular meeting June 4, 2008 as typed. CORRESPONDENCE Sheriff’s patrol report for May 2008 read & filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report for 6/18/08 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved Corinth Emergency Squad coin drop to be held on July 12 – 13 from
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM on Main St in front of the Beach and on Maple St at the
bridge. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report for 6/18/08 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved payment of abstracts #27, #1 & #2: Payroll $30,066.77; General
$430,360.99; Water $1985.47; Sewer $14,736.36; and Community Development
$127,531.64. Treas Fuller informed the Board that the end of the fiscal year financials were almost finalized and the fund balance is in a healthy position. The end of year fund balance is $1,176,094.14 with $11,526 having been spent from it for the 07/08 fiscal year as opposed to the $255,000 originally budgeted to be expended. $4,635 was expended from reserves to purchase a truck for DPW leaving $169,789 in reserves. Water fund expenditures were $1,412 leaving $45,216 in the water fund; $63,778 was added to water reserves resulting in a reserve balance of $301,676. $11,825 was used from the sewer fund balance leaving $72,490.62; $16,490 was expended from sewer reserves leaving a year-end balance of $149,557. Overall, all fund balances and reserves gained $50,850. The State suggests a municipality’s fund balance equal 20-25% of their budget, the Village’s fund balance is 43% of the budget placing the Village in a good financial position. Treas Fuller expressed his pleasure in being able to retire leaving the Village in a good financial position. Mayor Winslow stated the Board appreciated Bill’s guidance. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was excused. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was excused. Trustee Lescault stated the DPW will begin repairing sidewalks next week and will begin the Eggleston St water service after school is out. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 6/5/08 – 6/18/08 read & filed. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 6/18/08 read & filed. Zoning Board meets 6/19/08 and will hopefully have recommendations for the sign law. Planning Board meets June 26, 08 at the firehouse to begin the initial review of Philmet’s site plan documents. A public hearing will be scheduled when the Planning Board determines the application is complete. OLD BUSINESS Atty Auffredou is still reviewing possible code modifications. Atty Auffredou stated the current code preventing leaving items, such as couches, on the sidewalk is sufficient and should be enforced by Insp Jacon. The Board discussed notification of individuals in violation of the code & determined that Insp Jacon should post a notice on the property owner’s door, follow up with a phone call and mail the notice. Atty Auffredou stated if situation needs to be rectified by the DPW the Village could legally levy the cost of clean up to the property owner. There is no update on the GWUDI determination or on the West Mountain reservoir project. The Board instructed Atty Auffredou to draft a local law relating to removal of garbage cans after collection based upon the example he presented. The Board discussed the bid specifications for recyclable collection. The Board consensus is to ask for bids based upon both a one-year & two-year contract for collection on Thursday with once a month and twice a month options in separate proposals. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved publication in the Post Star of a bid opening on Monday July 14, 2008
at 3:00 PM in the Village Hall to open bids for recyclable collection. NEW BUSINESS Ed Byrnes of the Corinth Merchant’s association asked the Board to support the locator map sent out by the association. Membership in the association is down and the cost of the printing of the map has increased, Mr. Byrnes asked the Village to consider splitting the remaining cost of printing, approximately $1,000, with the Town. Resolution #7 approved expending up to $500 from the economic development fund to assist the Merchants Association in printing the Village/Town locator map. The Board discussed hiring CT Male to represent the Village in reviewing the Philmet site plan documents. Philmet has $10,000 in escrow for the Village to hire an engineer for this purpose; Philmet may also be responsible for any additional engineering fees incurred in the process of site plan review. Treas Fuller stated it was in the agreement with Philmet that the escrow account be replenished as needed. Resolution #8 approved hiring CT Male to represent the Village in the Philmet site plan review process pending attorney review of the primary engineers’ curricula vitae. Atty Auffredou stated the Planning Board wishes to invite a member of the Town of Corinth’s Planning Board to sit in on the site plan review as a non-voting advisor. Board consensus approved the invitation to a Town Planning Board member. Resolution #9 approved Mayoral signature on contract with the DEC to accept an Aid to Localities grant from Senator Farley in the amount of $25,000 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Disinfection System Project. Trustee Denno requested that the Board hold a special workshop meeting with the attorney to go over Article 19 before consolidation discussion continues. The attorney and Board agreed. Mayor Winslow stated the grant applications are still not available. Mayor Winslow will speak to Supervisor Lucia about the Town Board participating in the workshop as well. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray stated he felt a law relating to the timely removal of garbage cans was a waste of time and asked the Board to enforce the property maintenance laws. Trustee Denno pointed out that one reason they were considering the garbage container law was to keep the way clear for the snowplows in the winter. Bob Hudak commended Trustee Denno for bringing up the consolidation discussion and encouraged the Board to move forward with or without a grant from the state. Mr. Hudak also asked how the property maintenance is currently enforced. Insp Jacon stated he drives around the village and if he spots any violations, he writes the property owner a letter. Mr. Hudak asked Treas Fuller where the savings in the amount taken from fund balance came from. Treas Fuller stated there was a savings in no longer having a police department, the amount received from INDECK was more than previously expected (about $70,000 more than last year) and we received an extra sales tax payment. Unplanned expenditures from the general fund included money for new sidewalks. Mr. Hudak also stated he felt it was inappropriate and unethical for Mayor Winslow to send emails regarding Village business from his personal email, which has links to his real estate business. The mayor stated it is more convenient for him to use his personal email than another address; he will remove the links to real estate from his village emails. Stan Hoffman asked the status of the property maintenance violations at the property next door. Insp Jacon stated he has sent notification letters and the next step in the procedure would be to take the property owner to court. The property is cleaned up for a time and then returns to its original condition, which makes it difficult to pursue. Insp Jacon will view the property from Mr. Hoffman’s back yard to assess its current condition. Ray Bush asked about the status of the downtown fire site, the foundations have left holes with water in them and the services have not been capped. Mayor Winslow stated Mr. Dumont should be submitting a plan to the Planning Board very soon, but that the services should be capped off immediately. The Board discussed looking into mosquito dunks to prevent breeding in the water and sending a letter to the property owners about their concerns with fencing, filling the holes, and other items of concern. Clerk Colson and Atty Auffredou will draft a letter. Jim Murray stated he would like more bicycle racks installed in the Village. National Grid told Stan Hoffman that the Village could request natural gas service. A discussion followed about when Niagara Mohawk installed their gas line the Village was supposed to receive 10% of the capacity, but the line only went through the Town. Mayor Winslow stated he would inquire with National Grid on the availability of natural gas service. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn to executive session as requested by Mayor Winslow, 7:20 PM. At 7:40 PM, the Board reconvened with no action taken in executive session. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes that
Board adjourn, 7:40 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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