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Village Board MinutesJune 4, 2008 (1) A regular meeting of the Village Board was held June 4, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Foreman Pete Walsh led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Densmore & Lescault were present. Trustees Denno & Enekes were excused. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved minutes of regular mtg May 7, 2008 and special mtgs May 14 & May
23, 2008 as typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS John D’Alessandro, Philmet, addressed the Board regarding recently submitted supplemental information for Philmet’s Planning Board application. The information is conceptual design of the power plant and the Plasticware plant to be located in Building 11 at the mill. There is a lot of complexity involved in the engineering of the projects. The power plant is also complex at a regulatory level. Mr. D’Alessandro stated the Planning Board will have a tremendous amount of information to evaluate before the next step can be taken. Mayor Winslow stated this was an exciting first step and that the Board looked forward to working with Philmet as they develop the project. Mayor Winslow read a letter Philmet requested the Board send to the DEC in support of their landfill and SPEDES permit applications. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
authorized mayoral signature on letter to DEC supporting Philmet’s landfill and
SPEDES permit applications. Mayor Winslow read a letter Philmet requested the Board send Samuel Meth expressing support of the development of affordable senior housing in the Corinth area. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore
authorized mayoral signature on a letter to Samuel Meth in support of
developing senior housing in Corinth. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Winslow read a letter from the Image Committee inviting the Board to participate in the Independence Day parade on July 5, 2008. Afternoon activities for the Independence Day celebration also include the Ballston Spa Community Band, water ski show, Kenny T country band and fireworks in the evening. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report for 6/4/08 read & filed. Resolution #1 approved, adjustment to the water/sewer rolls. Clerk Colson stated County Waste will begin collecting recyclables on the second and fourth Thursdays of the months of June, July and August. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore,
approved publication in the Pennysaver News of the new County Waste Recycling
schedule. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report for 6/4/08 read & filed Motion by Trustee Densmore seconded by Trustee Lescault
approved payment of abstract #26: Payroll $28,143.42; General $24,743.04; Water
$4,659.41; Sewer $7,597.52; Community Development $98,085.26. Resolution #2 approved budget transfers. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore,
approved payment of starting year contracts as follows: $360,420.48 from the A
Fund; $6,043.50 from the G Fund; and $1,524.16 from the F fund. Resolution #3 approved mayoral signature on contract with North Country Janitorial for $65 every two weeks. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present, report for May 2008 read & filed. Chief Kelley was excused at 6:15 PM. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was excused, Foreman Walsh was present, report for May 2008 read & filed. Resolution #4 approved, hire Jon Mann Jr. as full time MEO at the rate of $16.94 per hour with one-year probation. Resolution #5 approved sale of 1-ton 1987 Chevrolet pick-up to the Town of Corinth for $2,000. Foreman Walsh also stated parking has become a problem on Hamilton Ave across from the sewer pump station; Supt Lozier would like to make the area no parking. The Board agreed and Supt Lozier will provide the measurements to Atty Auffredou to prepare the amended local law. Foreman Walsh informed the Board that the Dept of Health has recommended the Village move forward with installing a filtration plant for the water system to remedy the GWUDI determination. Alex Rhodes from CT Male will set up appointments with Jason Denno of Environmental Facilities Corporation to discuss possible funding opportunities. Mayor Winslow announced that Foreman Pete Walsh would be retiring June 12, 2008 after 38 years of service to the Village. Mayor Winslow and the Board expressed their appreciation for Pete’s service and wished him a happy and successful retirement. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 5/8/08 – 6/4/08 read & filed. Insp Jacon has researched building dept fees charged by surrounding communities and would like to submit changes to the Village fee schedule for the Board’s approval. The Board asked Insp Jacon to include the Village’s current fees on his proposal for the Board’s review. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 6/4/08 read & filed. Zoning Board of Appeals will be meeting 6/19/08 and will review recommendations for the Sign Law. Planning Board will meet 6/26 for initial review of the Philmet application. The Planning Board will schedule a public hearing on the Philmet application once it is determined to be complete and will take public comment at that time. An engineer will be retained by the Village Board to work with the Planning Board on the Philmet project, there is an escrow account set up by Philmet to pay for this service. Atty Auffredou submitted an example of a local law addressing garbage container removal for the Board’s review. OLD BUSINESS Village Code updates are pending. The WWTP disinfection of effluent plans have been accepted by the DEC. There are no updates on the West Mt Reservoir project. NEW BUSINESS Clerk Colson asked the Board to begin considering bidding specifications for recyclable collection. Motion by Trustee Densmore,
seconded by Trustee Lescault approved publication in the Post Star requesting
bids for the construction of a pavilion at Jessup’s Landing Community Park
according to specifications prepared by Harlan-McGee with a bid opening to be
held July 9, 2008 at 3:00 PM at the Village Hall. Due to the determination that a filtration plant is necessary, the Board decided to rescind the contract with CT Male authorizing further exploration of alternatives. Resolution #6 approved, rescind resolution #139 hiring CT Male for additional engineering at a cost of $11,140.00 PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Jim Murray asked if any asbestos has been found at the Main St fire site. Mayor Winslow stated testing cannot be done for asbestos since the buildings are in a collapsed state. Air testing has been done during the demolition. Ron LeClair asked how much the re-assessment of the Town & Village has increased from last year. Atty Auffredou stated the Town assessor’s office should have preliminary numbers, which would not be finalized until July 1. Ray Bush asked if the property between Mannel’s & the property next door has been purchased for access to Jessup’s Landing Park. Trustee Densmore stated the Village has a permanent right-of-way over Manell’s property to access the park. Dennis Morreale stated he was previously told funds for the Jessup’s Landing project would not be coming out of the budget. Mayor Winslow stated the money for the cash match to the grant for Jessup’s Landing was in the budget for this year and there was a public hearing on the proposed budget before it was passed. Mr. Morreale also asked who was responsible for backfilling the lots being cleaned-up downtown. Mayor Winslow stated the property owners would be responsible, Mollie’s is backfilled, Mr. Dumont plans to rebuild and the Densmores are fencing their property until they decide on further action. Mr. Morreale urged the Board to send out letter notifying property owners they must fill the lots in a certain amount of time to protect health and safety. Mayor Winslow stated the Board was discussing their options with the attorney. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Trustee Densmore expressed her pleasure with the work done by the DPW to maintain and beautify the parks. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault,
seconded by Trustee Densmore that Board adjourn, 6:55 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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